
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Find the door

Dean, this is what you want." Jerry, who had just returned from the outside, found Dean, who was playing with the electric roor in the garage.

After throwing a bag of parts from the thrift market to Dean, he curiously came forward and looked around.

"Dean, are you going to replace the speaker for the computer at home?" Jerry didn't understand what he wanted this bunch of junk. Even if he wanted to modify it, he should buy new parts.

"No, just make some gadgets." Dean just explained his question ambiguously.

Putting down the work in his hand, Dean casually rummaged through the package brought back by Jerry.

Unknown black plastic box, violently dismantled horn, miscellaneous lines. Well, that's good. It's basically all.

"Well done, Jerry, I finished the Double Dragon 2 you wanted for you last night." After taking stock of the harvest, Dean continued to immerse himself in his transformation.

After being inspired by Wedner, he kept preparing for tomorrow's deal.

These small boxes that serve as external speakers are the supporting equipment prepared by Dean for the phone card.

Of course, it is just a name, but it serves to cover people's eyes.

But you can't say that it works nothing, because Dean's hand-made small box can indeed amplify the sound in the phone receiver.

It doesn't need too much. Seven or eight sets are enough. Dean can do it in one night.

"By the way, Dean, when I just passed the east of the city, it seemed that someone was taking the initiative to buy our internal card. But because I didn't bring it on me, I didn't come forward and ask in detail. Those guys didn't seem easy to mess with.

While watching Dean's hand-made, Jerry remembered what he had just seen on the road. My intuition told me not to provoke people in the east of the city, especially those niggers with headscarves.

After listening to his description, Dean stopped the action in his hand and unexpectedly raised his eyebrows.

Jerry, you did the right thing. We will not sell internal phone cards for the time being. After a while, I will find an opportunity to dispose of them together.

Dean knew that the work of reselling phone cards would not last long, but he didn't expect that someone would notice their existence so soon.

Is it a telephone company? Not like that, Dean is quite confident in his computer technology. He felt that he had left no flaws, and all his movements were very restrained.

Forget it, now is not the time to struggle with these things. If the deal with Scott in Texas is successfully completed, these fragmented phone cards are actually irrelevant.

"Dean, that's a lot of money. Isn't it a waste?" Jerry, who had tasted the sweetness a few days ago, was a little reluctant to give up the income from those phone cards.

"Jerry, look longer. We just earn some pocket money, not to go to prison.

"Okay, it's up to you, Dean." Jerry knew that he was not as smart as Dean, so he was right to listen to him.

"Well, my work is done, and now I need to go out and make a phone call." Counting a total of eight black boxes in front of him, Dean clapped his hands out of the garage with satisfaction.

Dean, who went upstairs to change his clothes and came to the living room again, was stopped by Frank's excited voice before he went out.

"Dean, look what I found!" Frank put the Youngstown Defender in his hand, "Someone is fighting for Peter, and he is also a doctor."

Before Dean could respond, he took the newspaper and read it aloud. As we all know, as early as 1957, the American Federal Medical Association officially recognized the judgment that alcoholism is a physiological disease.

According to the survey interview, 90% of Americans agree that alcoholism is directly related to physical diseases. Since alcoholics are not the subject of free-will behavior, physical diseases should not be blamed on personal fault.

"That's so fucking right! Dean, this doctor is definitely a genius!" Frank agrees with Sean. Dr. Murphy's speech.

May I ask, how many people in Youngstown don't drink? Who can guarantee that it will not be you who will be arrested tomorrow?

"Dr. Sean also took the recent drunk driving case in Youngstown as an example. He believes that Pete should not be severely punished, which is a violation of human rights."

"Reas it?" Dean shrugged his shoulders. "What an enlightened doctor."

It seems that my $200 is not in vain.

"Yes, he is a kind, enlightened and selfless doctor! In two days, Peter's case will definitely have a good result.

Selfless doctor? Dean curled his lips if he didn't take $200.

After leaving his aunt's house and coming to Bruce Street, Dean took out a spare phone card and was ready to call Mr. Scott.

Because of the existence of black boxes, the trading method has to change.


Dean, who had just come to the phone booth, heard someone calling his name behind him before he went in.

Turning around, Dean opened his mouth slightly, and he saw a completely unexpected person.


With a trace of caution on his face and some expectation, Ryder tried to raise his smiling face.

"Dean, we haven't seen each other for almost half a year. I heard that you went to college in Cleveland."

