
Slime in Teyvat

A not so normal slime in Teyvat. How? Idk . Update schedule? What's that. Is it good? just read it. Hotel? trivago. Also he's a proper dude now yey. This is just an experimental book Rimuru is SUPREMELY OVERPOWERED in this, nerfing him is super hard. He's just that op, any method i try is just him resolved with some skill or just Ciel being an absolute cheat, so i just made him op

bluer87 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 - The World


'Enkidu? The one from Fate?' I ask. As I've never heard of this skill before. 

[Yes, when Star King Veldanava created the multiverse, each world was granted a different system. The moment we arrived here, the connection to our world's system was cut off. So, I used my abilities to connect to this world's system. In doing so, I was discovered and almost sealed by a woman wielding a strange power in the form of red blocks.] Ciel said in annoyance. 

[She deeply underestimated a being without a real body, so she was caught off guard when she figured out I "broke" out of her seal, I didn't even get caught. In the end, I managed to connect and integrate myself into this world's system.] She explained. Feeling proud of herself. 

"So you are saying that you were the one who created this skill using the world's system?" I was dumbfounded and quite proud to be honest. Ciel went through all of this and I was just sleeping. 

[Do not worry, Master. I've searched this world for any beings who can contend with you at your full power, and only one of them comes close to your immense strength. It seems like the one who interfered with our visit does not belong here.] Ciel, 

"I see, I'm assuming the woman you encountered is the one close to me?" She had already been humbled by Ciel, so she probably didn't mean that much. 

[Correct] Ciel, [As for this world's system, it is called Irminsul. A tree that grows inside this planet's core and is connected to all the Ley lines of the world, it also serves as the one who holds this world's knowledge and history acting as this world's grand archive.] 

"Great job, Ciel!" Now, this world's knowledge is in my grasp.

[There is a problem, Master. Some of this world's knowledge has been corrupted. Proceeding to tamper with it will result in the deletion of this world's knowledge and history, ultimately destroying the system as well.] Ciel said gravely, 

"That's bad. Some knowledge should still be accessible, right? Then this world would not continue to exist if there wasn't any." Ciel confirmed my thoughts and started explaining the world's general knowledge, 

[This world is called Teyvat, once ruled by Seven Divine Dragon Sovereigns. However, the Heavenly principles arrived, seizing control of the world and usurping the Sovereigns' long reign. The world was rebuilt and now, Teyvat is currently governed by her, and under her are the gods residing in the floating island of Celestia, along with the Seven Archons chosen through a Great war that ended 2000 years ago, purging many god's lives] Ciel, [Each Archon corresponds to their respective elements; Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cryo.]

I nodded, this world was indeed ruled by gods, although i have an Anti-God skill does not mean i can afford to be complacent, after all i had a few unknown variables after me. It seems the one who placed me here may be equal to Veldanava in terms of strength. Speaking of Anti-God skills, "Ciel, Show me what this evolved skill can do" 


[Enkidu, Chains of Heaven: The Chain of the Heaven is the bane of gods with the concept of reigning over them. The strength of minor divinities get sapped when in contact. Capable of restraining even higher class gods. To mortals, it is merely a tough chain.


Chain break: Breaks through any defense, binding and seals that are powered by divine energy.

Divine Defense: Chains form in a shield that possesses invulnerability to any attack divine in nature.]

My mouth opened. With this skill alone, I was already invincible against the Gods of this world. 

[Master, another thing] Ciel sad, 


[It seems the corruption of the world's archive was caused 500 years ago in a grand cataclysm that shook the world] Ciel said, adding yet another unknown variable. 

I sigh, and asked the question that had been unanswered since coming to this world,

"Ciel, what is this vision?" 

[Visions are items which allow their users to directly channel the power of one of the seven Elements. They are bestowed by Celestia and the Seven Archons to allogenes, people of Teyvat with particularly powerful desires who have the potential to ascend to Celestia and become gods themselves.] Ciel explained. 

Everything suddenly became clear to me, I looked at the floor of my newly acquired house and sighed. It seemed I got quite the journey ahead of me. 

I scanned the corridor and the surroundings in front of me, my curiosity driving me to explore further. My gaze fell upon a door, and without hesitation, I turned the handle and stepped inside. The room revealed itself to be a study, filled with the faint scent of aged paper and the soft glow of ambient light.

The walls were adorned with shelves, lined with ancient tomes and scrolls, each bearing the weight of untold knowledge. A large desk sat at the center of the room, covered with parchments and quills, as if frozen in time. The atmosphere resonated with a sense of intellectual pursuit and discovery.

As I perused the shelves, my fingers traced over the spines of the books, feeling the texture of centuries-old wisdom. 

"I can see why this place was sealed. To think a study filled with so much knowledge was left behind, I can't just allow it to be left here gathering dust." I raised my hand, and a dark vortex emerged. The books and scrolls came flying toward the vortex, being absorbed.


Thank you for reading! 

A review would be greatly appreciated!

An: Genshin still has a lot of stuff unreleased so, i'll just let my mind play with them. Including the Witches, khaenriah, and Celestia. 

An2: I stopped putting 'thoughts' and Ciel's voice in italic, lemme know if you guys prefer it. 

I wrote this chapter in a hurry, to commemorate reaching 8k views and 80 collections! Thank you all, really. I didn't expect this at all.