
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 49: It's because of me

"Is it them?"

A smile appeared on Su Qin's face.

Not far away, there is a pair of grandparents sitting there hawking things.

This pair of grandparents is the same grandson Su Qin asked for directions when he first arrived in Southern Witch Mountain.

At that time, Su Qin also reminded them to go back as soon as possible. There will be heavy snow during the day and it is not safe to be outside.

Su Qin didn't expect this grandson and grandson lived here.

As Su Qin looked over, the old man also noticed Su Qin.


"Master, why are you here?"

The old man was shocked, and immediately ran over, expression grateful.

In fact, at this moment, the old man was very grateful to Su Qin. After Su Qin reminded them yesterday, the old man hurried back to the town with his grandson.

Sure enough.

It didn't take long for it to snow again.

This heavy snowfall is beyond any previous one. If the old man comes back slowly for a while, I am afraid it will be really dangerous.

It can be said.

Su Qin saved their grandson.

In this case, how can the elderly be not grateful to Su Qin?

At this moment, the little boy came over, cautiously standing behind the old man, very well-behaved.

After being reminded by Elderly Tian yesterday, the little boy also realized that Su Qin is a real'superior'.

"I just passed by, just come in and have a look."

Su Qin said casually.

He really just passed here and he didn't lie.

"It turned out to be so."

The old man immediately invited Su Qin to sit with him.

While the old man was talking with Su Qin, the other residents of the town rushed in from a distance.

These residents have basically never left the town in their entire lives. They have a simple personality. When they see Su Qin, a monk wearing a monk's robe, they give out their most precious things to Su Qin.

Su Qin will naturally not accept their things, one after another smiled and refused.

"Master, my last name is Li, you can call me Old Head Li as master." The old man said respectfully.

Although Su Qin does not seem young, up to twenty years old, Old Head Li never really regarded Su Qin as a youngster.

Although Old Head Li has never been out of the town, but also not has no knowledge.

It is rumored that there are some old'Divine Immortal' in the world. These old'Divine Immortal' can live to hundreds of years, but their appearance is still no different from that of youngster, and they will remain youthful forever.

At this moment, in Old Head Li's mind, Su Qin is no different from'Divine Immortal'.

Yesterday Su Qin walked thousands of miles in the snow without traces and dust, this is not Divine Immortal, what is Divine Immortal?

"Got it."

Su Qin has no idea.

For Old Head Li's awe, Su Qin would not say much even if he knew it.

Now he is already the top Grade 1 who has transformed twice. In terms of battle strength, he is the strongest under'Arhat', which is no different from the'Divine Immortal' in Old Head Li's eyes.

"This is your grandson?"

Su Qin turned his gaze and looked at the little boy behind Old Head Li.

Under the observation of Su Qin Eyes of Truth, this little boy within the body has strong veins and veins. If he is practicing martial arts, he will be able to step into the middle three realms within ten years. Sanjing martial artist is not a luxury.

Of course, Su Qin just took a look a little longer, there is no other meaning.

After all, with Su Qin's current strength, even Grade 1 Great Grandmaster is a slap in the face, even more how is a martial artist in the upper three realms.

Just when Su Qin was about to leave and return to Shaolin Temple.

hong long long.

The earth began to tremble suddenly.


Su Qin eyebrows slightly frowned.

Immediately afterwards, a panicked voice sounded.

"Mountain god, the mountain god is angry!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the entire town suddenly became pale as paper.

The small town they live in is under Southern Witch Mountain. They live on Southern Witch Mountain. They naturally fear the so-called'mountain god'!

Even Old Head Li, when he heard the words "Mountain God is Angry", his whole body began to tremble violently, and his face was full of despair.

"Mountain god?"

Su Qin looked up at the sky, his face slightly solemn: "It's not a mountain god, it's an avalanche!!!"

After several days of heavy snow, Southern Witch Mountain was filled with snow early in the morning, and at this moment the snow is rolling towards the mountain.

