

this is dropped im re-writing this story new title: SLOTH-souls of darkness

Kiwuno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

CHAPTER 12: a new home a past friend

apathy and anna woke up and continued walking

in the forest 4 days passed they saw a nearby town almost a city.

they walked around exploring the place they saw 3 guilds

in the town but after walking a while hey saw a

secluded guild in a alleyway apathy and anna walked inside

they saw around 10 people inside and apathy asked the clerk

can i apply?

clerk: ah yes right this way do you have a permit?

apathy: yes and she has also one they both got registered. and looked at the

quest board since this is a small guild they only have lv 0-2 danger level quest

apathy: anna lets look for an inn first.

the two then left the guild and walked around the town

they saw a not an inn but a renting place they looked inside

payed and fixed the things to be done and got a house

apathy:50 silver for 2 weeks

anna: well we did got the cheapest one available

the two looked inside it was only one whole room

there was a kitchen area and a bathroom and a bed area

where there's only one bed for two people...


apathy:... well it is the cheapest one

anna covered her face with one hand in dissapointment

we should rest for tomorrow well get some job apathy said

then lied on the bed and slept anna completely unfaced

then also slept while taking all of the sheets to herself .

the next day...

anna and apathy went to the guild and took a quest

they took a danger level 2 quest hunting down elder boar

a elder boar has a horn near its jars and as large as a human.

reward 200 silver

anna and apathy waited in the tree's

a elder boar came running at a man and got impaled almost

in an instant apathy and anna then jumped down the tree and targeted the head

and piercing its skull the man who got impaled his 3 allies came right after

kodu!!! the man was still alive yet bleeding.

who are you people

apathy: we took a quest to hunt down a elder boar.

???: thats our boar we found it firs!

apathy: we killed it looking at the boar you dint even damage it

???: do you know who is my father

apathy: i do not know and i do not care

???: stop fighting sorry for my friend and thank you for saving him

i am lara leonheart this is my causin sorry for the trouble

apathy: lara leonheart that name sound familliar have we met before?

lara: whats your name? then so if i remember

apathy: apathy kinden'na

lara: apathy kinden'na... wai wait apathy is that you dont you remember me?!

apathy: no

lara: at the village do you remember the girl who is always with you at that tree

apathy: wait you were that annoying girl who dragged me into trying to find a toddler sized rabbit?

lara: yep and is your family ok?

apathy: shaked his head no we are both the only ones left alive for my perspective

lara: i-i see but its good seeing you again then lara hugs apathy

well we better carry kodu at the medical bay to heal his wounds well see you again


apathy nodded and said lets go anna back to the guild

an old friend?

yeah its back at the village where we met she was a noble

who became my friend

i see

they both walked back to the guild bought supplies and headed home

lara back at home wait i shouldve asked apathy where is the guild hes

working at and i cant imagine how sad he was when he saw the carnage.