
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


That feeling came back, and Ryder clearly felt that his body was gushing out of longing.

The desire from the depths of the soul comes from the physiologically uncontrollable desire.

Cough~, the trembling body slowly recovered, and the medicine slowly dissipated. Wiping his nose and tears, Ryder got up from the ground with difficulty.

There was no one in the room. Flipp had been playing poker with a black girl in his arms long after the drug attack of Ryder.

He looked around with the help of the dim yellow light, and the scattered dollar banknotes on the ground were covered with footprints.

This is the money from Dean's phone card! Ryder quickly knelt on the ground and picked up the bills one by one, counting twenty-five, one of which were not bad.

Ryder finally showed a relieved smile on his face, but before the smile bloomed, he lowered his head and buried his face between his hands holding the money, and his shoulders kept shrugging.

After a while, Ryder collected the money, then tidied up his clothes and pushed the door and went out.

Outside the door, the noise of gamblers and the screams of women, just like when he first came.

"Hey, brother, do you feel happy now?" The tall and thin black man guarding the door raised his eyebrows at Ryder with a smile.

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Ryder put his hands into his pockets and walked to Xihai Street without saying a word.

He needs to get out of here immediately, as soon as possible. The infamous Xihai Street made his heart frighten, but what he was more afraid of was the beast in his heart.

So, right now! He wants to give all this money to Dean, and he can't leave a penny on him!

With little consideration, Ryder went straight into a taxi on the street.

"Go to the south of the city!"

"Man, it's Christmas today. I'm already open." The driver who is about to go home doesn't want to stay here longer.

"MotherF*ck! I said go to the south of the city!" Ryder kicked the back of the chair in front of him manically.

"Hey, calm down!" The driver quickly raised his hands to calm him down.

Ryder responded to him with a more fierce kick.

"OK~OK~ I'm leaving now." While the driver fastened his seat belt, he also cursed fiercely in his heart. He shouldn't have sent a guest to Xihai Street just now. Every time he comes here, it must be not a good thing.

The yellow taxi galloped to the south of the city in the wind and snow. I don't know when the snowflakes flew away again in the light and shadow under the street lamp.


"Dean, if it weren't... today is Christmas, I... I would have taken you to the deadly temptation to watch the girls dance?"

"Dad, are you sure you don't want to go? You have repeated this sentence at least five times.

Dean walked to Charlotte Street with his father Peter in his feet.

Every winter, the heavy snow in Ohio spreads everywhere like no money.

When Dean went out to Aunt Rachel's house, they could even see the stars in the sky. But when the party was over, the heavy snow directly blurred the line of sight, so the snow on the ground was thicker.

Fortunately, it's the south of the city here. Even if it's almost night, you don't have to worry too much about meeting idle gangsters.

Squeaky~squeaky~, Dean and the others stepped on the snow and finally moved to their door.

Looking at the room in the Black Cave, standing quietly in the middle of the night, Dean and Pete were a little distracted.

If the mother Caitlin was still there, they should have a party at their own home at this time.

"I'm tired, Dean. Let's talk about moving tomorrow. At least we can still live until 1989, can't we? Peter left his shoulder and opened the door and walked into the room.

"If Dad, what you said about the year 89 refers to January 1st." Dean shrugged his shoulders and was ready to go upstairs to rest. He had a full Christmas.

Dingling~, it seemed that he knew that the owner of the room was about to turn over for today, and the phone in the living room caught his footsteps at the last minute.

"ComeOn! Today is Christmas!" Dean had to go down the stairs and walk to the phone.

"Hello~, this is Price's house on Charlotte Street."

"Dean, I'm outside."

"What?" Dean felt a little familiar with the gasp in the receiver.

"I'm Ryder, right outside the door!" After saying this, the phone has been hung up.

Ryder? Dean was in a moment.

Since the last time I saw him in Milsey Park, Dean hasn't heard from him anymore.

