
Slime in Teyvat

A not so normal slime in Teyvat. How? Idk . Update schedule? What's that. Is it good? just read it. Hotel? trivago. Also he's a proper dude now yey. This is just an experimental book Rimuru is SUPREMELY OVERPOWERED in this, nerfing him is super hard. He's just that op, any method i try is just him resolved with some skill or just Ciel being an absolute cheat, so i just made him op

bluer87 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Free real estate

The Adventurers guild would be my first destination, since coming to this world I have been clueless about everything. Becoming an adventurer and reaching the top ranks would allow me to leverage easier with the world's influences.

I walked up the stairs that Wagner directed me to, and saw a beautiful big fountain at the top of the steps, just below it was a store to the right, and a reception desk to the left side, I turned my head towards the left, the receptionist was a woman wearing a distinctive uniform, which was predominantly green and white, and had short black hair.

I approached her and said, "Hello"

"Ad Astra Abyssoque!" She said, and continued. "Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild"

'This woman is odd.. Ciel' I thought. It was not because of a weird feeling, rather the lack of feeling itself. This woman's presence felt like a rock.

[Report. This woman isn't giving out any life force. High possibility of being an Automation or a Mechanized golem] Ciel answered.

'A robot woman?, what's advanced technology doing here- wait that's not important, she's actually a full on fucking robot!'

[...] Ciel,

I sighed, 'Veldora would have understood me'

All of this happened in a second thanks to {Thought Acceleration}, truly a useful skill to have.

"I would like to sign up to be an adventurer, please," I said. Feeling like an Isekai protagonist.

"Of course" She nodded, and took a pen and handbook underneath the counter and said, "A few questions if you don't mind. Full name?"

"Rimuru Tempest"


'That's a little bit complicated'

"Twenty" I lied through my teeth. My current appearance right now suited that of an early adult. However, based on my real physical age, then I should be around 5 years old.

"Have you ever had experiences in this kind of work before? If so then how long?"

"Three years"

"Do you possess a vision?"

'A what now? Vision, like eyesight? No, that's probably not it. Whatever it is, I don't have it.'


She nodded, closed her handbook, and said, "That is all. Thank you for answering, Mr. Rimuru." She smiled and bowed. "And welcome to the Adventurer's Guild."

"Wait, that's it? No test or anything?" I asked, surprised, Is it that simple?

"Any further testing is unnecessary, as you already fit all the requirements, so we will not turn you away, your files should already be processed" she said, "Congratulations on being an Adventurer"

'Less work for me'

"I see, Thanks uhh.."

"You may call me Katheryne," she said.

"Katheryne, I have a few questions if you don't mind, '' I said.

"Of course," She replied.

"Is it possible to trade in monster loot for some money?"

"Of course! Although most monster drops are essentially useless and not worth anything, there are still some that are worth quite a lot" She said. "That's why Adventurer's prefer to do commissions instead as they pay a lot more" She said as she handed me a piece of paper as an example.

"This commission is to defeat an entire Hilichurl camp" she said, and continued, "The reward is six hundred and fifty Mora and two hundred Adventurer EXP"

"Adventurer EXP?" I ask.

"Yes, there is a ranking system in the guild consisting of sixty ranks in total. Beginners cannot start off taking dangerous commissions; they can only take safe ones. You'll need to be ranked higher to take the more dangerous ones, like clearing Hilichurls and Treasure Hoarders," she explained. "Every fifth rank, the Guild will give you a test to see if you can take harder commissions or not"

"And to increase my rank I need Adventurer EXP?" I said. Sounds about right.

"Correct" She confirmed.

'This is a problem, I don't wanna waste any time.' I thought.

"Is there perhaps an exception to that rule? I've already hunted a hilichurl camp on my way to this city, although it was quite small it had a Mitachurl in it" I said.

She looked at me surprised, "You hunted a hilichurl camp, by yourself? And without a vision?"


"Do you have any proof?" She asks.

Reaching for my pocket and taking out my bag, I "took" the loot from inside and handed them to her.


"This is… A large horn dropped by a Mitachurl" She said surprised. "As well as Hilichurl masks"

"Is that enough for an exemption?" I ask.

"Hmm, Certainly this is enough proof, however I cannot let you skip ranks, but seeing how you are capable enough to hunt an entire camp, I will give you special permission to take on higher commissions" she said, taking the piece of paper with the hilichurl camp extermination commission and handing it to me.

"I will consider this commission done by you, Thank you for your service" she said, reaching her hand underneath the counter and handing me a bag of mora. "I have updated your Adventurer rank as well. You are now at rank three. Congratulations"

'This is not too bad, I guess.'

"Thank you" I said, and continued, "By the way, do you mind telling me where I can find an old man named Goth?"

"Of course! He should be around the little park, south of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters" She said.

"I see, mind telling me where that is? Haha" I chuckled awkwardly.

She told me the exact location and I went on my way.

Going to the direction Katheryne pointed at I started looking for the old man, after a while of looking I finally found him.

Sitting down on one of the wooden benches in the park, he was gazing at the fountain in the middle of the park.

I approached him and said, "Are you Mr. Goth?"

The old man broke out of his daze and looked at me and said, "Hm? Indeed I am, anything you need from me?"

"I heard you own a housing space," I said.

The old man smiled and said, "Indeed I do"

A few moments later we stood in front of a house, a couple of distances from the forge. This was already the third house of the evening. Apart from the hotel which was fully booked, the old man goth said that they also have rental accommodations, as it was more cost-effective and more suitable for long-term visitors.

We had just gotten out after taking a look at the inside of the house. It was quite unremarkable compared to the one my people built for me back home, then again I'm not even sure if you could call that gigantic place a house. The house had a generic feel. That was it, generic. So I refused it.

Goth sighed and said "I'm afraid that was the last vacancy that we have right now. Since the fatui booked out the entire hotel, the demand for rented accommodation has soared" and continued "Technically we do have one place available. But someone went and locked the door with some kind of seal, and now it wont open. I can't exactly rent it out when the tenants can't get inside. I am tempted to just give it away!" The old man said with no small amount of annoyance.

'A seal? Well well.. Don't mind if i do'

I smiled with a glint in my eye and said, "Old man Goth, If I break the seal will you give the place to me?"

He looked me in the eye probing if I was joking or not, but lucky for him I wasn't, "Can you do it?"

I smiled, gotcha.

"Lead the way"


"Here we are" Goth.

I nodded, and in front of us was a house with a short wooden staircase connecting to it from the ground to the door. The old man stepped back and I walked up to the door and saw a blue opaque wall with a glowing blue magic circle in the middle was a symbol resembling a stylized water droplet. A circular emblem with a central point, and from that point, several curved lines extend outward, creating a visual representation of flowing water.

I put my hand above it, 'Ciel-sensei!'


[Analyzation Complete. Use skill {Gluttony} and devour Hydro seal?]



Thanks for reading!

I posted this now cuz I'm gonna be going somewhere, so I don't think I can do it at 12am becuz no internet and time.

Thanks for the free house old man, sorry Mona you'll be homeless for a while oppss hehe.

Next update?

Lol idk I have school so I'm quite busy.

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