I became the Sin of Sloth from an apocalyptic dark fantasy game. Whatever, I guess I'll just sleep on it.
I sighed for the umpteenth time. I looked at the monitor screen from my bed. It was still that same static image, wow.
Getting up and stretching with a yawn, I sat back down on my gaming chair, prepared to finish off what I started yesterday. Without further ado, I pressed the attack button.
He died in one hit. Yet it took twenty-four hours for me to beat him. 'What a gimmicky boss,' I thought to myself.
Yesterday I was prepared for an epic battle against the last sin, but all that happened was this,
I pressed attack and I landed a blow and then Sloth suddenly said...
"Eh? I'm going to die-?" he said with a big yawn, "I guess I'll do that tomorrow."
[Sloth has used the skill, I'll Do It Tomorrow!]
And he fell asleep, a timer of twenty-four hours appearing on the screen. I couldn't attack him while he was procrastinating.
'What a sad way to go out.' Though it was an undeniably pathetic way to go out while asleep, I was oddly sympathetic towards Sloth.
He reminded me... of, well, me. From lots of lore tidbits I fervently collected, he just had really no motivation to do anything. But what's worst of all...
'He wastes those handsome looks of his,' I thought bitterly. After all, he was the only one of the Seven Sins to not have a wife, husband, or multiple.
Sloth's dark blue hair, bordering black with thin streaks of ice blue, along with his light blue eyes, and the bags under them sticking out prominently, were really captivating. 'The illustrator did a really good job capturing his ethereal feel,' I admired the artwork.
Though I took solace in the fact that despite having such a handsome face, that he was an Incel like me. With drowsy eyes from having just woken up, I saved my game and then decided to head back to bed.
It's not like the game, or I was going anywhere.
Isn't it just a fun occasion when your dead wrong?