
Chapter 38 Control Room_1

Translator: 549690339

Eric nodded, then connected the rope to his ascender and pressed the button.


Eric's body slowly ascended, the speed neither fast nor slow, taking one minute to cover the thirty-meter distance.

With one hand on the rope and the other on his gun, Eric ascended slowly. Soon, he was level with the glass window of the control room.

The control room was brightly lit like daylight, but no one was inside. Eric took a brief look through the window, then nodded slightly to Cao Ge and the others below, signaling that they could come up.

Having received the signal, Cao Ge glanced at his companions.

"Move out."

"Bang Bang Bang~"

Eight ropes were almost simultaneously shot up towards the control room in the sky.

As Cao Ge and the others fired their ropes, Eric was already contemplating how to get inside.

The glass of the control room was fully sealed without any handles to open it. After a quick probe, Eric decided to use the simplest and most brutal method—gunfire.

Eric kicked back hard with both feet, swinging in an arc, then squeezed the trigger.

"Bang bang," two shots rang out, and the bullets pierced the glass almost instantly, turning the smooth transparent surface into a web of cracks. Eric used the momentum to break in directly.

Almost upon entering the control room, he quickly released the rope from his body. He landed at the center of the control room and, as an instinctual soldier, immediately tightened his grip on his gun, guarding the control room and aiming down the corridor opposite, waiting for Cao Ge and the others to arrive.

Soon, Cao Ge and the others entered the control room in the same manner.



"Check the cabin," Cao Ge surveyed the control room.

Cao Ge looked at the white cabin with its array of experimental equipment strewn about. The traces of human habitation were evident; the oil stains on the bed sheets were all too noticeable.

A few minutes later, Guy approached and said, "Minister, there are signs of habitation in the cabin, but no one is here."

Cao Ge nodded and gazed at a grasshopper encased in a glass frame.

"Perhaps they've gone out," John suddenly interjected.

"No matter where she went, our plan remains unchanged. John, follow me to the power cabin to start the ship's main engines. Eric, head to the armory to wake our people," Cao Ge instructed.

"Alright, let's move!"

Cao Ge led his team to the cabin door, but just as he was about to open it, the door opened itself from the outside.

A woman covered in black engine oil walked in.

Upon seeing Cao Ge and the others inside the cabin, the woman was initially startled, her expression changing, and then swung the steel dagger in her hand, the blade gliding past Cao Ge's neck.

Instinctively, Cao Ge retreated rapidly, eyeing the woman who now resembled a startled bird. He knew reasoning with her was not an option.

So, without saying a word, he engaged in combat. It was fortunate that he had improved his fighting skills beforehand, or else that strike could have been the end of him.

Because the incident was so sudden, in the blink of an eye, Cao Ge urgently stepped back twice, then leaped up and spun in mid-air to kick towards the woman's head.


Because of the quick speed, the woman hadn't yet managed to retract her dagger for a counterattack when Cao Ge's foot struck her.

Cao Ge exerted his full strength, so the kick was powerful, and the woman was kicked disoriented, collapsing to the ground, seeing stars, and unable to get back up for quite some time.

"Get her under control,"

As soon as he finished speaking, two people immediately stepped out from behind him, lifted the woman up, and they returned to the control room.

The woman was thrown in the middle of the control room, and except for Cao Ge, everyone was holding guns, surrounding her, exerting immense pressure on her.

Cao Ge approached the woman and then said, "Tell me your identity and the current situation of the spacecraft."

Nadir looked towards Cao Ge in a daze; her head, still reeling from the heavy impact, had yet to recover.

"I'll say it again, tell me your identity and the situation aboard the ship."

Nadir rubbed her forehead vigorously and shook her head, then looked towards Cao Ge; this time, the figures in her eyes were no longer blurry, and she saw the brand-new combat suit and weapons on Cao Ge.

She was first startled, then raised her head to survey everyone around her, realizing that they were all dressed in fully armed military attire.

The attire of Cao Ge and others was unmistakably that of a special forces unit.

"Who are you?" Nadir asked cautiously.

"Right now, we're the ones asking you," Eric said, looking at her expressionlessly.

Nadir glanced at the tough-looking Eric, then quickly turned her gaze back to Cao Ge, seeing that he was the one in charge amongst this group of people.

Cao Ge scrutinized Nadir for a few moments, then extended his right hand and said, "Walker John, the person in charge of the spacecraft's weaponry."

Although Cao Ge extended his hand, signaling a friendly gesture, Nadir did not respond with a handshake and just stood there stunned.

After a long while, she said with disbelief, "You're crew members, and there are still organized crew members alive?"

Cao Ge nodded, then tried to calm the increasingly agitated Nadir.

"Now I need you to tell me the specific situation outside," Cao Ge said.

"This is a gun!" Nadir said in surprise, looking at the black firearm in Cao Ge's hand.

However, she quickly recovered from her surprise and said, "My name is Nadir Lugo, a researcher from the Earth DNA Gene Bank. What do you intend to do, and how can I cooperate?"

"There's an issue with the spacecraft's power system, so we need to restart the ship's main engine to restore power. You just need to tell me the situation outside the hatch, then stay here until we come back, and everything aboard the ship will be over."

"I know the route to the power cabin; I can lead you there," Nadir said, her spirits lifted by the possibility of rescuing the spacecraft.

She had been awake for several months, nearly going insane during these days, and she did not want to stay a moment longer.

"No need, you just got back, you should rest properly; we have a route map," John said from the side.

"The situation inside the spacecraft is complex; many areas have been taken over by monsters, so the route map might lead you to their lairs. It would be better for me to guide you," Nadir said.

Cao Ge looked at Nadir and thought for a moment, then finally said, "We can take you with us, but you must follow orders during all actions; otherwise, we would rather go the wrong way."

"I can do that," Nadir answered promptly.

"Mm," Cao Ge nodded, agreeing to her joining the team; after all, an extra person meant a greater chance of success.

"Give her a gun," Cao Ge said, glancing at Eric.

Although Eric was reluctant, he still took the pistol from his waist and handed it to her.

"Alright, let's go," Cao Ge said, watching Nadir who kept fidgeting with the handgun.

"Click~" The hatch opened, and everyone stepped into the unknown darkness.