
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

One Time Trading

Trading"Sneeze~!" Scott rubbed the tip of his red nose and looked at the gray sky with some disgust.

This damn weather! He hates winter in Ohio. After staying here for less than two days, he suffered two light snows.

Tightening his coat in the cold wind, Scott missed the sunshine in the south.

If it hadn't been for the last young man's appointment to trade with him today, Scott would never have gone out in such weather.

He got into a taxi, and according to the address given to him by the other party, Scott quickly found the Moore second-hand store.

Looking up at the shabby sign above, Scott once doubted whether the young man named Sean had fooled him.

Or does the other party really have the ability to provide what they want? This is just a garbage station.

Carefully avoiding the messy debris under his feet, Scott decided to go in and have a look. After all, they are all here.

However, as soon as he took two steps, he was blocked by the snowmobile lying at his feet.

Scott had no choice but to stand at the door and say tentatively.

"Is anyone there?"

"Coming~" There was a faint response from the workshop in the back room.

While Scott looked, Roger, who was soon surrounded by the oily canvas apron, came out with gloves.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Roger threw his gloves on the shelf and looked up at Scott at the door.

"Well, maybe I made a mistake. I came to find a man named Sean. He said he had a box of telephone hearing aids for sale.

"Sean?" Roger was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. Oh, yes, that's right, that's it."

Is it really here? Scott has to be more suspicious of Sean's strength, which is far from the working environment he imagined to be surrounded by a pile of precision equipment.

"Di...Shaun! Your customer is coming to pick up the goods~!" Roger turned his head and shouted at the workshop.

"Immediately" After a messy collision, Dean, who was almost dressed as Roger, came out with a cardboard box in his arms.

"Mr. Scott, you are so punctual." Putting things on the counter, Dean greeted him with a smile.

Another silly smile, Scott complained silently.

"Okay, Sean, is this what I want?" Scott pointed to the cardboard box in front of him.

"Of course, my client paid a lot of money to do this." Dean took out a small black box and showed it to the other party.

"So? How should I use it?" Scott had seen the old blue box, and he remembered that there should be a keypad on it.

But the black box in front of me, except for a wire, the other sides are cleaner than the mirror.

"Mr. Scott, I, Sean, the after-sales engineer of the telephone hearing amplifier, will show you how to use it.

If you don't mind, can we go to the public phone booth at the door? Nothing is more convincing than the actual experience.

Turning his head and looking at the phone booth on the side of the road behind him, Scott nodded happily.

That's right. He can only rest assured if the goods are inspected on the spot.

The two came to the phone booth in the cold wind, and then Dean opened the black box in Scott's surprised eyes and took out a card from it.

WTF? He thought that Dean was going to connect the wire of the black box to the public phone, but the other party directly took the card to dial!?

If one card can be done, then why do you still need this black box?

In Scott's suspicious eyes, Dean quickly pressed the keyboard a few times, and then handed him the microphone.

After listening to the reminder of the monthly time-based charge, Scott stared at Dean in surprise.

But even so, he was still worried. After dialing a number in person and saying a few words, Scott was undoubtedly worried.

"Mr. Scott, are you satisfied with the customized telephone hearing aid amplifier for you? Oh, by the way, in order to thank you for your support for our products, we specially attached a gift card for each device.

They are worthless in themselves, just with gifts, and how to use them depends entirely on your own decision.

Regarding the precautions for the use of telephone hearing aid amplifiers, I sincerely recommend that you try to use them on public phones and avoid using them on landline phones in the company or at home.

I also sincerely suggest that you should limit your monthly use time to less than 60 hours. If it exceeds 100 hours, there is a great risk of irreversible damage to the equipment, and even threatens personal safety in serious cases.

The above are the suggestions for the use of this equipment. If you have any questions, please feel free to inquire.

"Wow~" Scola raised his eyebrows, which was really beyond his expectation.

Dean's first two sentences also made him a little confused, but the more he listened to Scott's eyes, the bigger he opened.

So... the key is this gift card?

60 hours a month, that's 3,600 minutes.

According to the telephone fee of MCI, the long-distance is 84 cents per minute, and the local telephone is 11 cents per minute.

As a salesperson, there is no doubt that Scott's calls are basically long-distance.

In this way, he can save nearly $3,000 a month. Although it costs $1,500 per set, it's definitely worth it.

Because these cards can be used for a long time, as long as they are not operated outrageously, they are simply hens that can lay golden eggs!

Thinking about those around him who have the same needs, Scott is very angry.

"Sean, how many sets of such black... er... telephone hearing aids do you have here?"

There are a total of eight sets, sir. Although others are looking for similar devices, I didn't sell one.

