
SLOTH souls of darkness

if you live in another world what would you think. would it be a happy and no danger place or a grim terror of a world that danger resides in every corner you go in where one wrong move danger comes waiting to devour its prey. in this world its option 2 you will follow the story of a non blooded siblings doing everything just to survive happiness will exist and sadness will come will they purify the world of pure fear or they will delve into madness once they split paths they will know true fear and madness..

Kiwuno · Fantasy
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3 Chs

aether city -III

Anna awakens from her slumber and gazes at her bedside table, where she finds 28 bronze coins. She ponders how to divide the money.

Rising from her bed, Anna tidies it up and then grabs a key before heading out to buy some food. She leaves a letter in case Apathy wakes up while she's gone.

While exploring the market in search of carrots, tomatoes, chicken, salt, and pepper for a tomato chicken stew, Anna accidentally bumps into Duke and Deros.

"Hello there," Anna greets them.

"Hello there too. How have you been?" Duke responds.

"I'm in a hurry, Duke and Anna, so see you later. I have to fetch my young master," Deros informs them.

"Sure, see you later, Deros," Duke waves at Deros as he disappears into the crowd.

"So, how have you been?" Duke asks Anna, and they start walking together.

"Pretty good! We just completed our first quest, and it went well," Anna replies joyfully.

"I'm happy to hear that," Duke says with a proud smile. "And how about you, Duke?" Anna asks.

"I've been busy with work at the academy. It's been quite demanding," Duke answers with a smile.

At a small stand, Anna stops to buy the ingredients, ensuring they are still fresh. After confirming their quality, she purchases them. Anna then invites Duke to join them for lunch.

"Sure, I have free time this morning," Duke agrees.

Upon arriving at the inn where Anna and Apathy are staying, they discover that Apathy is nowhere to be found. Anna notices a note on the table, but there is also another note from Apathy. She reads it aloud.

"Anna, I'm going to the guild to find some quests we can handle from your brother. Be careful, and if the food is cooked, eat first. I'll eat when I come back."

Anna informs Duke about her brother being at the guild and that they will eat before he returns. While cooking, Duke assists in the preparation. Duke, a tall man standing at 6'54" with a semi-fit body, blueish spiky hair, and brown eyes, looks quite handsome. He is currently dressed in a Victorian-style outfit, wearing a black suit over a white polo shirt. He is 17 years old.

After finishing the food preparation, they sit down to eat. Anna realizes that she only bought enough for herself and Apathy, and now all the food is gone. After resting for a while, she hurries to the closing market to buy more ingredients. She carefully checks their freshness and quickly cooks food for her brother. Exhausted, she leans back in her chair to rest.

Duke grabs a towel, places it on Anna's shoulder, and pours a glass of water, setting it gently on the table.

"You really love your brother very much," Duke observes with a smile.

"Uh huh," Anna replies, her expression tired.

Duke chuckles and says, "I wish I had a family like yours."

Anna responds with concern, "Why?"

"Well, my family is quite demanding. They force me to do things I don't want to do. They don't take 'no' for an answer. They even tried to arrange a marriage for me with someone I don't love. So, I keep myself busy with the academy and the guild to avoid dealing with them," Duke explains.

Hearing Duke's story, Anna's expression becomes saddened, showing worry for Duke's well-being.

"If there's anything I can do to help, just tell me, Duke," Anna says, smiling.

"Thank you," Duke responds gratefully.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Apathy walks in.

"Anna, who's this guy?" Apathy asks.

"He's one of the adventurers we saved from the goblins, remember?" Anna replies.

"I see, so he's your man now," Apathy says directly to Anna and Duke.

Anna's expression changes from happiness to anger. She stands up, walks in front of Apathy, and punches him in the gut.

"Ughh?!" Apathy falls to his knees.

"What did you say?" Anna asks, emitting a furious aura.

"I said, is he your man or something?" Apathy repeats.

Anna kicks Apathy out and slams the door shut.

"Sorry about my brother. He's an idiot," Anna apologizes.

"I understand," Duke says.

Checking the clock, Duke realizes it's 3:20 am and says, "Well, I have to go now, Anna. Take care."

"You too, Duke," Anna bids him farewell.

After Duke leaves, Anna allows Apathy back inside and asks about the quest he took.

"I only saw one rank bronze quest to gather herbs in the forest. I waited to see if any others would be added, but nothing came up. So, we have to gather herbs in the forest later or tomorrow. The reward is only 15 bronze coins. It's not much, but it can help with some of our bills," Apathy explains.

"I see. Also, Apathy, there's food in the pot. It's freshly cooked," Anna informs him.

"Why didn't you eat?" Apathy asks, concerned.

"No, I ate. We finished all the food, so I had to cook more," Anna reassures him with a smile.

"Thank you," Apathy says and begins to eat.

Anna's smile brightens as she hears those words.

While Anna and Apathy gather herbs in the forest, they also collect some wild fruits and vegetables. Anna complains to Apathy about him resting and not doing anything. Eventually, they complete the quest, receive their payment, and head to the park.

"Anna, want some?" Apathy offers, referring to the pork BBQ they are eating.

Anna accepts his offer and takes the last stick of BBQ.

As they relax in the park, Lara and Nalia bump into them.

"Oh hey, Apathy! Long time no see," Lara greets him, shaking his hand.

Apathy then asks, "Who are you?"

Lara freezes upon hearing those words.

"She's one of the five adventurers we saved from the goblins," Anna interjects. "Apparently, she's from the same town we used to live in. Her name is Lara Leonheart. Apparently, you know her," Anna explains further.

Apathy starts to recall the name Lara Leonheart and suddenly remembers. He hugs her tightly and exclaims, "Lara?! I'm glad to see you safe, my friend!"

Lara looks away and says, "Yeah, it's been so long."

As Nalia observes Lara's face, she grins ominously. She walks over, sits next to Lara, and whispers something to her.

Lara, with long indigo hair, a slim body, almond-shaped brown eyes, and a light pink hue on her lips, wears a mid-length dress that reaches her knees. She has a fair complexion and stands at a height of 5'53".

After Apathy releases his hug, he asks, "And who is your friend?"

"Nalia Velerecy," Nalia introduces herself. She has a slim figure, black short hair reaching her nape, brown eyes, and a height of 5'46".

Nalia then poses

with a sudden question for Anna and Apathy, asking about their life goals.

"Well, mine is to marry the prince, my childhood friend, and bring happiness to the people," Anna responds first.

"Mine is to become one of the strongest guild members and reunite with my father, even though there's a chance he may not be alive," Anna continues.

Lara chimes in, saying, "My goal is to live a fulfilling life, bring happiness to those around me, and have trustworthy friends like Nalia while avoiding unnecessary enemies."

All eyes turn to Apathy, awaiting his response.

Apathy pauses for a moment and then answers, "My goal is to support my little sister and live a simple, peaceful life." He places his hand on top of Anna's head and gently pets her.

Anna giggles happily, her smile brightening the atmosphere.

"We should head back now, Lara and Nalia. It's getting late," Apathy suggests.

Lara and Nalia wave goodbye and depart, while Anna and Apathy do the same.

"Apathy, were you joking when you said you would support me?" Anna asks, her face displaying a hint of sadness.

"No, Anna. I'm your brother. Why would I joke about something like that? What kind of brother would I be? I'll support you until the end," Apathy reassures her, petting her head once again.

"In that case, treat me to a cola tomorrow!" Anna exclaims excitedly.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Apathy responds with a bright smile.