

this is dropped im re-writing this story new title: SLOTH-souls of darkness

Kiwuno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

CHAPTER 10:another one arrives.

as berost jumped down the tree he landed on top of the bear

then swing his battle axe down from his head the bear roared in pain

then it shaked its head violently trying to get the thing that pierced its head

off berost then shouted are you gonna strike or no!

apathy and anna then rushed into the bear's feet and slashed it although

it did not do much damage it made the bear

lost its balance then apathy and anna also went for the head

the bear then stopped moving why are you doing in this time of night berost asked

we were hunting the bear apathy responded i see

the bear like that is only a C rank due to its thick hide its very hard to take down

but he's very slow as the tree talked a bit more then went back to the guild

welcome home guild leader the clerk said as berost entered

heres the reward for the great forest bear by the way apathy thanked berost and him and anna left

as they were walking they got seen by lucio and his under lings

perfect lucio said then he followed apathy and anna into the alley way

lucio then casted fire ball apathy noticed a red light coming at them fast and he heard a

flaming sound behind them

apathy:anna jump! quickly!

apathy and anna jumped in time and revealed behind them is lucio and

in front of them is his underlings apathy then started by crashing his blade down on

lucio's underlings they did not think of the weight of the blade they blocked like a normal sword

will crash on them yet the weight of apathy's greatsword surpassed their strength and they got crushed upon the impact of the blade on them anna knowing apathy's lack of fighting squads

helped apathy by knocking them out apathy lets go

apathy and anna rand going through alleyways to roads to alleyways again until they

got stopped in the dead end of an alleyway apathy and anna turned around and there was lucio

and his allies you both have nothing where to go hahahaha! lucio laughed happily

apathy grabbed and unsheathed his great sword lets fight knowing there's no other choice

lucio and his under lings un sheathed their sword and then they heard

sloth knight avarice all of them suddenly became slower and tired

what is this why am i getting tired lucio said while slowly moving apathy then

got struck by a large rock he was knocked out anna looked at where the rock came frim

she saw a man wearing the same uniform as the imperial guard's after looking anna turned

back at apathy carried him and ran anna's sweat came down her face she then ran at the inn and made apathy rest she then went to the guild quickly and requested to see berost

after a couple of minutes berost came and let anna go to his office

berost:anna what is it

anna:i think there's more imperial guards coming

berost:w-what! berost said in a pissed way how come you think of it

anna:after we left we were chased by lucio and his underlings we arrived at a dead end

then there was a rock flying towards apathy and knocked him out when i looked at

where the rock was thrown i saw a man wearing the same uniform as lucio standing and looking at us

berost:before i say anything is apathy ok? berost said with worry

anna:gladly yes he was only knocked out

berost:gave a sign of relief tell me if you see that man again here's my number becarefull out there

this world is dangerous since a man of the imperial army came

anna nodded and left the guild

berost:another one tch one is already a pain and theres another one apathy and anna i hope you two have a good future from this cursed place