
Chapter 37 DNA Heritage Library_1

Translator: 549690339


"Lieutenant Liz Max reporting, awaiting instructions from the minister."

"Sergeant Mir Goodrian reporting, awaiting instructions from the minister."

In the cabin, Cao Ge looked at the two new faces in front of him, a man, and a woman, dressed in black crew uniforms. They were part of the ship's rotational staff, responsible for inspecting and repairing the spaceship.

The mission was to last for one thousand five hundred years. Over such a long period, various situations were bound to arise during the flight. Therefore, a few people would be awakened each year to maintain the ship's routine inspections and repairs.

With over a thousand crew members on board, it was one year per person's turn, which was completely acceptable.


"I believe you're already aware of our situation. Our ship has encountered some issues. Currently, I am in command here, and I hope you can immediately get into the state and follow our orders," Cao Ge said.

"It's our sworn duty, sir," the lieutenant said.

"Very good," Cao Ge nodded, expressing his satisfaction with their demeanor.

"Now there's a situation I need to inform you about."

As soon as Cao Ge spoke, all eight people turned their attention to him.

"The situation is like this. As you must know, I have just come from that dark passage," Cao Ge said, gazing solemnly at the soldiers before him.

He was apprehensive because he worried that telling them the truth might make things worse.

The reason the tragedy unfolded on the spaceship in the original plot was because Sergeant Galon couldn't accept the destruction of Earth, which led to his mental breakdown.

"Minister, is there a worse situation discovered below?" Guy immediately came over and asked.

Cao Ge raised his head to look at Guy's serious face, paused, then said, "It's not exactly worse."

Guy considered Cao Ge's words, then said, "Minister, if it involves classified information, you can enact secrecy protocols."

"Now, what secrets are there? Even if there were, now is the time to declassify. There's nothing that can't be said. Even if I don't tell you now, you'll find out sooner or later," Cao Ge thought for a moment and then said.

"Below is an emergency cabin, whose purpose is to enact the Seed of Fire plan. As for what the Seed of Fire plan involves, let's not talk about that now. Murphy has informed me that we have gone off course, the main engines of the ship have been shut down, and we are lost in the endless starry sky. More importantly, a mutiny has occurred on board, giving birth to some monsters that prey on humans. They have proliferated on the ship, turning it into a playground for the creatures. Human numbers have drastically decreased, and according to Murphy's estimates, there are now no more than 3000 people on the ship."

Cao Ge decided not to tell them about the destruction of Earth, to allow them some hope and prevent them from collapsing immediately, but the situation he described was shocking enough.

So after he spoke, they were silent for a long time.

Only after three to five minutes did Eric speak up, "Minister, what do you need us to do?"

Looking at Eric's calm visage, Cao Ge patted his shoulder, then said, "What we need to do next is clear out those monsters, rescue the surviving people on the ship, and reestablish order."

"We will follow the minister's orders," Guy spoke first.

"We will obey the orders."

"Good, start by moving the materials here down."


One hour later.

At the very bottom of the Elysium Space, on the deck.

"All right, everyone take a break, eat something. We'll execute the plan in eight hours," Cao Ge said, glancing at the eight clearly tired people.

After saying this, except for the last two who had awoken, the ones from the first group yawned and found beds to lie down on, quickly falling asleep.

Cao Ge was the first to awake, and after being highly tense for the past dozen hours, he was also full of sleepiness.

Cao Ge found a bed as well and lay down on it, soon falling asleep too.

The two crew members who had woken up not long ago were also experiencing symptoms of post-hibernation syndrome, with dizziness and general fatigue, so they too lay down to rest and regain their strength.

Seeing that everyone had entered a state of rest, Murphy overhead dimmed the cabin's lights out of consideration, and the storeroom once again became quiet.

Time slipped away second by second, and the cabin remained in silence until eight hours had passed.

After waking up, Cao Ge instructed everyone to freshen up and eat some food, not in a rush at all.

Given the current situation, time was the least valuable commodity; an hour or two would not change anything.

