
Chapter 85: Counter-Kill_1

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The rapid bursts of machine gun fire exploded in the air.

The three who had been arguing inside the car unanimously turned their gaze to the convoy that had suddenly appeared ahead.

From that group of vehicles, doors opened, and seven or eight fully armed terrorists descended from each one.

In total, more than fifty people began shooting at them and rapidly advancing.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The bulletproof glass surrounding the vehicle where Cao Ge and his two companions were situated was hit repeatedly, the powerful impact gradually causing it to crack.

"Get down, get down!!!"

Da Shi, who was in the driver's seat, shouted at Cao Ge in the backseat.

Cao Ge immediately reached out to pull Zhuang Yan next to him, then both ducked low, the sudden gunshots having given them quite a fright.

After the initial shock, Cao Ge turned on his cellphone and called Murphy to send over the Mark II from the basement.

He didn't bother asking Murphy why he hadn't called the police.

If Cao Ge lived through this, he would naturally have plenty of time to figure out why Murphy had not detected this crisis, but if he died in this crisis, the reason wouldn't matter anymore.

Upon receiving Cao Ge's orders, Murphy immediately activated the Mark II in the villa district and flew towards them at top speed, reporting the attack on the Wallfacer to the local government authorities during the flight.


The sudden attack did not throw Da Shi into panic; his military background made him extremely calm. He immediately used his cell phone to contact Chang Weisi for support.

And the armed personnel led by Li Qiu, Cao Ge's security staff, also stepped out of the vehicle at once and began to return fire.

Gunfire erupted in the street, with the continuous sound of shattering glass hitting the ground.

Civilians driving normally down this street were caught in the crossfire.

Some covered their heads and cowered inside their cars, shaking all over and screaming in fear, while others ran out of their cars in panic, scrambling to get away but without exception, they were all shot down in the street by the bandits.

The opposition's firepower was strong. A row of regular cars in front, which served as barricades, were quickly blown to bits by the powerful gunfire and then exploded, the innocent civilians inside inevitably being shot into a bloody mess.

Li Qiu and his men were outgunned and forced to retreat step by step.

Da Shi in the driver's seat ducked his head, surveying the situation outside.

He was only out to drop off a person, so none of his own people were with him, and he only had a standard-issue police pistol on him, which was practically useless.

Moreover, given the current situation, ensuring Cao Ge's safety was the more pressing priority.

"Brothers at the back door, please clear a path, and prioritize the Wallfacer's evacuation," Da Shi took a quick look around before shouting into his walkie-talkie.

"Roger that."

No sooner had Da Shi finished his sentence, the car behind them started quickly, raced forward, and positioned itself in front of them, opening a route for their retreat.

Seeing this, Da Shi quickly started the car and began to reverse.

But before they could get out, a row of vans that suddenly appeared at the rear end of the street, blocking the lane, sent a shiver through Da Shi's heart.

Seeing this situation in the rearview mirror, the sensitive Da Shi immediately stopped reversing. Upon seeing dozens more fully armed terrorists emerging from those vans, his eyelids twitched and he quickly drove the car back into the center of the convoy.

Soon, as he drove the vehicle back into the center of the convoy, the terrorists at the rear opened fire on them.

In a blink, the rear compartment of the SUV carrying Cao Ge was shot up into twisted metal; thankfully, the special material of the car body prevented it from being pierced through.

"Is this still domestic? Such ferocious firepower," cursed Da Shi.

"Brother Cao, what on earth did you do? ETO used to treat you with respect, didn't they? How come they're after your life now?"

Seated in the back, Cao Ge glanced at Da Shi, then said, "Da Shi, at a time like this, you still have time for such talk, you should be thinking about how we can hold on until reinforcements arrive."

After speaking, he turned to Zhuang Yan in his arms and asked.

"Miss Zhuang, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Mr. Cao, I'm fine." Zhuang Yan was somewhat panicked, but not to the point of losing her reason.

"Good, I'm glad you're okay," Cao Ge comforted her.

"I've already called for backup, just hold on a little longer, and we can definitely make it out alive."

Zhuang Yan huddled in Cao Ge's embrace and nodded her head.

"Da Shi, tell the brothers outside to hold on for two more minutes," Cao Ge shouted to Da Shi in the front seat.

Although Da Shi didn't know what Cao Ge was planning to do, in the current situation, he had no choice but to do as Cao Ge asked. He took the walkie-talkie and relayed Cao Ge's message.

The battle outside the car continued, and due to inadequate firepower, people were dying every moment.

Time passed quickly, and just when the security personnel outside were about to be completely wiped out,

Mark II descended from the sky, hovering in mid-air before raising its hands. Under Murphy's direction, the terrorists were sequentially slain by the lasers fired from the engines on the Mark Armor's hands.

The high-intensity lasers, with their immense penetrating power, left them nowhere to hide.

In just one minute, more than a hundred armed personnel were wiped out.

Mark II landed softly in front of the vehicle and looked at Cao Ge inside.

"Dr. Cao Ge, all the attackers have been eliminated."

Only when the sounds of gunfire outside ceased did Cao Ge slowly lift his head and survey his surroundings.

Seeing the Mark II behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"All right, we're safe now," Cao Ge turned to Da Shi and Zhuang Yan and said.

Having said that, he turned around, opened the car door, and got out.

After getting out of the car, Cao Ge immediately entered Mark II, allowing the armor to wrap around him.

Although the assailants at the scene had all been killed, that didn't necessarily mean it was safe, at least not for Cao Ge.

Da Shi got out of the car and looked at the blood-strewn, fiery street.

On the street, about forty to fifty cars had been trapped by the attackers, meaning at least that many innocent civilians had lost their lives.

Cao Ge looked at the security personnel, lying in pools of blood for having protected him, with a furrowed brow.

Suddenly, Cao Ge remembered something, took some steps, and began searching the scene.

"Mr.... Mr.... Mr. Cao, are you okay?"

Heeding the call, Cao Ge indeed saw Li Qiu in a pool of blood, breathing in much less than she was breathing out.

Cao Ge immediately ran over, lifted Li Qiu from the blood, and began to examine her wounds.

After seeing that Li Qiu had been shot several times, Cao Ge quickly picked her up, looked around once more—if there was no one else alive—then shouted to Da Shi, "Da Shi, I'll take Team Leader Li to the hospital first; I leave this place to you."

Without waiting for Da Shi to respond, he took to the sky with the severely injured Li Qiu, flying toward the nearest hospital.

Shortly after Cao Ge left, about ten minutes later, backup arrived, and a sea of police surrounded the area, with police cars followed by military vehicles.