
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Within the rules

Rules"Karen, is it okay for me to go in like this?" Dean drew the bath towel on the other party's body with his hand.

"Of course, come in and see what's going on. I'm freezing to death." Karen wiped her wet hair with a towel and said carelessly.

"Okay," Dean pushed the door and walked into the bathroom. The foggy water vapor made him unable to see where the water heater was.

"I remember I just came to check it two days ago. They should be fine." Dean twisted the faucet, and the temperature seemed to be normal.

"Karen, the water heater is obviously..." Turning his head, Dean stopped half of what he said abruptly.

What a big pair of headlights, he couldn't open his eyes.

"Karen~" Dean felt that his voice was faintly trembling.

"It doesn't matter, Dean. Becky and they are not at home." Throwing all the bath towels and towels on the ground, Karen slowly approached Dean.

"But isn't it a little too sudden?" Everything was so fast that Dean couldn't react at all.

"ComeOn! Dean, this is America, and you are eighteen years old, aren't you? Karen stretched out her finger and slowly scratched Dean's collar.

"I always think there is something wrong..." Dean huddled in the corner and looked at it.

"Shutup!" Karen grabbed his life, "F*ckme, Now!"


An hour later.

"Dean, the water heater is well repaired. I'm very satisfied~" Karen's voice like a lark came from the bathroom.

Well, that's what you said in bed just now. Dean got dressed and took a bottle of coke from the refrigerator.

Damn, American cars are different. The headlights are big and round, and the steering wheel feels silky. You can't grasp the buttocks of the car at all. The most important thing is to save fuel.

"Karen, if it's okay, I'll go back first." After wiping the coke from the corners of his mouth, Dean was ready to flash.

"Wait, Dean." Karen, who took a shower again, came out with a bath towel.

"Karen, you won't tell me that the water heater is broken again, will you?" Looking at her excited look, Dean took a step back reflexively.

"No" Karen smiled mysteriously, and then took out a $20 from her wallet and handed it to him.

"What?" Dean felt that he had been insulted.

"This is the maintenance fee for this month, you know," Blonde Karen glanced at the bathroom. "It's often broken. Only Dean can fix it."

"20 dollars? A month?

"Uh-huh, there are still 20 days left this month, one dollar a day." Karen took a sip of the coffee gracefully.

"I'm about to start school..."

"Then I'll change another $10 for you?" Before he finished, Karen proposed.

"Okay~" Dean shook the twenty dollars in his hand, and then turned around and left 1319 Charlotte Street.

Dean actually doesn't care about this kind of thing. Anyway, it's free. As long as you fasten your seat belt, it's okay to drive for free.


"Miss Larion, is Judge Witt still not available today?" Dean walked into the Youngstown Court and skillfully greeted Larian, the bailiff on duty today.

"It still doesn't work, Dean. You know, January is the busiest time for the seven district courts. Larien, who already had an impression of him, shook his head with a smile.

Well, Dean shrugged his shoulders, which was not beyond his expectation. This is the third time he has come, but he has never seen the person he wants to meet.

"That's right, Larrion. This is the 'Polish Teen' sandwich on Pierce Street. I happened to pass by when I came. Dean handed what he had in his hand to Larion, who had some freckles on his face.

"Oh, Dean, you are such a warm-hearted big boy." Larryan took over the thing happily, and his face was not as cold as he had just scolded a black woman.

If anyone is a regular visitor here, they will be surprised that Larion, who is usually used to frowning. There is also a day when there is a lovely smile, which is so abstract.

"Dean, let me tell you a piece of news. Judge Witt had a speech at Youngstown State University at 3 p.m., followed by visits to libraries, student dormitories and other activities. As for whether you can seize the opportunity, it's up to you.

Larion stared at Dean's charming blue eyes and revealed an inside information to him.

"Youngstown State University?" Dean raised his eyebrows, and the news was a little interesting.

"That's right," Larian paused and said tentatively, "Dean, are you free tomorrow? I'm on a break..."

"Larion, I'll thank you again next time." Responding to her was Dean's running out and the voice of drifting away.

"Look at that sexy ass, it's fucking irresistible~" Larion looked at Dean's distant back and licked his lips with some greed.

Out of the court, Dean went straight to the University of Youngstown.

Roger, his best friend, is there. Maybe you can ask him if there is any way to get close to Judge Witt.

