
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

The Benifits of the Federal Goverment

Using automatic dialing software, Dean tried a large number of available access codes in two weeks.

However, there are only 8 timeless access codes like those sold to Scott. However, this is understandable. After all, the cracking of the unlimited access code is much more difficult than that of ordinary prepaid phone cards.

Today, these rare phone cards have brought Dean $8,400 in revenue. Of course, there is also Wedner's $600, and the money that really fell into Dean's hands is only about $7,800.

In addition to some small phone cards that were previously dropped in the east and north of the city, Dean had more than $8,600 in his hand.

The money is not too much, but it is enough for Dean to do a lot of things.

As for the remaining 100 phone cards, Dean gave them to Ryder. Although he is still very wary of Ryder, Dean is no longer suitable to handle the same phone cards in person.

The more phone cards flow out, the easier it is for MCI telephone companies to find problems. Because when they find that there are more and more customer complaints and the newly bought phone card is used, they will definitely look for the root cause of the problem.

Either through traceability or technical upgrade, the final result must be that the automatic dialing software can no longer find the available access code.

So before the phone card in your hand expires, it's better to give Ryder a try.

Dean doesn't know what he has experienced in the past year, but since he took the initiative to take over, he must have his own confidence.

Can the remaining phone cards be converted into money and returned to Dean's hands in the end? To be honest, he didn't expect much. Everything can only depend on Ryder's poor reputation.

Now all the phone cards have been disposed of, and the most valuable unlimited card has also been exchanged for a considerable income.

From now on, the means of using the loopholes of the telephone company to obtain gray income will no longer have anything to do with Dean.

The automatic dialing software has completed its mission and was stuffed into the floppy disk at the bottom of the box by Dean.

Dean will not use this unconventional method again unless he has to.

But anyway, with the money in hand, Dean was finally relieved. He hates the sense of crisis that he is swept away by fate at any time.

There is more than one good news. The case of Father Peter will also start tomorrow.

Sean. Murphy's article was widely discussed in Youngstown two days ago. Everyone loved drinking and was afraid of becoming Pete.

So I agree with Sean. From Murphy's point of view, there are many people who support Pitt.

While the iron was hot, my aunt's family was also mobilizing the neighbors in the community to publicize Pete's tragic experience.

The death of his beloved wife and the disappearance of the eldest son made this unbearable father drink to relieve his sorrow. Fortunately, he also has a young son with excellent academic performance, who is actively maintaining the family.

In short, it is to set up people to sympathize, excuse physical diseases, and protest to the police station for the violation of human rights. In three pronged, the result of Peter's trial was very optimistic.

According to Weidner's prediction, the C-level misdemeanor is very confident.

Most of the two pressures in his heart have gone, and Dean finally has time to think about the future.

The first is to transfer to another school, and we have to take action immediately after the New Year. There is also a general information classification website, which also needs to invest more time later.

But before that, there is one more thing he needs to go there in person, that is, to attend the "Landlord Training Course".

Just a few days ago, Dean took the tenants agreed on the BBS forum to Charlotte Street to see the house.

However, although the guy named Tobin is very satisfied with Dean's house, the person who really rents the house is not him, but his sister Karen.

Most of the people who surf the Internet these days are young people, and they are basically young boys. Women, not to mention the Internet, have never touched many computers.

Therefore, although Karen has a need to rent a house, it is very inconvenient for her to run an intermediary with her children.

At this time, her brother Tobin saw Dean's post on the forum, so he sent an email at will.

Unexpectedly, the first attempt to start a transaction in the illusory online world looked like that.

But for the sake of safety and to explore the truth, Tobin decided to step on it alone in advance.

In the end, he was very satisfied, but it was his sister who made the decision, which meant that Dean had to take Karen to see the room again.

"Miss Wilson, if you are satisfied, we can clean up the house within a week. Then you can enjoy this spacious and comfortable house.

"Just call me Karen." Karen, with blonde hair, has a pair of crystal clear blue pupils.

It is a very typical image of a white girl. The most valuable thing is that her face looks like Amy Adams.

If he hadn't known that the time and the characters didn't match, Dean would have thought he had met a real person.

But even so, Karen can be called a blonde beauty. This also explains why she became a mother of three children in her twenties.

Sure enough, some people have been thinking about the girl who can be called a beauty.

"Miss Karen, there are four rooms in the whole house upstairs and downstairs. With it, the people of the Children's Administration will never bother you again.

Dean has heard that the reason why Karen wanted to find a big house was that she was worried that the Children's Administration would take her child away from her.

