


I say bye to my mom and head to school. On my way to school I find a lipstick left by someone. I don't know why but I keep it. I head to school and go to my classes as usual I say hi to everyone and some ask to borrow my notes and some just talk to me. I have perfect grades a perfect personality i'm the perfect child my parents wanted. Right? I have never broken a rule, i've never gotten in a fight, EVERYONE likes me.But of course that's what i make people think. I just want to crawl into a corner and be happy by myself i want to break some rules I want to fight someone. I won't though or i'll get beat.

I head into the bathroom as class ends and I do my business then wash my hands. There were no towles so I rub my hands on my pants. I feel something in my pocket and I pull out whatever it was and what I see is a lipstick. I was confused at first but then remember that i picked it up this morning.

I open the top and look at it ot was a light pink. "Cute" I whisper.

I slide it up and down a few times and I don't know compelled me to but I pressed it to my lip and ran it across my lips and rubbed them together. All I could think was that it was pretty i thought if my already pretty long hair was longer I would be pretty. I get startled when the door opens and I rub off the lipstick and hide it. I leave the restroom and get swarmed by people asking me to sit with them.

I was just eating my lunch when some girls across from me talk about some club "lol who would want to join a music club" girl A says.

"I know right like what would you even do there talk about Mozart or something like so lame" girl B says.

"What are you girls talking about" i say with a fake smile plastered across my face.

"oh nothing important just some boring music club flyers have been put up" girl B says.

"I see" I say.

On my way home, I hear some noise coming from a store across the street. I look over and decide to check it out. It was an instrument store. The tv was showing a concert of some band. I stood there and listened as the person was yelling about how the world sucks.

I ask what the band on the tv is called and the person says "oh them arent they cool their a rock band called Hefku they do alot of Fuck the world songs"

I just nod and continue to listen as soon as the song ends i start to head out.

All I could do was think "They just yell out at the world like they don't care what others think thats so... COOL!" I started to feel a slime spread across my face. Maybe I should go to that music club after all.