
Chapter 87 Wandering Earth_1

Translator: 549690339

"At first, no one cared about this disaster; it was just a wildfire, a drought, an extinction of a species, a vanishing city, until the disaster became intimately related to everyone..."

In a lavish room with a night view on The Bund in Shanghai, Cao Ge held a glass of red wine, sitting before a floor-to-ceiling window, watching the news on a large display.

Cao Ge furrowed his brow, took a sip of his wine, then looked out of the window.

The window no longer revealed the bustling scene of an international financial hub but instead a pitch-black wasteland, nearly in ruins.

Cao Ge had only spent tens of thousands of renminbi to get his hands on this riverside luxury suite, which previously would've cost tens of millions.

And those tens of thousands were only for a short-term residency right because, according to his memory, it wouldn't be long before this place turned into an ice-bound world completely unsuitable for human habitation.

The world now was a Wandering Earth.

The time was just on the eve of the space station crisis.

Ever since that assassination attempt, Cao Ge had not gone out but stayed in a villa for several months before coming here.

Cao Ge sat before the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing into the dark world outside, and activated the system panel in his mind.

Savior System.

Host: Cao Ge

Skills: Computer Science Lv1 (90/100) Physics Lv1 (10/100) Free Combat Lv1 (30/100) Shooting Lv1 (60/100) Mechanics Lv1 (30/100)

Functions: Traverse, Enhance

Host's Current Spacetime: Wandering Earth

Current Spacetime Mission: Assist humanity in reaching a new home.

Ultimate Goal: Change the fate of Earth's human race.

Item: A small universe.

"Reach a new home..."

As he muttered to himself, Cao Ge looked at the task on the ethereal panel.

Humanity's chosen new home on Wandering Earth was 4.2 light-years away in the Centaurus Constellation, but after the events in the Three-Body World, Cao Ge was somewhat apprehensive about Centaurus.

Setting aside whether this world's Centaurus had Trisolarans, just considering the harsh environment surrounded by the Trisolaris star system, could humanity really endure it?

Moreover, if the Wandering Earth project were indeed feasible, wouldn't the Trisolarans have thought of that? It's important to remember that Trisolaran technology was far superior to human civilization's.

However, Cao Ge worried less about the unsuitability of Centaurus for habitation and more about the mission itself.

How would the task of assisting humanity in reaching a new home be determined? If it were based on Earth entering the Trisolaris star system, wouldn't that mean he had to stay in this world for 2,500 years? But he couldn't possibly live that long.

That was the source of Cao Ge's distress.

If he couldn't complete the mission, he couldn't return.

His idea of wandering through the myriad worlds would come to an abrupt end.

Wandering Earth was no paradise.

Earth hadn't officially started wandering yet, so the extent of the problems wasn't apparent. But once it began, even getting food would become an issue.

Cao Ge certainly didn't want to end up eating worms every day.

Cao Ge had to find a way to complete the mission quickly.

But the mission wasn't easy, and he couldn't think of a good solution for the time being. He could only think of integrating himself into this world first.

After attaining a certain political status, he would figure out what to do.

Now, Cao Ge's identity is that of an ordinary citizen.

The social environment of the wandering Earth world is even more hostile than the Three-Body world.

Although that world also had the presence of a crisis of destruction, there was ultimately a buffer time, and the crisis came from outside.

But in this world, the crisis left very little time for humanity and it came from within the solar system.

This means that humanity must make an all-out effort, integrating all societal resources to ensure the smooth implementation of the wandering Earth plan.

This means that if Cao Ge still wants to become rich overnight by playing games as he did in the previous world, it's impossible now.

The government in this world has completely abolished the market economy and implemented a planned economy. What to produce and how much to produce are all dictated by the government, and private individuals have no opportunity whatsoever.

The world is about to enter an era of low entertainment.

If Cao Ge wants to have a say in the wandering plan, he needs to think hard about how to enter the upper echelons of society; this is an urgent issue for him to consider.

Because without being in the higher-ups, there is no voice, and without a voice, nothing can be done.

Cao Ge has been in this world for seven days, and he had thought for seven days.

He considered what he had at his disposal, sifted through it carefully, and ultimately did find a technology that could change his situation.

This technology had nothing to do with national defense and military construction, but was related to medical technology, intimately relevant to the public.

He had acquired this technology a few years ago from the Elysium Space, and it had been gathering dust in the System Space; if not for now, he might have forgotten about it.

The reason Cao Ge believed this technology could change his current situation was that he remembered that after the crisis at the space station, the solar radiation intensified, causing many people to contract radiation sickness. He remembered this clearly because, in the original story, Liu Peiqiang's wife Han Duoduo had contracted this illness.

From the small to see the large, there would definitely not be a few sick individuals when the time came, and Cao Ge's political status would definitely take a major leap.

Moreover, even without those radiation sickness patients, there were many people with incurable diseases on Earth.

Cao Ge was holding a glass of red wine, looking out the window, lost in thought.


Three years later.

In the Capital, a towering building reached for the sky, and it was here that Cao Ge's company was located.

Due to the superior medical technology, Cao Ge only took one year to make this place the global medical center.

Because of the problem of resources, tens of thousands of patients from all over the world who could not receive treatment flocked here.

Cao Ge's name thus spread throughout the world, and he became a world-renowned scientist.

Although just in the field of biology.

But that did not hinder Cao Ge's rise in status.

On the 25th floor of the building, in a huge office, an important meeting was taking place.

"Mr. Cao, we come with sincere intentions, hoping to reach cooperation between us," said the middle-aged man in a Sun Yat-sen suit opposite him.

Cao Ge in the executive chair looked at the man, fell silent for a while, and then said, "Director Li, I know your sincerity is ample, otherwise I wouldn't have talked with you for so long here."

"I have the same demand: I can agree to lower the price, but you must agree that my company joins the construction project of the wandering Earth plan."

"Mr. Cao, you know that the government has now abolished the market economy, and companies, as entities of the old era, no longer have a reason to exist. Perhaps you don't know yet, but the government has now begun to send people to liaise with the heads of companies around the world and will redeem private companies gradually to phase them out. The reason your company still exists is because we've considered the special nature of the industry you're in," Director Li explained.

"Director Li, I'll repeat my terms: If I am to add my pharmaceuticals to the benefit projects, my demand is to participate in the construction project of the wandering Earth plan."

"I don't care if other companies cease to exist, my company must continue," Cao Ge asserted to the negotiators in front of him.