
Chapter 36 Murphy_1

Translator: 549690339

"Who's there?" Cao Ge asked sternly.

"Minister Walker, it's me, Murphy."

Just as Cao Ge was scanning the area with his gun, a mechanical arm suddenly lowered from the ceiling.

Cao Ge looked at the camera on the mechanical arm, his furrowed brow slowly smoothing out.

Though he didn't know what was beneath him, he knew Murphy, whom he had read about in the files in his cabin. Murphy was the intelligent assistant system of the Elysium Spacecraft, and the ship's navigation was controlled by this intelligent program.

"Murphy, what are you doing here?" Cao Ge asked.

However, after asking this question, he realized he had misspoken, so he quickly added, "Due to post-hibernation syndrome, I've lost a lot of memory; you know, in this situation, I don't have time to slowly remember on my own, I need to know the situation on the ship immediately."

Cao Ge had lied, because he was not Walker at all. What he knew came from the Savior System when it was replacing identities; because of the computer in the hibernation pod, the memories that originally belonged to Walker were transmitted to his brain in the form of electrical signals.

"I need you to tell me what happened on the ship after I went into hibernation, and what exactly is going on here," he said.

"Alright, Minister Walker, I will tell you everything you want to know," Murphy replied.

"This is the location where the ship's emergency plan, the 'Seed Plan,' was implemented. The condition to activate this plan is an irreversible event happening to the ship. The ship is now out of control and has met the condition for implementing the 'Seed Plan.'"

"The Seed Plan?" Cao Ge frowned.

"The Seed Plan is a human survival plan established by the Earth Federation. It aims to preserve a small portion of humanity in case the Elysium Spacecraft goes out of control, ensuring the continuation of the human race," Murphy explained in an unemotional voice.

This was a somewhat feminine voice—not particularly pleasant to hear, but not unpleasant either.

After hearing Murphy's explanation, Cao Ge didn't say anything and just nodded silently.

"Murphy, can you tell me the current situation of the ship?" Cao Ge asked.

"Over three hundred years ago, I already lost connection with the ship's main computer. Now, I can only control this cabin. To regain control of the ship, we need to start the main engine and then reboot the system," Murphy answered.

"Isn't there any other way?" Cao Ge asked.

"There is," Murphy responded.

"What way?" Cao Ge asked eagerly, his face showing hope.

This matter was crucial; if he could restore the ship's communication and control systems, then he could remotely awaken those who were still in a safe state and direct them, significantly increasing their chances of success.

"Through artificial connection."

Upon hearing this answer, Cao Ge's face darkened instantly.

Artificial connection, meaning through circuit connection, sounded unreliable. Even if he had such long data cables, it would be impossible to go through the compartments heavily occupied by monsters.

"Minister, what's wrong, do you need support?"

Just as Cao Ge was about to ask more questions, Guy's voice came through the communicator in his ear.

Cao Ge glanced at the camera, then held the communicator and said, "It's fine, it's safe here."

"Good to hear; what's the situation down there? Did you find anything, Minister?"

"It's a bit complicated to explain. Better wait until you bring Eric and the others back and come see for yourself," Cao Ge said.

"Alright, Minister, be careful down there and tell me immediately if you need support."

"I will," Cao Ge replied.

"Murphy, introduce the current cabin to me, what equipment is available?" Cao Ge said as he looked at Murphy.

"Okay, Minister Walker."


"The Seed Project is equipped with a spaceship capable of interstellar travel, accommodating fifty people simultaneously. It has all the necessary life support systems for humans and also contains ten thousand pairs of fertilized eggs. Once a colonial planet is found, we can achieve a population explosion in a short time," Murphy answered.

Cao Ge gazed at the colossal spaceship parked on the deck, steadying his spirit.

For those still alive on Elysium Space, this ship was a blessing, but for him, it was like chicken ribs: tasteless, yet a pity to discard.

If he no longer wished to leave this world, he could indeed escape aboard this spaceship.

The key point was he didn't want to do so, because even if he left this place, where could he go? Earth was destroyed, and amidst the endless starry sky, there was nowhere for him to head to.

"Murphy, I need to know if this chamber has any passages that connect to the outside," Cao Ge inquired.

"There are."

Murphy's simple response was followed by him creating a giant map in the air using 3D projection technology, marking all the connected chambers. Ten were reserved for ministers and senior officials, with the remaining two leading to the spaceship's DNA Heritage Library and the weaponry room.

On seeing this, a smile appeared on Cao Ge's face.

If he remembered correctly, the door to the DNA Heritage Library could be opened, which meant that they could leave.

The next plan was clear: go through this door, rescue those salvageable, then start the main engine, reboot the main computer, and finally eradicate those monsters.

"Murphy, pinpoint our current location," Cao Ge suddenly demanded, looking at the camera on the robotic arm.

"Attempting to pinpoint…"

"Due to the navigation system being offline, I am unable to determine the Elysium Spacecraft's location within the star sector," Murphy replied after about a minute.

"Which means we are currently in space," Cao Ge deduced from Murphy's words.

"Murphy, open the protective shield," Cao Ge said as he jumped down the steps and approached the outer steel wall of the spaceship.

"Click~" A mechanical sound ensued as the steel wall slowly parted from the middle, revealing the starry universe outside.

It took him over a dozen seconds to see the specks of starlight amidst the pitch-black cosmos, as the chamber he was in had lighting.

Outside was very dark, the distant canopy of heaven adorned only with faint, twinkling stars.

The sight before him differed from what he had seen in sci-fi films. The star region he was in was empty, with no major stars nearby, so it was dim and unlit.

"As expected."

"But this is also good, as Mission One and Mission Two overlap significantly. Completing Mission Two equates to completing Mission One," Cao Ge consoled himself.

"Murphy, close the steel wall," He said, before turning and walking towards the far end of the deck.

He stopped in front of the door leading to the weaponry room.

"Murphy, open the door," Cao Ge directed at the camera.

"Yes, Minister Walker, I will open the weaponry room for you," Murphy's emotionless voice sounded.


Accompanied by the sound of airtight seals engaging, the circular door slowly opened, revealing a long corridor.

Cao Ge glanced back at Murphy situated up high and then stepped in, knowing that entry into the weaponry room required high-level authorization, at least at a minister's rank.

With every step he took inside, the lights along the corridor would light up until he exited the passageway, and the entire chamber's lights came on.

This was a massive space, over six meters tall. Judging by eye, it was thirty meters in both length and width. The chamber was filled with all kinds of weapons, from small daggers to artillery shells, everything one could imagine, and even those one couldn't, was present.