Su Qin looked moved towards Southern Witch Mountain.

I saw endless snow, constantly scouring down, where the snow covered the sky, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, everything was broken.

Such Heaven and Earth Might has already surpassed the limit of the world's imagination, just like the anger of God, destroying the world.

"If there were no huge vibrations, logically speaking, there would be no avalanches?"

Su Qin not at all panicked like everyone else, with his current fleshy The body, even if buried under the snow-capped mountains, can climb out forcibly without worrying about life.

"It's because I made a big killing at the Demon Sect rudder yesterday. Under the Inner Strength transmission, I shook a place in Southern Witch Mountain, which caused the transmission to continue. Until today, it became the sky An avalanche?"

Su Qin's thoughts turned quickly and confirmed a certain possibility.

Only his terrifying power of Grade 1 can shake Southern Witch Mountain slightly.

This vibration will not happen in normal times, but at this moment the snow has been piled up for several days. If this vibration comes again, it will be like the last straw overwhelming the balance.

The avalanche broke out.

Just when Su Qin was thinking.

At this moment, the other people in the town are already scared out of their bodies.

They have not experienced an avalanche,

but those avalanches in the past were very slight. There has never been such a grandiose as it is now, almost destroying everything.

"It's over, it's over."

Someone muttered to himself in despair.

If there are other dangers, they can still escape, but how can they escape under the avalanche?

Old Head Li also turned pale, and the little boy behind him was so scared that he did not move.

Only Su Qin, the expression stood there calmly, looking directly at the endless avalanche that filled the field of vision, not knowing what was thinking.

"Run, run."

At this moment, someone finally couldn't help but staggered and fled behind the subconsciously moved towards.

Although no matter how far you escape, you will be caught up by an avalanche in an instant, but you will die a while later, but under human instinct, it is better to escape than to stand still and wait for death.

In just such a while, the avalanche in the sky was almost approaching the town.

Before the avalanche arrived, a biting chill swept across the femur and enveloped in the sky.

Stimulated by this chill, everyone shuddered and immediately moved towards all around and fled.


Old Head Li held his grandson in his arms, and was also ready to flee with everyone.

And just then.

Old Head Li's peripheral vision suddenly saw that Su Qin was still standing in place, motionless, in sharp contrast with the others.

"Master, run quickly!!!"

Old Head Li brace oneself took Su Qin's arm and moved towards behind him.

However, no matter how hard Old Head Li used, Su Qin remained motionless, as if what Old Head Li grasped was not a person, but a mountain.

"After all, it's because of me…"

Su Qin broke free of Old Head Li, not only did not escape, but moved towards the direction the avalanche swept from .

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Old Head Li's scalp numb, looking at Su Qin in disbelief.

"Block it…" Su Qin walked, replied calmly.

As if blocked by Su Qin, it is not the endless avalanche that shatters everything, but the cats and dogs on the roadside.

"Master you?!!!"

Old Head Li almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Block it?

Block this avalanche?

"I have…" Su Qin said this, paused, with an inexplicable expression on his face: "It's been a long, long time since I really did it."

Finally, in the incredible gaze of Old Head Li, Su Qin walked outside the town.

hong long long.

Avalanche swept across the sky.

The shock of horror seems to shatter the world and head towards the end.

next moment.

In the shocking eyes of Old Head Li.

Heaven and Earth is shrouded by a glazed Buddha palm with dark gold.

All directions are full of golden buddhist flowers blooming, majestic and sacred, extraordinary and refined.

At the same time, the immeasurable Buddha's radiance blooms, like a heavy pure land, illuminating everything and sheltering everything.

At the very center of the Pure Land, I vaguely saw a silhouette that is not a Buddha but a Buddha.

silhouette raises the right hand and transforms into a huge glazed Buddha palm, slowly moved towards the front and presses down to block the sky avalanche.