"You're right, Sean. I like them very much. I already have a hunch that they will be of great help to my work. By the way, does each set of equipment come with a gift card like this?

Dean couldn't help smiling when he saw the other party secretly aiming at the card in his hand, "Of course, Mr. Scott."

Eight sets, $1,500 each. This is not a small number, and Scott is a little hesitant.

"Sean, although you have proved their feasibility, I'm not sure if it can be used for a month.

So I think it is a reasonable choice to pay half of the deposit first.

"No, Mr. Scott." Dean shook his head directly. "Since you have heard of the blue box, you should know how they work.

And I can't explain to my customers that you do this. Or, you buy one first, and I'll sell the other sets to other people who need it first? With that, Dean was ready to take things back.

"No, no, wait a minute." Scott stopped him and said, "Sean, can you still make such a hearing aid in the future? The one with a gift card."

I will do my best to continue to provide this kind of equipment, but the time is not certain. It may be half a year later or a year later.

As you know, this kind of equipment is very demanding on technology. In order to ensure its security, we need to invest a lot of time.

Dean can sell these black boxes to different people in several batches, but it's too troublesome and invisibly increases the risk.

So if possible, he hopes to make a hammer of business, and then wash his hands directly.

There is no doubt that Scott in front of us is the best choice, and the other party is in Texas.

Thinking of these golden chickens, it may take a year to miss it once, and Scott will not calm down.

For these gift cards, time is money!

I spent $1,500 to buy them myself, and I can completely transfer them to others for another $3,000. No, this kind of long-flowing treasure, sold for 5,000 yuan, and some people buy it!

"Deal! Dean, at the price you said, I'll take all of these.

"Mr. Scott, you are so refreshing." At this moment, Dean finally felt that the red neck was a little cute.

Although the business was settled, Scott still tried several other gift cards one by one.

The cunning eyes that occasionally flashed in the process, to be honest, Dean felt that he was not red at all.

When Dean's imaginary red neck met something he liked, he should directly take out a gun and point it at his head, and then shouted "Takemymoney!"

After putting eight sets of black boxes neatly into the carton and carefully putting a few gift cards into the close-fitting pocket, Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now it's yours." Scott took out a bundle of kraft paper bags from his carry-on bag and handed them to Dean.

According to the agreement between the two parties, all transactions are in cash.

Get the money Dean and throw it directly to Roger. Of course, this thick bundle should be carefully checked.

Soon after Roger's nod and approval, Dean reached out and shook Scott.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Scott. In addition, please pay attention to the suggestions for use just now.

Dean didn't joke with him. These time cards, if you restrain a little, can be used for a long time.

Among other things, if the monthly use time is reasonable, there is absolutely no problem to return the capital.

For those large companies that use time cards, it is normal for the monthly telephone fee to fluctuate by several thousand dollars.

But if overused, the monthly phone bills of large companies will soar. It won't be long before these access codes will be blocked.

And in the face of sky-high bills, many large companies will not recognize it. They are willing to suit the telephone company and never pay for the extra costs.

In the worst case, the telephone company reverses the tracking according to the location where the access code is used.

That's why Dean stressed that he should try to use it on public phones.

Of course, it's his business to listen to it or not. Dean's deal with him has been completed.

"Roger, help me with this money." Dean uncovered the kraft paper and said hello to Roger.

"No problem." Roger picked up the invoice and brushed it down.

This Moore second-hand store is Roger's own store, which specializes in pouring some second-hand mechanical parts, such as motorcycles, diesel engines, weeders and other civilian supplies.

It is also appropriate to put Dean's modified telephone amplifier to be traded here, as Roger now records on the invoice.

Eight sets of customized amplifiers, totaling $12,000.

Look at the normal transaction details. When it comes to tax time, these invoices will be submitted to the tax authorities together with other bills in the store, and then all the money will be cleaned.

Of course, Dean spent so much effort to spare this circle, not just to make money clean.

The last insurance, even if it is found by the telephone company one day. With these modified small boxes, Dean can also avoid most of the legal responsibilities, just like the Carter phone case.

Of course, there is a high probability that all this will not happen, because the server of the telephone company is even under Dean's surveillance, and he can forcibly erase all this at any time as long as he needs it.

In the reckless era of network technology, hackers can do whatever they want.

Dean got a total of $12,000 in cash in this transaction, which is calculated at 28% of the federal capital gains tax in 1988, and he needs to pay $3,360 in taxes.

However, after enduing the green U.S. dollar bills, Dean left $3,600.

"Dean, isn't it too much?" Roger asked him with the extra $240.

"Don't talk nonsense. This money is for you to buy you a home ticket for the Cavaliers. You don't have to hesitate between the condom and the Cavaliers every time.

"F*ckyou, Dean!" Roger raised his middle finger fiercely.