
Chapter 86 Logic's Anger_1

Translator: 549690339


Three days later.

"Miss Li Qiu, have you woken up?" Cao Ge sat by the hospital bed and asked Zhuang Yan lying there.

Li Qiu, having just come to, still had a foggy mind and looked around at everything with a blank expression.

"Family members of the patient, please step back, the doctor is going to carry out an examination."

A sudden voice from behind interrupted Cao Ge's kind inquiries.

Seeing that it was the attending doctor arriving for the checkup, Cao Ge immediately moved aside, stepping back two paces.

"The patient has awoken, all vital signs are normal..."

Cao Ge watched the doctors and nurses bustling around the bed and heaved a deep sigh of relief.

It's good that Li Qiu has woken up.

This time, if it weren't for the protection of Li Qiu and others, his chances of survival would have been slim.

So he was very grateful to them.

That's why, during these past days, he had stood vigil here.

He just wanted to see Li Qiu wake up and be out of danger.

For those who had already made the ultimate sacrifice, Cao Ge was enormously thankful, but beyond offering some material compensation, he could do nothing to change what had happened.

He had anticipated that ETO might attempt to assassinate him, but he never expected it to be such a brazen stabbing attack.

More than a hundred people, machine guns out in the open.

That must be some deep hatred to drive such actions.

Keep in mind, even when ETO is targeting Logic, it's still done under the guise of an accident.

Now, ETO has unabashedly sparked a small-scale war in broad daylight.

It's utterly heartbreakingly insane.

Cao Ge is still somewhat scared to this day.

He was mentally prepared for the assassination–after all, he opposed the Trisolarans–but he did not expect it to be this violent.

"Mr. Cao."

The security personnel in the corridor, upon seeing Cao Ge walk out of the ward, immediately stood up and called out.

Cao Ge glanced at him, then made a gesture suggesting that he keep his voice down.

The security personnel then realized they were in a hospital and immediately lowered their voices.

"Mr. Cao, is there anything you need me to do for you?"

Cao Ge glanced at him again and said, "Take me home."

"Alright, Mr. Cao, please wait a moment, I'll make arrangements." The security personnel made a phone call straight away and relayed the information about Cao Ge's departure.

Since that heartless assassination attempt three days ago, the Planetary Defense Council had again raised Cao Ge's security level.

Now Cao Ge had the highest security level among the five Wallfacers.

Whenever he traveled, streets within a two-kilometer radius had to be cleared, not allowing anyone to enter.

After placing the call, it took roughly five minutes for the security personnel to come over and say all was ready.

Cao Ge looked back at the hospital for one last time, then left.

Not to mention the sacrifices Li Qiu made to protect him, but even just considering the few months they had known each other, Cao Ge felt he should come to see her.

Now that he saw Li Qiu was out of danger, Cao Ge felt at ease.

There was no point in him staying any longer.

Because it was him the ETO was after, not Li Qiu. As long as he left this place, there would be no danger for her.


"Brother Cao."

After returning home, Cao Ge was surprised to find Zhuang Yan living in his house.

"Miss Zhuang!"

"Why are you here?" Cao Ge asked curiously.

"Brother Cao, I'm here for work, remember you told me to be your secretary that day." Zhuang Yan answered with a smile.


"Sorry, I've been so busy these last couple of days, I almost forgot."

"Miss Zhuang, how long have you been staying here?"

"Just arrived," Zhuang Yan replied.

Cao Ge walked over to the sofa in the living room and poured himself a glass of water.

Zhuang Yan followed Cao Ge to the reception area.

"Mr. Cao, what is my job?" Zhuang Yan asked.


"Yes, job," Zhuang Yan repeated.

Her question took Cao Ge aback; he had only invited Zhuang Yan because he wanted to make things difficult for Logic, whom he couldn't stand to see always having fun.

"Well, for now, you'll just be my life secretary for a while."

"Okay," Zhuang Yan replied.

Despite the menial nature of the position of life secretary, she did not show any impatience but readily accepted the job.

Seeing that Zhuang Yan had no objections, Cao Ge did not dwell on the matter further.

"Miss Zhuang, familiarize yourself with the house. I'm a bit tired and going to take a nap. Don't wait for me for dinner tonight, just have something yourself," Cao Ge suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs and called down to Zhuang Yan on the first floor.

"Understood, Mr. Cao."

Looking at Zhuang Yan, dressed appropriately, Cao Ge nodded: "Mhm."

He then went straight up to the second floor to his bedroom, took a bath, and then climbed into bed and fell asleep.


In a scenic valley by a lake, two men sat on a bench on the lakeside lawn, chatting.

"Da Shi, I heard that Director Cao was assassinated the other day, is he all right?"

"He's fine, Brother Logic, you have no idea, that mecha of Cao Ge's is seriously impressive. He wiped out more than a hundred people in just one minute."

"It's just a pity for those brothers," Da Shi suddenly thought of the security personnel who had died protecting Cao Ge.

"But, Brother Cao is quite considerate, he sent ten million in compensation to each of the families of those brothers," Da Shi said somewhat gloomily.

Knowing that Da Shi was upset, Logic changed the subject, "Da Shi, about that person I asked you to look for, how's it going?"

"Brother Logic, I found her."

Not having held much hope, Logic suddenly became excited, "Where?"

"I was planning to bring her to meet you, but on that very day, the day Cao Ge was attacked, he took her away," Da Shi said.

"Taken by Mr. Cao? Did you tell him that she was the person I was looking for?" Logic asked, puzzled.

"I did, but he said it was part of the plan, so what could I say in return?" Da Shi raised an eyebrow and added.

Hearing this, Logic fell into deep thought.

"Da Shi, do you have a photo of her?" Logic inquired.


Da Shi then took out a palm-sized photo from his jacket, on which was a clear image of Zhuang Yan.

"Look, it's her." Da Shi handed over the photo.

Logic took the photo and was stunned upon seeing Zhuang Yan, as she looked exactly like the person he had imagined. His expression turned ecstatic, and he sprang up from the bench, holding the photo.

"Da Shi, arrange a car for me, I need to see Cao Ge," Logic shouted, overwhelmed with excitement.

"What for, you want to snatch her back?" Da Shi inquired.

Logic turned calmly, looked at Da Shi as if to say, why can't I take her back if he could?

Understanding the meaning behind Logic's gaze, Da Shi comprehended.

"Brother Logic, I can arrange a car for you, but you need to think this through."

"You may not be able to get her back."

"Even though you are a Wallfacer, it seems that the higher-ups currently favor him more. If you try to take what he values, it won't happen."

"Listen to me, it'd be better if you don't go. That way, I can still help you search. There can't be only one suitable person among Earth's seven billion people, but if you go, it might not end well."