
SLOTH souls of darkness

Author: Kiwuno
Ongoing · 1.1K Views
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What is SLOTH souls of darkness

Read ‘SLOTH souls of darkness’ Online for Free, written by the author Kiwuno, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: if you live in another world what would you think. would it be a happy and no danger place or a grim terror of a world t...


if you live in another world what would you think. would it be a happy and no danger place or a grim terror of a world that danger resides in every corner you go in where one wrong move danger comes waiting to devour its prey. in this world its option 2 you will follow the story of a non blooded siblings doing everything just to survive happiness will exist and sadness will come will they purify the world of pure fear or they will delve into madness once they split paths they will know true fear and madness..

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https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nonameavailable Nawaki Senju aka Mad Bomber, Might Dai and Might Guy aka Two Men Destroyer, Minato Namikaze aka The Yellow Flash, Kakashi Hatake aka The White Fang, Obito Uchiha aka The Phantom Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha aka The Dark Crow, Shisui Uchiha aka Shusui of the Flowing Water, and hte Three Sanin. Konoha became too strong for any one village to defeat. The Four Great Villages to form an Alliance Under the Leadership of Guren, who opened the door to another world for them (DxD Universe). Now with the Sacred Gear and Technology from Another World, they must defeat the man holding Konoha togehter. The Fourth Hokage. But are things really that simple? Volume 1 Focuses on Decimo and DxD Universe isn't introduced till the Start of Volume 2 which focuses on Decimo (After Time Skip) and Guren (DxD Universe). [Author’s Note – A Quick Reminder. This story has contents like Netorase. But it is not a full smut. Basically, if the Introduction Arc has 30000 words, then 20,000 words worth of smut. By Netorase, it means that the relationships will be open. It won’t be like she is betraying him, cheating on him or things like those. Since most women that he would be sleeping with won’t be his girlfriend or wife, but sex friends, who are girlfriends and wives of other people. Since there would be scenes of them having sex with their lovers, the Netorase tag is here to warn you.] [PS – The story also has Mystery Genre. So please don’t ask me to explain what is going on. There The Story Revolves around Decimo (Protagonist) and Guren (Antagonist) and Only Original Characters Copyright belong to me.

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