
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs


On the first day after Christmas, Dean had a fever.

When he woke up in the morning, he felt something was wrong. Not to mention the splitting headache, the whole body is too soft to use strength.

He leaned his hand on his face, and he knew that he should have a fever.

I secretly drank a lot of wine with Jerry at my aunt's house last night, and stood in the wind and snow with Ryder for a while in the early morning.

So the current sequelae came, and the original plan to improve the Price list had to be suspended first.

"Dean, you need to exercise." Early in the morning, Peter came in with the cold medicine.

"Dad, what I need now is to replenish energy, so what shall we have for breakfast?" Although he had a fever, Dean couldn't stay idle. He was leaning against the bedside and flipping through computer magazines.

"Oh, I thought you would watch Attic or Shaved or something." Seeing his bookmer son reading boring things, Peter couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"Please, Dad, I have a fever now, but I'm not in that interest." Dean threw the magazine aside.

"Well, then after we replenish the energy, it won't be too late to watch it again~" Peter put down the things in his hand.

"What is that?" Seeing what was on the table clearly, Dean couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Beer, warm." Peter is proud of his thoughtfulness.

"So what are you holding in your other hand?"

"Cephalosporin~" Peter replied as a matter of course. Don't think he is an unreliable father. He still knows the common sense of eating cephalosin when he has a cold.

"Daddy" Dean looked at Peter speechlessly. "Are you going to murder your genius son?"

"WTF? This is the love breakfast I have carefully prepared for you. I even heated the beer!"

"Uh-huh~" Dean motioned him to continue.

"Is that how you treat a person who gave up going to Edwin's unlimited drinking party in the bar in order to take care of his son?" Peter felt that he had suffered a great injustice.

Looking at his injured expression, Dean laughed. Dad, didn't anyone tell you that cephalosporin and alcohol can't meet at the same time?

"What?" Peter first stayed for a moment, and then looked at what was in his hand.

"Oh~shit! Sorry, Dean, it used to be Cartelin doing these things..." Pete explained in a hurry, and when it came to Catlin, both he and Dean suddenly calmed down.

"I... I'll pour some hot water again. Peter got up and tried to break the dull atmosphere.

"Dad, tell me about Ryder."

"What?" Peter stopped and looked at Dean with a calm face.

"Ryder, about him." Dean sat up straight, "You never told me how Ryder became like this. All I know is that he suddenly lost his job and then moved out of the house. As for what happened in the middle, I have no impression at all.

Hearing Dean's question, Pete seemed a little silent. But soon he raised his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, let's talk about this topic."

Led was two years older than Dean and graduated from Wilson High School two years before. However, unlike his gifted brother, his grades are very average.

So like the children of most workers' families, Ryder found a job early and stepped into society from then on.

However, he is also luckier than others, that is, he has a well-connected uncle, or a former uncle.

Yes, he is Debbie's biological father, Bill. Dreber. Bill served in the army as a communications technology soldier during the Vietnam War. After retiring, he returned to Youngstown for a period of time.

Because of the military, he obtained a middle and high-level position in the Republic Steel Plant. The former general manager of Chengdong Himel Hospital was even his comrade-in-arms. Because of this relationship, Ryder entered the pharmacy of Himel Hospital as a pharmacist assistant.

In the United States, pharmacists need to get a license, and even certain requirements for academic qualifications, but pharmacist assistants do not.

So the ambitious Ryder looks forward to getting his license one day and being a pharmacist with good social status.

It seems to see his ambition, or his innocence. Just then, a pathologist in the hospital found Ryder, who claimed that he was doing a study on an addictive drug.

This study requires a volunteer to test the medicine and report on changes from psychological to physical every day.

As a reward, when the research results are released, you can add the names of volunteers to the column of auxiliary researchers.

In addition, after learning that Ryder's mother had asthma, the doctor also promised to introduce an asthma expert in New York to consult his mother.

Then the silly Ryder was moved. If his name could appear in a first-class scientific research magazine, wouldn't it be a good time for him to apply for the position of pharmacist in the future?

My mother has been suffering from asthma over the years, and maybe the bigwigs in New York have a way.

