
Chapter 35 Fire Seed Plan_1

Translator: 549690339

"Yes," Captain Guy snapped to attention excitedly in front of Cao Ge and saluted, then eagerly pressed the microphone button on the console to talk with Eric in another cabin fifty meters away.

Cao Ge went over to the counter where the guns were placed, picked up a submachine gun, and then returned to the corner of the wall.


"Move aside," Cao Ge said after switching off the safety.

John, who was still studying, saw the weapon in Cao Ge's hands and immediately stepped aside.

With no one obstructing him, Cao Ge pulled the trigger with an expressionless face.


Muzzle flashes lit up as bullets rained down like a downpour.

The short and rapid bursts easily penetrated the two-millimeter steel plate, and after a barrage of bullets, the thin steel plate had turned into a sieve.

Cao Ge crouched down, holding the gun handle and struck downward forcefully.




Several consecutive heavy blows completely knocked down the steel plate, revealing a fifty-centimeter-square black hole.

"Glow stick," Cao Ge demanded without looking back, reaching out his hand.

John, seeing Cao Ge succeed, immediately turned around and handed over the glow stick that was on the metal table.

Cao Ge set the gun aside, snapped the glow stick with both hands, and then crawled towards the pitch-black underground space.

By this time, he actually had some recollection. Based on the fragmented memories in his head, he guessed that there should be an escape passage below.

The light from the glow stick grew stronger, eventually illuminating the dark passage.

It was a rectangular passage about two meters deep, with another dark passage at the bottom that led to an unknown destination.

Seeing this, a rare smile finally appeared on Cao Ge's solemn face.

Cao Ge turned to look at John and Captain Guy, as well as the soldier watching him, and finally said, "I'll go down and take a look, you wait here for Eric."

After speaking, he prepared to jump down the passage with the gun and glow stick in hand.

"Captain Walker!" the three of them shouted simultaneously.

"You're our commander, you shouldn't be the first to go down. What if there's danger?" Captain Guy, his executive officer, was the first to object.

Captain Guy was a refined 30-year-old man who usually spoke softly, but now he was unexpectedly resolute.

Cao Ge stopped what he was doing and turned to look at them. They were all looking at him earnestly, as if they wouldn't let him go until he made himself clear.

Cao Ge knew they were looking out for his well-being, so he explained, "This passage is so concealed, it's clearly designed deliberately. If it weren't for me, no one else could find it. Even John found this passage through my authorization. This means I must know about it, and I just can't remember because of post-hibernation amnesia. So, there shouldn't be any danger down there. Most likely, it's an escape passage. So don't worry, I'll just take a look and come back."


"This is an order!" Cao Ge saw Captain Guy wanted to say more and interrupted him sternly.

"Captain Guy, please follow your superior's orders. Your task is to guide Eric back through the ventilation duct," Cao Ge said, frowning.

"Yes," Captain Guy frowned but finally complied.

"Mm," Cao Ge nodded satisfactorily.

"John, your task is to continue researching how to open the cockpit door."

"Yes, Minister Walker," John nodded in response.

"Cooper, your task is to continue to take inventory of the supplies, understood?" Cao Ge said to the crew-cut sergeant.

"Understood, Captain," the sergeant immediately stood to attention and loudly responded.

Cao Ge nodded with satisfaction before jumping down the passageway.


After Cao Ge jumped down, he saw a square passageway about one meter tall, pitch-dark, eerily silent, with a heavy moldy and rusty smell in the air.

"Minister, be careful."

Just as Cao Ge was ready to walk in, holding his gun, Guy's voice came from above.

Looking up, Cao Ge saw three heads, each face showing concern.

Warmed by this, Cao Ge nodded at them, regardless of whether they remembered him or not, their concern seemed genuine.

"Keep in touch," Cao Ge pointed to the communicator by his ear and answered.

Having said that, he bent over and walked resolutely into the passageway.

The silence in the corridor was deep, not a sound to be heard—a characteristic not particularly praiseworthy since most of the "Elysium Space" compartments were in this state, both inside and out.

Inside, it was the domain of mutant monsters, with the remaining humans either fleeing or in hibernation; those fleeing were few, and most humans were consumed by these creatures the moment they awoke, existing only as food.

Cao Ge advanced cautiously. Although he surmised that there was likely no danger below, he couldn't let his guard down—after all, a person only has one life, and being extremely cautious when it comes to life and death can never be overstated.

The passageway was long, occasionally turning, but he could feel that overall, it was heading downward.

That wasn't surprising, as his compartment was near the cockpit, among the uppermost sections.

As he walked longer, from time to time, he would hear thumping sounds against the steel walls on both sides.

He needed to go down, which inevitably meant passing through many compartments, and now the spaceship was ruled by those monsters, wasn't it?

Yet he was not afraid, for by estimation, the thinnest part of these steel walls was also twenty centimeters thick, more than enough to prevent the creatures from breaking through.

Cao Ge moved quietly downward, walking for more than an hour before the slope of the passageway gradually leveled out.

The "Elysium Space" was immense, able to accommodate sixty thousand people. Its length exceeded two thousand meters from front to back, and its height topped one thousand meters. Hence, even though the passageway was inclined enough, it still took him nearly an hour and a half to walk out of it.


With a glow stick in hand, Cao Ge stared into the pitch-black space before him.

The space was vast, the glow stick illuminating only a three-meter radius around him.

In the pitch-dark and unusually quiet space, the only sound was his own footsteps as he carefully observed his surroundings.

What Cao Ge didn't know was that fifty meters above, a camera slowly moved into position, aiming at him.

"Life form detected, initiating identification function," English letters began to appear on an otherwise inconspicuous screen.

Name: Walker John

Position: Head of Elysium Space Armed Forces

Military Rank: Colonel

"Upon system's analysis, the individual matches the requirements for initiating the Seed Plan."

"Seed Plan, activate!"


As Cao Ge continued to explore cautiously, lights suddenly turned on all around the space.

What Cao Ge now saw was a vast space, fifty meters high and over a hundred meters in length and width, with a huge spaceship resting on the flat ground.

The sudden switch of the lights startled Cao Ge; his complexion changed swiftly as he threw away the glow stick and gripped the gun more tightly.