


    I wake up to my alarm. I don't exactly remember what I was dreaming about but i don't really care. I head downstairs and eat some toast say bye to my grandma and head out. I wear my all black hoodie and pants my old sneakers and look gloomy as usual. People avoid me and especially my gaze ive heard rumors about me. 

"You know that girl Malim the creepy one in all black. I heard that if you look into her eyes you will see how you die." I heard someone say one day. 

My eyes are almost pure black so they scare people. That's so pathetic making rumors like that just because I have pale skin, black hair, and dark eyes people always said I looked scary and avoided me. It wasn't always like this though i used to be happy before that happened. 

    I hear the bell ring for next class and grab my books and head to my class. I zoned out all last period so i have to focus this time. I have failing grades in almost everything. I get to my next class and see a swarm of people around someone. The person they were swarming was the prince of our school. He has golden hair that is moderately long and blue eyes he has great grades and looks.

 "Must be nice" I murmur as i study all the kids. I have a bad habit of staring and seeing even to the smallest details on someone. That's probably why the rumor spread. 

    I finish class and head to lunch. There i hear some girls talking to the prince about a club. They were saying there is this boring club about music. I think that it might be interesting to talk about songs I like. I look for one of the flyers to check the details. It happens tomorrow on friday. I guess i'll go.