The upcoming war would be one of attrition, possibly lasting for ten days, half a month, or even longer before victory could be achieved.

The plan was set, and now the most important thing was to depart in the best mental state possible.

Meanwhile, Cao Ge took advantage of this time to activate the Savior System.

With battle approaching, he needed to enhance his own strength, and he just happened to have an enhancement that he had not yet used.

Savior System.

Host: Cao Ge (Walker)


Skills: Computer Science Lv1 (30/100) Free Combat Lv0 (10/100) Shooting Lv0 (50/100)

Functions: Traverse, Enhance

Current Missions: Human Seed Project (Incomplete), Clearing Threat (Incomplete)

Current Timespace of Host: Deep Space Amnesia

Ultimate Goal: Change the fate of Earth's humanity.

Looking at his three skills, Cao Ge thought for a while and finally chose to enhance Free Combat.

As Cao Ge's thoughts rose, the level of Free Combat changed as well. Consequently, a flood of information entered his brain, and his body also underwent changes—it was a kind of muscle memory.

"Free Combat Lv1 (10/100)"

This upgrade not only provided him with combat memories equivalent to years of training, but his physical condition also improved to an extent; he could clearly feel a substantial increase in strength within his body.

Cao Ge chose to enhance combat considering the uniqueness of this world.

In the confined spaces of combat, the demands on physical strength are higher than shooting.

Shooting in a spaceship doesn't require high shooting skills; just aim at someone and fire.

But the monsters in this world possessed extraordinarily strong physical attributes, Cao Ge couldn't possibly have a gun in hand at all times; he had to consider how to fight when he was without a gun.

Cao Ge was satisfied with this upgrade because he truly felt his own improvement.

Half an hour later, everyone was dressed and lined up in a queue, ready for Cao Ge's inspection.

By this time, the concept of combatant and non-combatant no longer existed; anyone who could move was a combatant.

"John, Lieutenant Liz Max, fall out," Cao Ge scanned from head to toe and then called out to the two at the end.

"You two stay here to guide."

"Yes, Minister."

"Hmm." Cao Ge nodded his head.

"Everyone else, move out!" Cao Ge shouted loudly.

Fully armed, Cao Ge led them to the door leading to the DNA Heritage Library.

"Murphy, open the door."

"Click~" The door opened slowly, revealing the dark passage inside.

This passage was different from the one by the armory; it was more concealed and completely unlit.

Cao Ge glanced at Eric, who nodded slightly, understanding his intention. Then he gestured for the soldiers behind him to move forward, and the ordered soldiers advanced with their guns.

Soon, Cao Ge's silhouette also vanished at the entrance of the passage, and with a "click," the door closed once again.

In the pitch-black passage, the seven people were quiet, none of them spoke.

The passage sloped upward, irregularly built to bypass the cabins, winding and uneven. It took Cao Ge and the others more than an hour to reach the bottom where a password-protected door was the end of the passage.

Cao Ge pushed aside Eric, Guy, and others blocking the way and swiped his right hand on the password lock.



The door opened.

Behind the door was a colossal cylindrical space, over a thousand meters high, with an estimated diameter of over fifty meters.

The walls all around were covered with densely packed square compartments storing the DNA of all Earth's life forms.

Lights flickered in the small compartments, and looking around, most of them still had lights on, indicating that the contents were well-preserved.

Cao Ge hadn't expected the passage to lead directly here instead of the control room about thirty meters above his head.

"Eric." Cao Ge looked at Eric, who immediately understood what he meant.

If they were to leave, they had to get to the control room.

Eric drew his rope gun from his waist and fired towards the control room thirty meters away without hesitation.


The gun's head with the attached rope shot straight toward the control room, and in a short while, it firmly secured itself onto the control room.

Eric reeled in his pistol, then tugged on the rope firmly with both hands to ensure its safety before nodding at Cao Ge.

"Hmm." Cao Ge glanced at the control room above, then nodded at him in return.