
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


The snow that fell two days ago had not yet melted. There was another light rain in the morning, and the whole Youngstown became wet.

When Dean's car arrived at Bryant Avenue in the north of the city, two trucks with 18-foot long containers were parked here.

"Hey, John, Tom." After getting out of the car, Frank greeted the two middle-aged people around the truck.

They are Hispanic, with brown skin, and are also the head of this team.

While "Frank" John greeted Tom, he also noticed Dean coming out of the car.

"This is my nephew. I came here today to see if I can find something useful." Frank introduced Dean to everyone.

After listening to Frank's introduction, everyone present knew that the last sentence was the key point. Come on, what can you see as a mover? The only valuable thing is what the tenants didn't take away.

After Dean greeted them, the group got on the bus under Frank's command and prepared to sweep the south from the north of the city.

In addition to John and Tom, the team has five other movers. They were basically all black people, and they were temporarily picked up by John and others on the roadside.

The moving company can't afford to raise too many people, so when you need to use people, they are in the wandering area in the north or east of the city to attract people on the spot.

50 dollars a day, a lot of people rush to do it. Although there is a lot of physical work in the process of moving, Frank and others have never been short of people.

In the low roar of the diesel engine, the truck started in turn. And those black people gathered together with laughter, and the black coffee in the cigarette and mug was their standard.

Dean and others, who followed behind the truck, could see the every move of everyone in the car through the windshield of the car.

"Dean, do you know that three of these five people are addicts?" Frank, who was driving, saw Dean looking at the people in the car and explained in a mocking tone.

"Three addicts?" Dean was shocked, but can addicts do such physical work?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Frank's face became more and more contemptuous. When they get today's salary, they will definitely buy some medicine and have a good time.

Is this their daily life? If you have money, you can suck the leaves. If you don't have money, you can work as a temporary worker for a day, and then continue to suck the leaves? Somehow Dean suddenly thought of Ryder.

His eyes swept over the black man in the carriage again. Some people were the same as ordinary people, with a strong figure and the overalls of the eagle moving company.

Even on their overalls, they cleverly painted all kinds of slogans, "Let's leave the move to the 'bird'.", "Humming to work," and "The delivery is coming."

"This is the life of the poor in America." Frank's voice sounded in Dean's ear at the right time.

The American Dream is not something that anyone is qualified to chase.

When Dean and the others arrived at Yinquan Street in the north of the city, two sheriffs were already waiting next to the apartment.

When the moving company is carrying out the eviction business, the sheriff needs to knock on the door first and show the eviction notice to inform the tenants that they have been expelled.

Then it was the moment when the movers appeared. They filed in to empty the room, and the tenant's things would be piled up directly by the roadside.

Of course, if the tenants don't want their things to be exposed to the wild, they can also ask the movers to pull them back to the Eagle Company's warehouse for storage.

As for the storage fee, it is 125 dollars a month, and the child is not deceived. Once the tenant does not pay the management fee for two months, their things will be disposed of by the eagle.

In the United States, anything can become a business.

Frank and the others cleaned up the first apartment without a response. After knocking on the door twice, the sheriff directly motioned Frank to open the door.

The Eagle Moving Company has a spare key given by the landlord, so it's easy for them to enter the house.

As Frank opened the door, Dean followed in excitedly. The result is the garbage discarded at will, half-eate pizza, rotten unknown fruits, cockroaches crawling everywhere...

What suffocated Dean was that there was a stench in the room. At a glance, he saw the body of an unknown animal lying in the corner. That should be a pet dog. It was abandoned here for some reason. There were crawling everywhere on the rotten body...

Out of the way, Dean couldn't help running out of the house and leaned down to vomit beside the green belt. Seeing him strendled, the laughter of the sheriff and several black people came behind him.

Frank shook his head. The boy was inexperienced at a glance. Didn't he see anyone else hiding far away?

"The first article of the eviction code is to be careful when the house is opened without an answer." Frank, the head, waved his hand directly, "Garbage house, retreat!"

Let the landlord deal with the house by himself. They are only responsible for eviction, not cleaning.

With the experience just now, Dean was finally much more honest. When he arrived at a light blue two-storey house in the east of the city, although there was no one, he waited until Frank signaled that there was no problem before entering the house.