American law can refresh Dean's values every time, and the Children's Growth Protection Ordinance is one of them.

For example, a single mother like Karen has three children, not that she will be fine if she solves the problem of food and clothing for her children.

If there are any material conditions in life that do not meet the requirements, the Children's Administration can deprive Karen of the right to be a mother at any time.

For example, if she has three children, there are at least three rooms in the place where she lives. In addition, hardware facilities such as water heaters and refrigerators must also meet the requirements of the Children's Administration.

Do you think it's over? No! The Children's Administration will even send a house inspector to check whether the toilet at home is over-lead!

There are more soft regulations on education and food. Once problems are found, the Children's Administration will take over the upbring of children.

Either send it to other welfare institutions, or choose a suitable foster family for the child, without anyone considering the feelings of the child's biological mother.

It is precisely because of the Children's Administration that most landlords have a "child ban" in their hearts.

As long as it is a rental family with children, it will be refused to rent. You don't know when the housing inspector of the Children's Administration will send you a building rectification form.

Often the cost of these constructions is much higher than the price of rent.

So when Karen heard that Dean was willing to accept the tenant with the child, she was so excited that she wanted to move in on the same day.

"Dean, this place is really great." After visiting the house, Karen even suspected that she was dreaming.

Oh, my God, this house has a lawn and a garden. As long as she thinks about how she can grow flowers and grass in the garden in the future, Karen feels that God must be pitying for her.

There is also the yard behind the house. She can ask her brother Tobin to install several children's entertainment facilities, and the children will scream happily.

"Then Miss Karen, if there is no problem, we can sign an intention agreement now. When I finish cleaning up the house and going through the formalities at the housing agency, we will make up a formal contract.

Dean's "Landlord Training Course" has not been completed yet, so the formal contract has to wait.

"Of course, no problem. I'm already looking forward to a new life in the future." Karen thinks that Dean is different from all the landlords she has met. I heard that he is still a college student and a future elite.

Regarding the precautions for the rental terms, Frank has already drafted everything for him.

However, when Dean handed the contract to Karen, the latter spoke cautiously.

"Dean, Tobin said you were willing to accept rental vouchers, right?"

"That's right, but Miss Karen..." "Just call me Karen."

"Okay, Karen, I'm really willing to accept rental vouchers. However, considering the possible management costs of the Housing Administration and the Child Protection Bureau, the rent may be a little higher than the market price.

Business is business, and Dean raised the sickle of cutting leeks without hesitation in the face of the blonde beauty.

"I understand. I understand all the rules." Karen quickly agreed. Past experience told her that it was not easy to find a landlord who accepted children.

"The rental voucher I applied for is $575 per month. Dean, how much more do you need me to make up?" Because it is a single-parent family, Karen has a lot of benefits to receive.

There is no doubt that the amount of $575 is very high, which may be because Karen has three children.

Dean was also a little surprised to hear this number. But since it is the wool of the federal government, he has no reason not to take a hand.

"Considering the risks I take, Karen, you still need to pay me another $125."

"No problem," Karen readily agreed, which was a little lower than she expected.

Renting such a house for 125 dollars is a pie in the sky.

"By the way, Dean, can you keep the refrigerator, water heater, microwave and TV in the room? I can pay the rent for them.

Dean's electrical equipment is very complete, and as long as Karen leaves them, it will be enough to deal with the people of the Children's Administration.

Hearing her request, Dean also nodded cheerfully. Since you need it, you can pay $75 a month.

Karen readily agreed to his proposal. This can undoubtedly save her a lot of money. If she buys a new 2,000 dollars, it may not be enough.

Although she readily rented everything in this house, in fact, Karen didn't have much money. She was even a low-income household in the United States.

Based on the annual income of a family of four, $11,650, Karen will never meet this standard. Because she has three children to be raised, they are not considered labor.

Karen works at McDonald's for $7.5 an hour and works 3 hours a day. It's 500 dollars a month. With this income alone, you can't support three children.

But it doesn't matter. You can get a $575 monthly rental coupon and a $125 food coupon. You can even go to the food kitchen to get free food directly when you need it.

Coupled with the subsidies of its welfare institutions, Karen can still live a comfortable life. Now she can enjoy the treatment of a single-family villa with $200. What reason does she have to refuse?

Very good, Dean is also very satisfied with the deal. The mortgage of 820 dollars minus the monthly payment of $775, which is less than $50 a month. My father can pay it even if he goes to stripte, right?

Le Zizi signed the agreement, and Dean drove his Chevrolet pickup truck directly to the welfare building in the city center.

While going to the "landlord training course", he also wanted to advertise his website.