
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

A little Shock

Dean, are you sure this thing will work?" In the library, Roger stared nervously at the door, urging Dean, who was busy under the desk from time to time.

"Shut up, Roger, don't distract me." Dean, who was lying on the ground, opened the lid of the computer case at the front desk of the library, and then took out the hard disk he brought.

"Dean, you promised me that everything will go well. If the principal knew that we dismantled the best computer in the library, added our own gadgets, and finally messed it up in front of Judge Witt, they would definitely let me get out of here.

Roger felt that he was really crazy. Why did he accompany Dean to implement this unreliable plan... He should play in the stadium now.

"Roger, your legs are shaking more than my hands, ComeOn! We are fighting for the legal freedom of Youngston. Don't you believe in my computer technology? While connecting the line, Dean complained about Roger's timidid.

"Okay, Dean. What you said before is all nonsense, and only the last sentence is reliable. At this time, Roger had no choice but to trust Dean. While talking, he saw a group of people at the intersection in front of the library from afar.

"Oh~Shit!" Roger kicked Dean with his foot, "Hurry up! Dean, they're coming!"

"Give me another minute!" Dean plugged in the wire and began to screw the screw non-stop. By the way, he pressed the boot button on the host.

"Comeon, Comeon~Comeon!" Although the snow outside has not yet melted, Roger is already sweating profusely.

But it was too late, and the decost of the school had taken Judge Witt into the library.

"This classmate, where did Steve go today?" The dean vance couldn't find Steve, who should have been here to receive him, and couldn't help asking strangely.

"Uh... Steve, he..." In a hurry, Roger racked his brains to think about the reason.

"Steve is sick today." Dean, who came out from under the table, smiled and explained.

"Oh~" The school's escort and Judge Witt looked strange when they saw Dean suddenly coming out of the table.

"Yes, Steve is sick today, so... We are here temporarily... Share his work." Roger explained and touched Dean with his arm, "Dean, your face..."

"What?" Dean subconsciously wiped his face. So a little grease that only existed in the corners of the mouth was directly smeared on half of the cheek.

"Puff~" Some of the accompanying school staff couldn't help laughing, and some serious Judge Witt also bent the corners of his mouth.

"So?" The prodion Vance looked a little bad. "Can anyone explain what happened?"

"Uh..." Roger is hopeless... He knew that things would not go so well.

"That's it." He hurriedly wiped off the stains on his face, and Dean took over the topic without changing his face. Roger and I like Judge Witt's speech very much. We are also staunch liberals. We believe that people have the right to know everything that happens in their state.

Hearing his name, Witt finally had an impression of the two young people in front of him. In his previous speech in the auditorium, there were two of them.

"Thank you very much for your understanding and support for Youngstown's legal affairs." Judge Witt smiled friendlyly at Dean and the others.

"This is what every Youngstowner should do. Of course, it's not enough..." Dean glanced at the computer in front of him, and the damn IBM guy finally finished the boot. "In order to facilitate people's access and give more people some case references, we have completed a small software development work on legal applications."

"Software development?" Both the depormon Vance and Judge Witt are curious about how the law is related to the software.

In their impression, the software only assists in some document processing or table calculation, such as Lotus1-2-3, Bravo, Excel and other office software.

But Dean gave them a different perspective, "Yes, this is a very practical tool. If you don't mind, I'll demonstrate it for you. Dean reached out and invited them to come to the computer.

The depocal Vance glanced at Judge Witt and wanted to ask for her opinion, but the latter had given his own answer with action.

He came to Dean's side with great interest, and Judge Witt looked at the computer screen curiously. So let's take a look at what the software specially developed for law looks like. To be honest, I'm also curious.

Whether it's because of your true thoughts or to show off in front of school and students. Judge Witt didn't mind giving Dean a chance to show his work.

"Yes, ma'am." Dean controlled the mouse to enter the hard disk and skillfully opened a case database software written by himself in three days.

It is also a semi-finished product with only one most basic search function, but it is enough for demonstration.

"Judge Witt, please see, here..." Dean clicked on a search box, "We only need to enter the corresponding keywords, such as the expulsion case..."