The naive man didn't even know whether the doctor really had this project under his name, or whether all this was reasonable, because it looked too playfic.

As for the final result, it is self-evident that the doctor had left Youngstown for the southern city long before the revelation of Ryder's drug theft.

Yes, once they become dependent on addictive drugs, the parties often do all kinds of strange things.

Ryder first bought medicine from his colleagues in the pharmacy department, or supervised and stole it. In the end, the patients in the hospital even became his "suppliers".

He was willing to buy a Vicodin at a high price of $3, and then he didn't have to buy it, but stole it directly from the medicine given to the patient.

In the hospital, Ryder will take the "Dorregi" skin patch for patients with chronic pain, extract the fentanyl component with a syringe, swallow it or directly into his body, and finally glue the patch with only the empty shell back.

Without painkillers, the patient can only moan weakly in bed. Until one day my colleague found that his eyes were closed and his body swayed back and forth like a rocking chair. They asked him to go home to rest, and then checked the Dorigi patch, and as expected, it was sucked clean.

Supervisor Ryder asked him to test the poison, and the result was naturally positive. The truth came out, and Ryder was fired from the hospital.

At that time, no one could help him, former uncle Bill. Dreber has left Youngstown. After receiving the call from the hospital, Peter chased him two streets with his shotgun at home.

Later, Ryder went to the east of the city, and everything began to slowly slide into the abyss.

"That's about it. His stupidity made everything today." Pete was deeply disappointed with Ryder, but it was a kind of disappointment.

"I met Ryder yesterday." Dean remembered the back of the street corner last night.

"I know."

Dean looked up in surprise.

"He's always like this. Every time he comes back, he looks like a thief. Caitlin told me more than once." Peter didn't ask them what they were talking about. He just needed to see that both of them were safe and sound.

"Dad..." As soon as Dean opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Pitt's raised hand.

"Kid, I know you have made a lot of money recently. But it's still the same sentence..." Pete got up and looked at Dean by the bed. Don't let me go to prison to see you. If there's really something I have to do, let me go.

"Ha~" Dean threw the cold medicine brought by Peter into his mouth, and then chewed it down. F*ck! This medicine is so fucking bitter!"

"Get well quickly, boy. I said I would take you to watch the striptease. Don't let me go on my word. Peter slowly walked out of the room with a beer.

Well, although this family is a little messy, it is not so hopeless.

Dean picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of the water poured last night, and immediately shivered with the coldness.

It's a little cold, but I've recovered a lot.

After putting on a sweater, Dean came to the desk. Christmas is over, and it's time to take a look at the customer feedback on the Price list.

Open the computer and log in to your mailbox. In an instant, Dean was overwhelmed by all kinds of emails.

"Dean, I need a board to find a girl!" -- from Roger.

"Why is there no game-sharing post? I have cleared all the Nintendo games you downloaded for me~" --From Jerry.

My good friend Beni said that she wanted to sell her idle bags on the website. She asked me to ask you, if anyone is willing to buy it, how much will you charge?" - From Debbie.

"Great website, at least it looks much more interesting than the same BBS. However, the website doesn't seem to be popular, and the loading speed is too slow. It takes me more than 30 seconds to open a link.

In addition, the filtering function in the website is also not easy to use. It seems that there is something wrong with the algorithm. Personally, I suggest using the UUCP protocol to re-test the Unix code." -- From Sergeant Pepper.

Sergeant Pepper? This is one of Dean's geek friends on the Internet, and his advice is also much more professional.

Dean continued to look down. Most of the others also put forward various requirements for the website, and many of them were application emails for account registration.

After writing down the questions, Dean began to process the account application email again.

However, Debbie's friends want to sell things on the Price list, which may not work in a short time.

Because the current network is nominally under the management of the military. After all, the network was originally conceived as a defense project to survive under nuclear war and requires a distributed network.

The predecessor of the Internet, "Apa.com", is now renamed the National Science Foundation Network, and the manager behind it is still the government.

Before the government liberalized its management, the use of the Internet for commercial transactions obviously violated its rules of use.

However, although this kind of behavior is not allowed, early online business activities have long spread across the country.

If you want to make a profit from the Price list, it's not impossible, but you need to think about it.