
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Three birds with one stone

On the first day, I experienced a thrilling moment as a part-time mover. Dean also had to sigh whether he was too lucky.

I have heard that Free America shoots every day for a long time, but only personal experience can I experience that excitement.

Although the house was surrounded by several police cars at this time, Dean's body was still trembling uncontrollably.

This is not all because of fear, but more likely to be a psychological stimulus.

"Dean, I said hello to John and the others. I'll take you home first, and they will go to the south of the city. After a few words with the team, Frank came over and told Dean that he was going to take him home.

It's still morning, and today's work has just begun. As the bottom of the city for decades, John and others have long been used to all this.

If there were no gunshots a few times one day, they would even doubt whether the United States had fallen.

However, Dean shook his head and refused Frank's kindness. Uncle Frank, I'm fine, just a little... excited.

"But Dean is too dangerous. Rachel will be furious with me when he goes back." When she went out in the morning, Rachel entrusted Dean to Frank.

If she had known that a bullet had flown past her uncle and nephew just two hours after she went out, Rachel would definitely put the pasta in her hand on his face.

"Don't worry, Aunt Rachel won't know about it." Dean winked at Frank, "It's just an accident, isn't it? And the next place we are going to is the south of the city.

"Well~" Frank nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, it's really just an accident. But if you want to continue to follow, you must listen to me and leave without permission like you just did in the kitchen. Absolutely not.

Frank was talking about Dean running to get the pan alone in the kitchen, which was obviously a little irrational to do so at that time.

"No problem" Dean patted his chest and assured that if it hadn't been for the trouble to eliminate some trouble, he would have been more obscene than everyone else.

"By the way, Uncle Frank, did the police find any clues in the house?" After the team started again, Dean casually inquired about the news.

"It's just a normal poison cave. Such a place can be seen everywhere in Youngstown. After the police collect the stolen goods, they will leave. It's nothing strange.

Frank has also met the poison cave several times. Usually, the sheriff will turn a blind eye and only carry out the expulsion business.

I didn't report to the bureau until I went out and got in the car, but today, unfortunately, those drugs came back halfway.

Obviously, they didn't know that someone would come to carry out the eviction business, which was likely to be fooled by the landlord.

The landlord wanted to use the sheriff's hand to drive away these dangerous elements, but although his goal was achieved, the sheriff's office must also send him a ticket afterwards.

Sometimes when the court adjudicates the eviction case, many tenants will not even appear in court. The consequence of not coming is to be expelled by default, and then Frank and they will always meet some tenants who are overwhelmed by all this when they come to the door.

That was the scene just now, and Dean was relieved to learn that the police had not found anything extra in the house.

He didn't know if the cards given to Ryder were all here, but with the previous feel, the thick pile, if not all, was the majority.

In the rumbling engine, the convoy drove all the way to the south of the city. Everyone's mood is obviously much more relaxed after leaving the east of the city. According to past experience, life in the south of the city is the most relaxed.

Generally, the eviction business is carried out there, and most of the tenants move away in advance, so there will be a lot of harvest.

It turned out to be true, and I arrived at the enthusiast's residence. After Frank confirmed that there was no danger, Dean entered the room and found a lot of babies.

Amiga500, a new model just released by Camaoda two years ago. There is also Compaq's Deskpro386, which looks very good.

Dean, who bought the treasure, couldn't wait to move everything in the room home. Of course, that's impossible. After choosing a few more floppy disks and CDs, he took them for $200.

Yes, although the things in the room are ownerless, those who see them have a share. The $200 is mainly distributed to the foreman John and Tom.

Even if Frank is their head, everyone has to follow the rules. After paying $200, John and the others thoughtfully helped Dean pack two computers and put them in the trunk of Frank's car.

These things are worthless to them, because if they don't know the goods, even if they sell them themselves, they may not be able to sell them at a good price. In this case, it's better to take $200 in cash and sell a favor to Frank by the way.

After returning home, Dean spent the night putting the three computers together as servers and placing them in the garage.

It should be enough for a while, but the best choice is to use a professional server. But the price is too high. The cheapest one costs tens of thousands of dollars, and Dean is still far behind.

