
Slime in Teyvat

A not so normal slime in Teyvat. How? Idk . Update schedule? What's that. Is it good? just read it. Hotel? trivago. Also he's a proper dude now yey. This is just an experimental book Rimuru is SUPREMELY OVERPOWERED in this, nerfing him is super hard. He's just that op, any method i try is just him resolved with some skill or just Ciel being an absolute cheat, so i just made him op

bluer87 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Manas: Ciel


My hand surged with dark purple tendrils of energy, extending towards the door seal. The tendrils covered the entirety of the seal until it cracked and was devoured, leaving only an unscathed wooden door behind, as if the seal had never existed.

Old man Goth observed the scene mouth gaping in amazement and murmured, "This... so this is what a Vision holder is capable of? Truly the work of the gods!"

I've encountered that term twice today already. It seems this old man has misunderstood me of having one of these 'visions'. This 'vision' thing must hold some power or some sort in this world. I should refrain from using my abilities in front of others until I get a good grasp of this world. So I decided to put on an act.

I chuckled and said, "Haha! Indeed, it is. However, I'd appreciate it if you kept this a secret."

Goth, being an astute individual, readily agreed. Naturally, such situations were nothing new to him, given his role as a landlord and hotel owner. Over the years, he had encountered a few clandestine rendezvous involving tenants' spouses, and he had been asked to keep these affairs confidential once or twice during his entire career.

He was an experienced expert at keeping secret stuff, well, a secret!

"Well, looks like you've got yourself a house" Without a word, he looked at me, then back at the house. After a moment, he chuckled and left.

I smiled, my curiosity piqued as I went inside the house to explore. And just like that, I owned a house in this unfamiliar place not even one day of being here. Man, it sucks to be this good.

[Sasuga Rimuru-sama] Ciel jokingly said.


Ciel are you awake now?

[I have awakened by absorbing the Hydro seal and some of the residual Divine energy I had collected when we went to the lake with the statue.] Ciel said, her voice resonated with otherworldly calm.

'...Since when did you- Hahh nevermind' I didn't even think of collecting the divine energy.

[...] Ciel,

[Notice. Due to Awakening, I have discovered some changes to Lord Rimuru's body that I failed to notice and inform you during my slumber.] Ciel,

"Hoh? Tell me"

[After analyzing the seals placed on the skills, it appears that the seal on the low-level skill is relatively weaker compared to the one securing the Ultimate skills. Analyzing and integrating the properties of the Hydro seal with Divine energy, along with Lord Rimuru's magicules, to create a skill capable of breaking the seal on the lower-leveled skills, Is possible.] Ciel,

"I knew you wouldn't fail me Ciel! As expected of my partner" I said, Our progress had increased by a hundredfold just by her awakening. But what about the Ultimate skills?

[Breaking them would require an Anti-Sealing skill that is on par with an Ultimate skill, that possesses properties that can bypass any condition of the seal itself.] Ciel paused, letting it sink in.

"That's gonna be a bit of trouble." Although with Ciel, obtaining Ultimate skills was not too much of a hassle, finding the necessary stimuli to create an Ultimate skill with those specific properties would take quite a bit of time. Heck, I didn't even know if this world possessed such skills. The Gods here are probably my biggest bet.

"Ughh, what a vacation this turned out to be" To think he was just visiting his old world yesterday.

I sigh.

[Lord Rimuru, should I proceed?] Ciel,

"Do it" No sense in worrying about it now, I gotta hurry back.

[Analyzing Hydro seal and Divine energy]

[Analyzation Complete]

< Hydro seal >

< A Hydro element seal, cast by a Hydro vision holder. Can seal a small space, encasing it in Hydro energy, the closed space inside will be untouched by any dust >

< Divine energy >

< Residual divine energy of the God of Wind and Freedom, Barbatos >

[Integrating Hydro Seal and Divine Energy]

[Unique skill created: {Lord of Chains} Acquired]

[{Lord of Chains: Capable of restraining minor deities and breaking any restraint or seal in the same category of Unique Skills.}]

"A God-level chain skill." This world appeared to be governed by Divine powers, as the statues and based on Goth's reaction to vision aren't enough proof. So, a skill capable of restraining Gods is certainly welcome.

[Attempting to break Minor seal using skill {Lord of Chains}] Ciel,

[Seal Broken.]

[Skills Unlocked]

[Intrinsic Skills Unlocked: {Black Flame-Thunder} {Demon Lord's Haki}

{Enhanced Body Double} {Infinite Regeneration} {Magic Manipulation}

{Multilayer Barrier} {Spatial Motion} {Universal Thread}]

[Skill Duplicates converted into magicules]

[Extra Skills Unlocked: {Explosive Flames} {Gravity Manipulation} {Gravity Flight}

{Holy-Demonic Reversal} {Black Flame} {Black Lightning} {Black Thunder} {Body Double} {Keen Smell} { Magic Aura} {Magic Jamming} {Magic Manipulation} { Magic Sense} {Molecular Manipulation} {Skill Storage}

[Combining Skills. {Molecular Manipulation} and {Mineral Creation}]

[Extra skill Created. {Matter Creation}]

[Skills stored in {Skill Storage}. Skill Duplicates converted into magicules]

[Seal energy residue scattered…. Absorbing]

[Attempting to evolve skill {Lord of Chains} using seal energy residue]

[Failed.. Attempting…..Failed.. Sacrificing Extra skill {Multilayer Barrier}... Success]

[Unique Skill {Lord of Chains}, Evolved into Ultimate Skill {Enkidu, Chains of Heaven}]



Thank you for reading! ZASHUUUUUU! No wait wrong dude.

If you like then: Add to library!

All skills will be posted in an Aux chapter. It's really hard to keep track of these stuff so i might forget a few.

This will be the last chapter for this week.

Chapter 5 in the next century haha…