This room is exactly the opposite of the apartment just now. It is clean, and the shoe boxes at the door are neatly placed together.

The TV in the living room is even playing a talk show, and there is a cup of unfinished coffee on the table in front of the sofa.

What's the situation? Dean was stunned. Didn't the tenant know that a sheriff came to let them leave today?

Just then, the foreman John suddenly stiked at Frank, and the former's eyes were fixed on the kitchen.

Frank, who received the signal, immediately pulled Dean behind him. Gentlemen, I think we are lucky."

As his voice fell, the two sheriffs subconsciously put their hands on the holers.

"Frank?" Among the sheriffs, Dave, who was older, asked what had happened with his eyes.

"This is a poison cave." Frank's expression became serious. He and John have worked together for many years and have a tacit understanding of each other for a long time.

It's not that they haven't met an addict every time they carry out the eviction business, but the probability of meeting a poison cave is much smaller. I didn't expect to have a big luck today.

After hearing Frank's explanation, Dave and another sheriff pulled out the gun without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Dean's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily. WTF? Can you meet this kind of thing if you just act as a temporary mover?

"Dean, follow me." Frank saw his nervousness and quietly comforted him. He has just seen it. There is no one else in this house.

After the sheriff carefully came to the kitchen and confirmed that there was no one in it except the burning pasta, everyone was a little relieved.

At this time, John, who was the first to find the abnormality, came to the drawer in the kitchen without saying a word. He opened the innermost drawer familiarly, as if he had been here.

There is a small sealed bag and some razor blades in the drawer. The two sheriffs exchanged eyes with unpredictable expressions.

"Maybe we should call the bureau. After all, this is not our job."

"Yes, we are only responsible for expulsion, not for drug collection." Neither of them wanted to get into trouble, so they decided to turn a blind eye to it. After all, the landlord also put them together.

However, they were not in a hurry, while Dean was in a hurry. Because there is a thick pile of cards on the edge of the plastic bag in the drawer!

He was so familiar with those things, because they flowed out of Dean's hands.

With a glance, he knew that this was the batch of cards given to Ryder, because they were relatively large in face value.

What to do? Don't you know just pretending like this? But if the police track it here later, will they find that this batch of phone cards is abnormal?

After all, their copycats are too crude, and they will be revealed if you look closely. And if the police see it, will they continue to investigate?

So this leads to the most fatal question. Will they eventually involve Ryder or Dean himself?

When the two sheriffs used walkie-talkie-talkies to call other police, Dean was at war in his heart. Damn, if I had known that the last phone card would have been destroyed directly, there would have been so much.

"Well, we've called the other guys. Let's leave it to them here." Dave signaled everyone to leave the room and not to destroy the scene.

Wow, Dean sighed, and now he can only wait and see what's changed.

However, before everyone could do anything, there was a sudden sound of car engines outside. Then there was the sound of the door and curse, "F*ck! It's a com!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" Two gunshots sounded, and the glass in the kitchen broke.

"Shit! They have guns!", "Hidden! Hidden!" The kitchen is in chaos.

Someone lay on the ground in a daze, and the two sheriffs fired back and shouted at the walkie-talkie for support.

Dean looked up at Frank. He was pressing himself with one arm and grabbing a kitchen pad in front of him with the other hand.

At the critical moment, Dean quickly moved to the drawer to grab the card and threw it on the burning natural gas stove.

By the way, he also took the pan, poured out the inside, and then held it up and climbed to Frank.

"Uncle Frank, use this!"

Throwing away the light cushion, Frank grabbed the pan and blocked the two people's heads. Well done, Dean!"

After a few more shots, Sheriff Dave signaled his partner to cease fire, "They ran away!"

Through the corner of the window, after confirming that there was no one outside, Dave began to check whether anyone was injured in the house.

Fortunately, because the two people outside just fired two shots at will to vent their anger, everyone was safe and sound.

Dean turned his head and looked at the kitchen, and there was a pile of black ashes next to the gas stove.

"Dean, that's all for today. The police will take over here next." Frank looked at Dean apologetically, "Are you all right?"

"Uncle Frank, I'm going to follow you here myself." Dean signaled that he would be fine. If he had listened to Frank's advice and waited for them directly in the south of the city, there would have been no such thing.

But Dean is not fruitless, at least he is much more relaxed now.