
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs


Regarding Price List, Dean's current plan is very simple, that is, to focus on free city services.

Yes, it's free. Whether it is because the federal government prohibits online business transactions, or as a new website, free is the best choice.

In addition, the United States Network, which only provides services in the state, is very suitable for websites serving the same city.

Because its users are basically natives of Ohio, everyone may not be in the same city, but they must be familiar with or have heard of each other's cities.

This naturally narrows the distance between the two sides and is more conducive to the spread of the website in the state.

This is the most suitable route for Price List until the federal government liberalized the regulation of the Internet.

As for online business behaviors, they are not without them now, but most of them are not large-scale, and they are basically private transactions.

For example, enthusiasts mail-order computer accessories by email, or some companies carry out business activities internally by arranging their own local area networks.

But Dean does not intend to commercialize the Price List prematurely, at least he will not do so blatantly.

It's no problem to make some small actions occasionally to earn some extra money. This is a tacit and consistent practice.

But as long as he dares to publicly use the Price List for business activities, believe it or not, if he doesn't wait for him to get bigger, countless people will come up and bite him.

Don't expect your peers to have any integrity. Once the fatal weakness is revealed, they will not be soft.

Moreover, the Internet has not yet been born. As a large local area network, the United States does not have the possibility to commercialize Price List.

In this case, it's better to be more generous. So Dean replied to Debbie directly by email. At present, the Price list is still in the testing stage, so all services are free.

Not only that, he also put this announcement in a prominent position on the homepage of the website. This is nothing more than attracting users and encouraging them to engage in various interactive activities.

Price List does not participate in business activities, but users use the Internet to conclude transactions offline, which does not violate the terms of use of the Internet at all.

When the website is active, it will naturally attract more people. When the government liberalies regulations one day, the users of Price List will become a huge asset.

Of course, if you want to achieve the network scale effect, the current Price list is still far away.

Dean needs to promote his website, and users are everything, otherwise the so-called benefits in the future will be empty talk.

If he wants to promote the website, it is impossible for him to advertise in newspapers or on TV, and Dean can guarantee that this will not be effective.

I haven't heard much about the Internet these days, and the effect of advertising can be imagined. Moreover, surfing the Internet also requires a certain threshold. Without the necessary basic knowledge of computers, most people can't figure out what the Internet is.

So for several days after Christmas, Dean has been dealing with all kinds of bugs on the website. To attract users, improving the browsing experience of the website is the most effective way.

In the reckless era of computer development, the most primitive word-of-mouth transmission is an effective way to disseminate information.

After several days of uninterrupted updates, Dean has fixed the problems with the most feedback, and the Price List also has more than 100 users.

Most of these people slowly emanated from Dean's friends, and they all live in the area of Youngstown without exception.

Their messages finally make the website not seem too deserted, and the types of posts in the forum section have become more and more abundant.

The following information on the home page is also posted by some trivial things such as looking for friends to watch the performance together, or looking for lost keychains.

But this is the core of life, classified information website.

Of course, there are more users, and there are no new problems. The most feedback Dean received was that the access speed of the website was getting slower and slower.

He is not surprised about this. After all, the whole website is supported by the computer in his bedroom.

It seems that the Commaoda-64 bought for $80 also needs to be upgraded. It's too reluctant to use it as a server.

After dealing with these trivial things, the time has reached the end of December, and Dean and Pitt have also moved out of Charlotte Street.

They need to vacate the house before the start of January for Karen, who had signed a contract before.

Dean lived in his aunt's house, and his computer was placed in Frank's garage. Even in order to ensure the operation of the website, Dean asked the telephone company to pull a separate telephone line for dial-up Internet access.

This part of the fee will be paid by himself, because the monthly package is opened, and the American Internet gave him a preferential price of $600.

The Internet fee of 600 US dollars is unimaginable in later generations. In the era of broadband popularity, the cost range is 30 to 100 US dollars.

It can be seen how expensive the cost of dial-up Internet access in the early stage of the Internet is, and ordinary people can't afford it at all. If most people need to use the Internet to receive emails, they mostly choose to pay by the hour. After all, it doesn't take much time.

As for Pete, who also moved out of Charlotte Street, he rented a single apartment for $230 to the south of the city with the help of Frank.

Originally, Dean wanted to contact the landlord he met in the training class of the welfare building last time, or use his Price list to find a house for his father.

But Frank said that this is simply a need. He doesn't know how many landlords he deals with every day. Will he still be embarrassed by this small problem?

So after a phone call, Peter found a new place to live in the south of the city.

This incident made Dean a little embarrassed, but also gave him some inspiration. Can his Price network get some inside information about the housing market from Frank?

As a person from the moving company, Frank contacted both the tenant and the landlord, and he had information about both parties.

Susie's sentence in the landlord training class is right. The tenant is screening the house, and the landlord is also screening the tenant.

And Dean may be able to provide them with this information, especially those that is not publicly disclosed. Of course, they are not free.

These ideas slowly brewed in Dean's head, and maybe when he figured out the logic, he could have a try.

Dean moved back to his aunt's house. After spending two days dealing with the website, he got up early the third day.

"Uncle Frank, do we start from the north of the city?"

"Dean, are you sure you want to do this? Even if you want to find something useful, I suggest you get on the bus when we get to the market in the south of the city. Frank, who had already dressed in his overalls, gave Dean a pertinent advice with his own experience.

"No, Uncle Frank, I'm ready." Dean, who was fully armed with gloves, was eager to try.

"Well, I hope you don't spit it out later." Frank shrugged his shoulders and called Dean to get in the car.

Just in January, some of the people in Youngstown who finished their vacation have begun to work in the new year.

This naturally includes Dean's uncle Frank. From the end of the year to the beginning of spring, the moving company's truck is the vehicle with the highest attendance in Youngstown.

Even two days ago, Dean and Pete enjoyed the service provided by Frank's Eagle Moving Company.

But today Dean has become the person who serves others. He is going to work with Frank to be a mover.

Dean has been careful since he heard Frank at the dinner table last night that he was going to the south of the city to deal with a special eviction business today.

The eviction business is the main business of Eagle Moving Company, which is usually entrusted by the landlord to evict tenants under their own name.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the court ruled that the tenant lost the case of eviction, otherwise the landlord could not drive the tenant at will.

The reason why this expulsion business is special is that the owner of the house went to prison not long ago. It was not until the end of December and the beginning of January that the landlord called the Eagle Moving Company to clear the house.

After all, although the tenant went to prison, his rent has not yet expired. Only in January can the landlord avoid legal risks and clear the market openly when the other party defaults on the rent.

As for Dean's departure, it was because the tenant was an electronic enthusiast. When the Eagle Moving Company clears the house, it is generally free to deal with such unclaimed items.

So Dean is going to go and have a look. Maybe he can find something good. In the room of an electronic enthusiast, there is a high probability that he has what he wants, such as a computer, a floppy disk or something.

Doesn't the Price List website need more computers to serve as servers? Look, this is one of the ways.

As for buying a brand-new Apple computer or an IBM computer? Sorry, the cheapest one costs more than a thousand dollars, and Dean doesn't have that spare money.

Although he made a sum of money, it was not used here. Good steel had to be used on the blade.

After getting into Frank's car, the two drove through the rainy morning fog to the north of the city.