Youngstown State University is also near the city center, and Dean will be there in half an hour. There is no school gate in the university, and everyone enters casually, but there are 24-hour law enforcement on the roadside.

Dean inquired around and finally found Roger, who was sweating from the basketball court.

"Dean, you fucking came to me just to hear the speech of the judge?" At first, Roger was a little happy about Dean's arrival, but when he heard his purpose, he felt strange.

The judge's speech? ComeOn! Who the fuck cares? Youngstown State University does not have a law department, but Youngston is about to become a city of crime.

"Roger, the judge's speech is secondary. The important thing is that I want to meet her." Dean went straight to the point and told Roger his plan.

"What? Dean, do you want to cooperate with the court to write a software that automatically queries criminal records? Roger was stunned and said, "Dean, if those who have been in prison know, they will kill you."

This is a case inquiry software, which mainly serves as an office tool for legal staff. Of course, it can also provide a certain legal reference for people with similar experiences... All right," Dean shrugged his shoulders. "It may not be popular with people with criminal records, but who the fucks cares?"

Dean is not such a virgin, so he doesn't think about privacy and human rights issues. As long as the federal government allows, what's wrong with him using the rules to make some benefits for himself? This is the fucking America!

"Roger, is Judge Witt's speech very popular today?"

"That's impossible. They would rather have a snowball fight outside than go into the warm classroom to listen to a drowsy legal speech." Roger denied it.

"That's easy," Dean snapped his fingers. "You can take me to the auditorium of the speech later. By the way, do you have a computer in your library?"

"MotherF*ck, my intuition tells me what bad ideas are you thinking about, Dean~" Roger felt that Dean was showing signs of changing from a nerd to a bad boy.

"Don't worry, I will never play adult videos on your library computer." Dean gave Roger a reassuring pill.


"In recent years, the public security in Youngstown has faced a severe test. We should increase our efforts to popularize legal knowledge to citizens..."

The big campus auditorium is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, but now it is sitting in Cheryl. There were only a few dozen students in front of Judge Witt.

The only students are still sparsely distributed in the middle and back row, but there are two concentrating listeners sitting in the center of the front row.

"Dean, what the fuck is this legal speech? It's really boring." The serious Roger complained in a low voice while keeping his sitting posture unchanged.

"Indeed," Dean nodded with approval.

"Then you still..."

"Judge Witt, do you think people should have the right to know about any type of cases in the state?" At the end of the speech, Dean actively raised his hand to ask questions.

"Of course!" Judge Witt came to his spirits, and finally a student was listening to her speech carefully.

"As we all know, the case information rooms of all courts in Ohio are regularly open to the public, and I am also a firm information transparencyist."

"So besides the court's case information room, are there any other places where people can consult these information? You know, some people live far away or it's inconvenient to go out. They can't enter the court's information room every time.

"Uh," Judge Witt paused and then explained, "We are also fighting for more budgets to promote this policy, and more law popularization programs will be broadcast on state TV stations in the future. In a word, providing as much legal information as possible to the people has always been our goal.

"I'm glad you're working hard for this cause." Dean stopped and did not continue to ask some tricky questions.

At the end of the speech, with Dean's interaction, Judge Witt's Youngstown State University show did not end in a deserted way.

Then after leaving the auditorium, while Judge Witt was talking to the people in the school office, Dean and Roger ran to the library non-stop.

They need to have everything ready before Judge Witt arrives.

"Roger, is it done at the library?"

"Of course," Roger smiled proudly.

"How did you persuade the librarian to give up the position to us? Isn't he afraid that the school will trouble him afterwards?

"I have the nude photos of that bastard picking up female students! If he dares not to agree with me, his white buttocks will appear in every corner of the campus tomorrow. Roger quietly took out his magic weapon from his arms.

"WTF? Where did you get these? Dean was stunned. From the photo, there was obviously more than one person present.

"That guy was so excited at that time that he didn't know what he was doing, and of course so did everyone else."

"So Roger, you were also on the scene, weren't you?" Dean found a blind spot.

"F*ckyou, Dean! I'm fucking helping you!" Roger was angry. "And I didn't suck, otherwise no one would have taken a picture."

"Well done, Roger! Shoot more in the future. I'll open a section for you alone on the Price List Network.

"Dean, I know you. It's the Waterloo of my life!"

Dean replied with a small middle finger.

The library is already in the distance, and it's his turn to perform.