"F*ckYou! Ryder! Do you still have the face to come back? Dean stepped forward quickly. Bang!" He punched Ryder directly, and the latter did not dodge.

"Bastard, do you know how my mother died? Do you know that even if everyone gave up on you, she didn't give up on you!" Dean grabbed his collar and put him on the glass cover of the phone booth.

A touch of pain flashed in Ryder's eyes, but he closed his mouth as if he accepted his fate.

"If you really want to atone for what you have done, you should go to church to repent and go to your mother's tomb to pray for her forgiveness. Then disappear from Youngstown and stop disturbing everyone's lives.

Dean will not be reluctant to forge after Ryder's mistakes, but he doesn't want to forgive him. For the Price family and aunt's family, the disappearance of Ryder is the best result.

It seemed that Dean's words hurt his heart, and Ryder's eyes turned slightly red, but he soon regained his calm.

"Dean, I didn't come to you to ask for your forgiveness. I know that my sins can only be washed away in hell. But you should know this, right? Ryder took out a phone card shaped like MCI from his pocket.

Dean's face changed, "Where did you get it?"

"In the east of the city, someone is insuing about its where it came from. You know, those gangsters and drug heads have a lot of demand, and they like to take advantage of small things, which is even a business in their eyes.

Ryder's words made Dean look complicated. Damn, why is it so difficult to make some extra speed in the United States? He had just got up and was targeted.

"Find a place to talk." Ryder looked at his aunt's house on the corner and motioned to change places.


South Youngstown, Mil Creek Park.

"Do you remember the experience of feeding birds here together when you were a child?" Ryder looked at the silver-covered woods with a look of feelings.

Dean, who followed him, couldn't help recalling the past in his mind.

At that time, many factories in Youngstown had not been closed. Standing at the northern end of the park, they could see steel mills and train tracks, and the faint smell of sulfur in the air was all over Mill Creek Park.

But this still won't disturb this vibrant world, in order to pass the boring time. He and Ryder often come here to pick oranges in the park, then empty the orange meat and stuff peanut butter in.

Then use a yarn through the orange, and finally hang the orange on the tree in the park to feed the birds. Whenever birds visit, both of their brothers jump and jump excitedly, which is one of the pleasures of their childhood.

"Dean, you have grown up and are smarter. But I still have too much kindness to the world. When I was a child, this was a manifestation of love, but when I grew up, I was easy to hurt myself.

Ryder took out the card and said, "Like it, maybe you just want to earn some pocket money, or maybe you want to sell it cheaply to those who need it.

But you ignore that your behavior also attracts the greed around you. After all, there are many poor people in the world, especially in Youngstown. Those who are in desperable don't mind taking risks.

Think about the crime rate in Youngstown in recent years. You can't even find a clean person in the east and north of the city.

Dean frowned and looked at him as if he had met him for the first time.

"Don't look at me like that. I also experienced it once before I understood this truth." Ryder remembered the days when he was a pharmacist assistant.

"So you came to me today to remind me of this?" Dean interrupted Ryder's memory.

"No," Ryder turned around and said, "Give me all your remaining cards. I'll help you get rid of them, and all the income will be handed over to you."

"What?" Dean thought he heard it wrong.

"Dean, you are not suitable for these things. Your future in college, as long as you do it step by step, you will become one of the future elites.

Of course, don't give it to Jerry. You can't expect a high school student to be so rigorous, otherwise I won't find you.

"Jerry?" Dean's face changed, and he seemed to inadvertently involve his cousin.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Ryder gave him a reassuring pill. Don't worry, I've cleaned his tail.

Well, he almost caused trouble to his family because of his carelessness.

"Can you trust me now?" Ryder looked at him quietly.

Dean was a little entangled. He didn't know whether to believe in an addict, but some of what he said was true.

In addition, Dean subconsciously believed that Ryder would not deliberately hurt his family, which was not good for him.

"Dean, I'm undergoing withdrawal treatment." Ryder told the news to people other than the tranquility club for the first time.

"Restining?" Dean looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, it's painful, but I persisted." The terrible withdrawal reaction made Ryder still have a lingering palpitation at this time.

After thinking for a long time, Dean stopped.

"Ryder, I don't know if I should trust you. But please remember that we have half of the Irish blood.

Irish people will not betray their families. Mom has taught us this truth countless times.

"Of course" Ryder fell into memory again.