
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · Music & Bands
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18 Chs

Give me a Break

Briar's POV

Yaaaaaaaayyy! It's Monday!

There's something you don't hear me say often. I was excited cause I get to see my handsome professor again. Finally knowing he likes me back, I might use it to my advantage.

Sorry :P

Unfortunately, Taeyong's class was my last one for the day so I still have to wait for a few hours before I actually get to see him.

"Alright class, we have a transfer student joining us. Please come in Mr...." my homeroom teacher trailed off.

"Jung, Jung Jaehyun." the new guy answered.

I can hear the female population in my class go wild, and I wouldn't blame them. He is good looking.

But he doesn't compare to Taeyong.

"Mr. Jung, please introduce yourself." Mr. Choi said.

"Hi, my name is Jung Jaehyun. Nice to meet you all, and I hope you'll take care of me." he said.

"Oh, I'll definitely take care of you." one of the school slut said.

"Keep it in yo pants gurl." I said, earning a few laughs from my classmates and the new guy, but also earning a glare from her.

"Alright, silence." Mr. Choi said shutting everyone up.

"Mr. Jung, please take a seat beside Ms. Briar. Ms. Briar, please raise your hand so that he can see you."

Did he just made fun of my height? Keep your cool, girl.

I raised my hand and earned another smile from the new guy. He made his way over to his seat and turned to me.

"Hi, I'm Jaehyun." he said making me chuckle.

"Yes, I know." I replied

"Well that's not fair, you know my name yet I don't know yours." he said.

"Yeah you do. The teacher literally said my name twice just a few seconds ago." I said laughing lightly.

"But I want you to introduce yourself." he said pouting slightly.


"Well I'm Briar, nice to meet you." I said playing along.

"Mr. Jung, Ms. Briar save that for later and pay attention." Mr. Choi said making me snicker at him.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Briar?" he asked.

"No, not at all, sir." I said innocently.

He squinted his eyes, not believing me but eventually turned around and carried on his babbling.

A few minutes later~

"Alright class, that will be all. You may go now." Mr. Choi dismissed.

"Hey, wanna have lunch with me? I kinda don't know anyone besides you right now. " Jaehyun asked while scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh, sure. Lemme just grab my stuff." I said, while he waited for me to finish up.

We went straight to the cafeteria line, got our food and started looking for the girls. Spotting them from afar, we made our way over to them.

"Sup, bitches! This is Jaehyun, he's a transfer student from earlier." I introduced him.

"That's Andre, Naia and Yuki." I said while pointing them out.

"Hi, nice to meet you all." he politely said.

"So nice to meet you too." they all said in unison, making us look at each other then suddenly bursting with laughter.

"So, how do you like our school so far?" Naia asked.

"It's good. I mean, I definitely met an awesome person today." he said while subtlety looking at me.

He's not subtle enough.

I immediately noticed it and I know the rest of the girls noticed it too, since i can clearly see Naia slapping Yuki's arm under the table.

"U-uh, hey! Can I see your sched? I wanna know how many classes we have together." I ask, avoiding their knowing stares at me.

"Sure." he said.

"Oh, we only have Maths together. That's cool." I commented.

"Oh no, are you good at Math? Cause she's gonna copy from you if you are." Yuki said making me kick her feet under the table.

"That's alright, I don't mind." he said laughing lightly.

"You heard the man, he doesn't mind." I said, smiling cheekily.

After lunch, we all split up while me and Naia have Art class together.

"Hey, that Jaehyun is good looking." she started.

"Yeah, he is." I said

"Annddd he seems interested in you." she said, carrying on the topic.

"Nah, don't think so. I mean, I'm the only one he met." I said, making a point.

"Hmm, we'll see...." she said mysteriously.

We headed for our classroom and the day went on like the usual...

Until it was Maths time.

I was on my way to Math class when I bumped into Yuki and Jaehyun along the way. We took our usual seats and there happen to be a vacant seat in front of me, which Jaehyun happily took.

"Alright class, let's get started." Mr. Lee said walking in, making his presence known.

Class went on as per usual except the secret glances me and Mr. Lee kept on sharing.

"Any questions?" Mr. Lee asked.

No one answered so he carried on and said

"Everyone pair up, we'll answer a few exercises from your textbooks."

I turned to Yuki but I saw her with a girl that looked like an emo punk or edgy type of person.

Dang, she is slaying that look and style though~

I saw Yuki give me an "I'm sorry" look, which I understand.

Sighing, I looked around again looking for a partner. I was about to raise my hand to tell Mr. Lee that I had no partner when Jaehyun came up to me.

"Hey, wanna be each other's partners? he asked while smiling, showing his cute dimples.

Awwww, dimples! Calm down girl...

"Sure!" I said thankfully.

Hearing someone clear their throat, I turned to the source only to see my professor shooting daggers at Jaehyun.

Woah, he looks pissed.

That's kinda hot. Nope, down gurl.

"Turn to page 127 and answer the 3 sets of exercises. I want to see each partner help each other, if not there will be consequences." Mr. Lee announced.

"Alright, let's get this started." I said to Jaehyun.

We were answering a lot of questions and by we, I mean Jaehyun. He solves the problems faster than I do, so he ends up teaching me how he did it, and some short cuts he knew.

Whenever he would point out a step, he would move closer to me now and then, but I would eventually move back a little, making it as subtle as possible. And he would purposely put the eraser near my hand, so that he can "accidentally" brush his finger with mine.

It's either that or I'm becoming an airhead.

He was answering a problem while I was sneaking in my calculator to speed things up a bit. I was searching for it in my bag when I hear a deep voice say

"Ms. Briar, shouldn't you be helping your partner instead of doing something else?" Mr. Lee said eyeing me...angrily?

The fuck did I do?

"I uh- I-I dropped my pen and was just picking it up." I said.

What a lame excuse!

"Just picking it up.....for 5 minutes?" Mr. Lee asked.

Was I looking for it that long? I gotta organize my shit then.

"Y-yeah, it was kicked under the tables." I said pathetically.

"Really? You're looking for your pen, the pen that is placed on the corner of your desk?" Mr. Lee said looking mad.

"I-uh was looking for my oth-" I was cut off by him saying

"That's it, see me after class and Mr. Jung turn in that paper later with only your name on it." he said sternly.

For fuck's sake, gimme a break!

New character update~

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