Even Dean occasionally wondered if his bastard brother had cheated his family again.

It's not that he hasn't done this before, but after the last conversation, Dean subconsciously chose to believe him again.

Now he doesn't disappear, he just stands outside the door.

Dean put down the phone and came to the window to open the curtains and look out. You can't see anything clearly on the dark street, and the wind and snow make the dim yellow street lights even darker.

Looking back at Dad's room, there seemed to be a faint snoring inside. Dean gave up his intention to wake him up, but put on his coat, opened the door, and went outside the house.

"Dean!" Ryder's call came from outside the yard.

Dean followed the voice and saw a figure vaguely. He wrapped his clothes and walked out of the yard and stepped into the wind and snow.

"Ryder, how do you choose to meet at this time?" Today is Christmas. Doesn't he have anywhere to go?

"Dean..." Ryder, huddled in the shadow, looked at the street corner not far away. "Let's go and talk about it."

Dean looked back at the dimly lit home, and then nodded and followed Ryder to the corner.

I don't know if it's because the weather is too cold. He feels that Ryder's body has been shaking.

"Ryder, would you like to go to the house and rest for a while and drink a cup of hot coffee?" For the first time, Dean invited him home.

Ryder, who led the way, shook his body, but soon he shook his head. "No, Dean, it will be fine in a moment."

If it was Ryder in the past, he was extremely eager to return to the day-and-night home behind him, especially after joining the tranquility club.

But not now, Ryder is even afraid to go back there at this moment. He was afraid that his appearance would be exposed to them in the light, and he was afraid that the smell of leaves on his body would despronate the place where his mother Caitlin once lived.

In the shadow of the corner of "Ryder", Dean stopped, and Ryder, hidden in the hood in front of him, was standing there without saying a word.

"Dean, I have already taken all those phone cards. However, the price may be a little low, only half of their face value.

Ryder took out the roll of dollars that he had pinched all the way from his pocket and handed it to Dean, "2,500 dollars, it's all here."

Looking at the money he handed over, Dean was very surprised, and Ryder seemed to have really changed.

"Ryder, you did a great job. The price is much higher than I expected. Dean took the money, but he didn't take all of them, but left five.

"Ryder, take these, maybe... you need it now."

"No!" Ryder immediately stepped back, as if he had seen some flood beast. "Dean, put them away."

"Ryder?" Dean looked at him inexplicably. Why was Ryder resisting the money?

"Dean, take them all away, please~" The tranquility club's "sobering up" treatment completely failed. Ryder's body was telling him that the feeling was back.

"Ryder, are you really all right? If you need help, you may be able to talk to me. Dean felt something wrong with Ryder.

"No, I'm fine, I'm just..." Ryder in the shadow turned to him. "I'm just happy that Dean is caring about me."

They are brothers who grew up together, and the original relationship should be very close. But since Ryder became an addict, everything has changed.

Ryder hasn't heard anything like this for a long time, especially on such a night, Christmas.

"Dean, you are different from me. You have a bright future. You will be the first person in the Price family to get a degree certificate, and you will even become an elite in the future.

But I..." Ryder lowered his head and staggered his eyes. "I may happen to be the opposite of you, a hopeless addict, a lying bastard, a complete bad person..."

"But these don't matter. I have accepted all this, and I know that I can't get rid of such a fate. However, I will still congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and step over the height that the Price family has never reached. Dean, you must succeed!"

Ryder put his hands in his pockets in the cold wind, took a deep look at Dean, then turned around and bowed his head to walk into the darkness.

"Ryder" Dean shouted behind him, but the former did not turn around.

Dean couldn't see clearly under his hood. But Dean knew that something important must have happened to him today.

"I will succeed! I promise!"

Ryder waved his hand under the street lamp, and the figure completely disappeared into the darkness.


PS: Seeing that some book lovers' feedback on Ryder's plot is not very good, the author will try his best to follow up. Thank you for your support!