


    Its finally friday and im so excited. For the first time Ms.Kide doesn't scold me and the day goes by quickly. I'm in my last class and can barely focus i just hope that some people come.

    I bell finally rings and I rush to Ms.Kide's room. I go in and I set up the sign in sheet get some snacks put on some piano and take a seat to wait. Then the door opens. I see the girl who i was talking to on tuesday come in. "Welcome i remember you from before i never did get your name haha" I rush out of my mouth. 

"Umm.. im Rika" She says in a soft tone.

     "Rika it's so nice to meet you properly" I say and hold out my hand. 

She shakes it and says "What will we do in this club". 

I quickly answer "I to wait to tell it to all the members if i can do it all at once you know. For convenience. So let's get familiar".