No, I have to find a way to make money. This kind of overstretched days made Dean's many ideas not on the agenda.


"Uncle Frank, is there a lot of information about housing in the Eagle Moving Company?" At the dinner table in the morning, Dean began to ask Frank about the housing market in Youngstown.

"What do you mean?" Frank stuffed a piece of sandwich into his mouth and looked up at him strangely.

"For example, information about tenants and landlords, who has a record of eviction, which landlords have been issued a ticket by the Housing Administration, etc." Dean Zeng is thinking about how to use this information to make money.

"Oh, there is indeed this part of the information in the archives. After all, according to the procedures stipulated by the court, we need to keep the record of each eviction. But Dean, why are you interested in it?

Frank feels that Dean's hobbies are a little strange. Shouldn't young people of this age prefer those Hollywood stars or sports stars?

Dean said, "I just want to do an extracurricular survey on housing. You know, Uncle Frank, I'm going to transfer to Stanford in the second half of this year."

"Great! Dean! It's a famous private university in the United States. If you succeed, the Price family will have a big shot in the future!" Aunt Rachel, who came out of the kitchen with milk, immediately loudly cheered Dean.

Frank shrugged his shoulders and then told Dean an unexpected message. If these materials are helpful to you, you can go to the Eagle Company to find me after work. But there is another place, Dean, you may think about it.

"Where?" Dean asked curiously.

"Court." Frank shrugged his eyebrows at him.

"The court?" This result was much beyond Dean's expectation.

"That's right," Frank took out a tissue and wiped his mouth. "All expulsion cases are heard in court. They will disclose this information regularly, although no one pays attention to them."

Like most states in the United States, Ohio also believes that citizens have the right to know about various criminal and civil cases in the state.

Therefore, the courts in the state will regularly open the case exhibition room, where all cases can be consulted by anyone.

But obviously, in the face of boring documents, few people are willing to waste time on them.

Dean, who learned the news, raised his eyebrows, and a more radical idea took shape in his head.

What other information does this sell? He can cooperate with the court to develop a software for the Youngstown District Court on the grounds of citizens' right to know.

This software is nominally free for everyone, and it can query the case information disclosed by the court. It can even be further deepened into a court office software, and public case inquiry is only one of its functions.

Dean believes that the bigwigs in the court can't refuse this "achievement".

With it, those politicians can proudly say that they have made indelible contributions to the promotion of laws in Ohio during speeches or elections.

Of course, to convince them, Dean has to take out something.

Once this software is completed, Dean can also fill in the extracurricular activities column of his transfer application.

Finally, with this software. Dean can also develop a separate skin replacement version, which is only open to those landlords.

This is equivalent to a deluxe version of DLC, which is only open to paying people.

Look, three birds with one stone, Dean's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"Dean, Miss Karen asked you to go to Charlotte Street later. She said that the water heater in the bathroom was broken again."

Just as Dean was in fantasy time, Aunt Rachel in the living room reminded him from afar with a phone that he had to work to do.

"Why is it broken again? I went to see them the other day, and there was no problem with them. The good dream was woken up, and Dean had no choice but to complain.

"Who knows? Maybe that Miss Karen uses it too often." Aunt Rachel shrugged her shoulders and said, "By the way, Dean, when do you start school?"

"January 20th, there are about two weeks left." Dean got up and was ready to go to Charlotte Street.

"Then you'd better do it before then. If you give it to Pete, I promise that Miss Karen will move early in the end."

"Okay, aunt~" Dean put on his coat and went out.


On Charlotte Street, Dean stood in front of his house and rang the doorbell a few times, but no one answered.

Didn't you say that the water heater is broken? What about people?

"Is it Dean?" There was a faint sound from the house.

"It's me, Karen. My aunt said that the water heater in the room was broken. Let me have a look.

"Come in, the door is unlocked. You came just in time. Help me see what's wrong with it? Karen's voice came from inside.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Dean pushed the door into the house, but he looked twice but didn't see anyone.

"Karen?" Dean called tentatively.

"I'm here." Karen, wrapped in a bath towel, poked her head out of the bathroom. "Come here."

Well, Dean feels that things are not simple.