Pa, Dean tapped the enter button, and soon a series of messages were refreshed on the screen. They are all expulsion cases in Youngstown in the last week.

Select the case you want to know, then click in, and you will have all the information about it. Both the original defendants, the house involved in the case, the final judgment statement, etc..."

Judge Witt, Vance and the school personnel behind him all opened their eyes wide. They had never seen such a system.

"Of course, its function is more than that." Dean decided to give them a little technical shock. "If you enter a person's name in it, such as Flipp. Williams..."

Dean tapped the keyboard again, and this time everything on the screen appeared about Flipp. Williams' criminal record, drug offending, illegal gun-holding charges, violent injury crimes...

"First statement," Dean raised his finger and stressed, "This information is all from the information disclosed by the Youngstown Court of District 7, and does not involve personal privacy issues."

However, his emphasis was irrelevant, and everyone was stunned by this function.

They never thought that one day they could find out all a person's criminal records by moving their fingers on the keyboard.

Although these cases are public, it is also allowed and even encouraged by Ohio law to enquire. But the files lying in the data room that are left unattended and the criminal information that can be obtained in just a few seconds are completely different things.

"Can this system check all cases in Ohio?" Judge Witt's eyes flashed and he confirmed again.

"In theory, there is no problem at all. We only need to input all the physical case information of the state court into the system, that is, convert it into electronic information.

Then people can inquire about this information anytime and anywhere. Everyone has the right to know this information, right? Dean put out the guise of liberalism again.

"I totally agree!" Cheryl. Judge Witt appreciates the system developed by Dean very much, which is simply the perfect legal tool for her ideal.

"What should I call you?" Judge Witt decided to have a good chat with Dean.

"Dean. Price, just call me Dean.

"Okay, Dean, you did a great job." Judge Witt first praised him, and then turned to the provost Vance and said, "Mr. Vance, the teaching work of Youngstown State University has achieved surprising results."

Vance showed a proud look on his face. "Youngstown State University is always ignored by people, but in fact, our students are equally talented."

After a reserved self-admonising, Vance turned his head and smiled and said, "By the way, Dean, which department are you from? I will contact your dean to give you more support.

"My major is electrical engineering, but I'm a student at Cleveland State University." Dean's harmless self-introduction.

"What?!" The smile on Vance's face was directly stuck.

Cheryl. Witt first looked surprised, and then couldn't help laughing. This young man is always surprising.

"Actually, it's like this," Dean hugged Roger beside him without changing his face. "This system was developed by Roger and me, and he has also made a significant contribution to it."

Feeling the strength of Dean's palm on his shoulder, Roger immediately straightened his chest and showed a proud expression, "That's right, that's right!"

Isn't it? He threatened Steve to disappear from the library with a nude photo.

"Very good," Vance smiled again. "Roger, right? Well done. So this system will eventually be completed by students from Cleveland State University and Youngstown State University, right?

"Of course" Dean did not hesitate to give the answer the other party wanted.

"Good!" Vance nodded with satisfaction.

"Dean" Cheryl. Witt first looked at the calm Dean, and then at Roger, who tried to straighten his chest, "And... Roger..."

She took a business card from the assistant behind her. "I'm very interested in your software, so do you have time to talk to me?"

"It's my pleasure, Judge Witt." Dean took the business card, and there was just the right excitement on his face.

"Very good, I'm looking forward to the day they are put into use." Judge Witt was very satisfied with Dean's performance. He was a measured and smart man.

"Mr. Vance, this trip to Youngstown State University has taught me a lot. I will definitely report your excellent work to the city council.

"This is inseparable from everyone's support. Of course, this also includes Judge Witt."

Looking at the group of people who were drifting away, Dean and Roger couldn't help but breathe a sim of relief.

"Oh~Shit, Dean just looked like a gay." Roger was talking about the scene where Dean came out from under the table.

"F*ckyou, Roger!"

"Shit, stop saying this to me. I suddenly feel a little nauseous~"

"Roger, your fucking head is full of tadpoles!" Dean raised two middle fingers fiercely.