
Sin of Sloth

I became the Sin of Sloth from an apocalyptic dark fantasy game. Whatever, I guess I'll just sleep on it.

Turtle034 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Realms and Magic

[Your class has changed to, Apprentice Black Magician!]

[You have learned a new spell, Curse of Binding!]

[You have learned a new spell, Curse of Nausea!]

[You have learned a new spell, Curse of Itchiness!]

[You have learned a new skill, Black Magic!]

"Phew, it actually worked," I muttered to myself. The black magic tome was a class change book indeed, so I had no need to read it.

I looked at the other tome. Just like in the game, it took way longer to learn spells or skills not related to your class. I grabbed the book, and no class change or skill learning notification popped up. So I guess that equates to me actually needing to learn elemental magic myself. Instead of the knowledge being imbedded into my head like with black magic just now.

Currently, while reading and changing my class, I was traveling on a carriage. My destination? The town of Duskdenn in the human realm.

In the game's setting, there were six realms. The human realm, the beastmen realm, the elves and dwarves who shared a realm albeit begrudgingly, the demon realm, the heavenly realm, and finally, the secretive draconic realm. The world was once whole, but The Holy War of the past fractured the dimensions, making them the six we have today.

The Fractured Calendar was recording how many years it's been since the realms broke apart. A new calendar, The Whole, will be made after The Second Holy War starts, which brings together all the realms once again.

Of course, just because the respective races rule their respective realm, doesn't mean there weren't any of the other races in one particular realm. There were human kingdoms in the demon realm, how else would I of found those seven humans in a goblin cave? When the realms fractured, all the races were scattered everywhere. So it wouldn't be strange to see tribes or kingdoms of Beastmen, Elves, and Dwarves in the human realm, and vice versa.

Anyways, the reason I told Greed my plan was so that they'd be guarding the stable Realm Fissure to the human realm. While my fellow compatriots were watching that, I'd be sneaking out through an admittedly, slightly less than stable Fissure, but I'd be fine.

It'd take awhile to get to the Realm Fissure, even more to travel through the human realm, but I had something to occupy myself with. Magic. I didn't have a problem with the fact that I needed to learn elemental magic myself. In fact, I was even excited about it.

This way, I could spend my time efficiently.


[You have learned a new spell, Earth Clump!]

After a few days of studying, I finally learned my first elemental spell. It was F ranked, but I was pretty proud of myself. I mean, not everyone came out the womb slinging meteors around.

'Though I guess I do throw around ice javelins...' I thought.


[You have learned a new spell, Water Ball!]

It only took me a day to learn this spell, I seemed to have more affinity towards ice and water than earth. It was good to know. This was nothing like the game, in which you could pick all elements as your affinity with no demerits. Though having only a few affinities increased the damage with those particular elements, the less you had the more damage. So specializations weren't uncommon in the gaming community.


[You have learned a new spell, Heat!]

A full week. It took me seven days to be able to cast this one. It just went to show how low my affinity with fire was. This spell allowed you to heat up your body, a versatile ability for my second fire spell. The only difficult fire related spells I'd be able to learn is through skill books, Dungeon Clear Rewards, or Boss Hunting Rewards. I was pretty lucky to get the fireball spell pretty early on, couldn't imagine how long it would have taken me to learn it from this book.


[You have learned a new spell, Frosty Touch!]

It took me six hours. Unlike the heat spell, it allowed me to cool objects I touched. I couldn't find one in the book that lowered my body heat.

If I did though... I wonder what would happen if I casted heat and cool at the same time? Would I just blow up? Would I be lukewarm? The perfect temperature perhaps?


[You have learned a new spell, Air Sphere!]

This spell only took me a day and a half. Not bad by my standards.


[You have learned a new spell, Spark!]

It only took me four hours to learn this spell. I might actually have a good affinity for lightning magic! This made me excited, because lightning spells were the fastest and most destructive type of magic! Aside from spacial magic, of course.


[You have learned a new skill, Elemental Magic!]

Finally, after around thirty days I had acquired this skill. I was an official mage now. A beginner mage, but a mage nonetheless. Better yet, in a few more days, I would be at the Fissure.

Nothing else to do but sleep really.


I stood in front of the Fissure. It was... weird, to say the least. A crack in reality... it warped and wobbled constantly, I couldn't quite see a clear image on the other side. It was like a rippling pond as I only managed to see terribly distored images.

'Yeah, very unstable...' Thankfully I had a work around, but before that, I needed to say goodbye. I turned to Lefty and Righty, who drove the carriage in stead of the coachman who I left at the manor.

"Well, this is where we part ways you two," I told them.

""Yes, My Lord,"" they both responded. I would miss them a little, but not much. I didn't even know there names, and that was purposeful.

'Okay, that's that,' I took in a deep breath to calm myself. Unstable Fissures wrte very taxing and dangerous on the body.

A low level like me could get really hurt. But as I said, I had a work around that.

I could just sleep through it.

Anything that could potentially kill me? Sleep.

How to pass the time? Sleep.

The way to avoid all your problems? Sleep.

Sleeping was a very versatile skill, let's just leave it at that.

Don't know if I mentioned this in chapter, but

Intelligence, Will, Wisdom, and Magic all increased by 500 because of his new class. Apprentice Black Magician being a tier 1 class. Once it gets to level 100 it can tier up, and then Sloth will be able to become a different tier 2 class.

The numbers for each class tier, which has ten tiers, gets more ludicrous the higher it gets. Just wait.

The reason for it being so, is because I like big numbers. So don't flame me.

Your's Truly,


Turtle034creators' thoughts