
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 48: Everything is up

Su Family Mansion.

A hustle and bustle.

Eunuch Liu expression gloomy and uncertain, there is a sense of fear in the depths of his eyes.

As a Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, Eunuch Liu must be above the overwhelming majority martial artist in the world, regardless of his vision or means.

But it is precisely because of this that Eunuch Liu is more deeply aware of what this scene means.

The more you know, the more fear.

In Eunuch Liu's view, at least the top Grade 1 shot can do all this so simply and neatly.

So, just now, Eunuch Liu's a single thought was whether it was the purple clothed Eunuch Zhao in the Imperial Palace who shot it?

However, this idea was rejected by him as soon as it appeared.

One is Eunuch Zhao impossible to leave the palace.

Secondly, even if Eunuch Zhao makes a move, he will not let others recognize him as a'Buddha' manifestation.

"The Su Family?"

Eunuch Liu's mind was turning, and he wondered if the super-top Grade 1 shot accidentally, or what does it have to do with the Su family?

After a while, Eunuch Liu shook the head and determined that the top Grade 1 should have been wandering here by accident.

Eunuch Liu has known about the marriage of Prince Li Sheng and the daughter of the Su family.

Before this, he checked the Su family upright.

In the past five hundred years in the Su family, the strongest martial artist was born, but it was a Grade 4.

Not even the upper three realms.

Such a family, placed in a small town like Yan City, is of course good, but if it can be related to a top Grade 1, it is a joke.

"Take the prince back to the Imperial Palace tonight."

Eunuch Liu made a decision in his heart.

At this moment, the prince Li Sheng has attracted the attention of the princes of the dynasty, plus the involvement of an unknown top Grade 1...

Even Eunuch A Grade 1 Great Grandmaster like Liu is also uneasy about speculation at this moment.

Although Eunuch Liu thinks that the unknown top Grade 1 should have no malice towards the prince Li Sheng, otherwise the prince Li Sheng would have died thoroughly.

But no matter what, Eunuch Liu will feel at ease only if he sends the prince Li Sheng back to the Imperial Palace.

Eunuch Liu naturally didn't know. Su Qin saw all his expression changes at this moment.

As early as Su Qin saw that the prince Li Si within the body of the huge Tang State national fate, he locked Eunuch Liu's position with Eyes of Truth.

Even, just when the group of assassins started to take action and the murderous intention was overwhelming, this Eunuch Liu also noticed something and moved towards Su Residence madly.

Unfortunately, according to Eunuch Liu's speed at the time, when he arrived at Su Residence, everything was too late.

Because of this, Su Qin shot directly.

"It's not time to meet each other yet."

Su Qin looks at his younger sister Su Yueyun and the Su family.

"Wait until I become Arhat, truly unrivaled beneath the heavens, it will not be too late to recognize each other."

Su Qin thought silently in his heart.

Although he is now in the top Grade 1 and has been transformed into the top Grade 1 twice, he is still invincible in the whole world.

At least, there is still existence at the same level as Su Qin in this world.

For example, the Imperial Teacher from Meng Yuan, Daoist Zhang on Wudang Mountain, and the purple clothed eunuch in the Imperial Palace of Tang Dynasty.

Of course, with the countless types of Divine Art Absolute Art that he has mastered, and the fleshy body through the mountainside strength of Seal empowerment, Su Qin's actual battle strength at the moment may be able to crush the ordinary super-top Grade 1. It can be called invincible under'Arhat'…

But after not stepping into the realm of'Arhat' in a day, Su Qin felt that something was missing after all.

As for now…

As long as Su Qin confirms that Su's family is doing well.


That evening, Eunuch Liu found the prince Li Sheng and directly confessed his identity.

But after half an hour of shock and disbelief, the prince Li Sheng can only be half-believing.

Because of the means shown by Eunuch Liu, if you want to steal him, you don't need to make up these reasons.

Next, the prince Li Sheng followed Eunuch Liu to leave Su's house and went to Tang State.

However, at the end of Li Sheng's strong request, Eunuch Liu could only use the warrant from Emperor Tang to order the Cangzhou county guard to send a martial artist to protect the Su family.

After Eunuch Liu's explanation, the prince Li Sheng also realized that the group of assassins in the daytime was aimed at him.

The Su family was only affected by him.

Because of this, Li Sheng worried that after he left, the group of assassins would implicate the anger on the Su family.

Although Eunuch Liu has repeatedly explained that the forces behind the assassins simply look down on small families like the Su family, but Li Sheng has a special status and Eunuch Liu can only do so.

Su Qin, who sees all of this in his eyes, also has a better impression of the prince Li Sheng.

If ordinary people suddenly learn that they are the bloodline of Emperor Tang of aloof and remote, I am afraid that they would have forgotten their surnames.

But this Li Sheng, at this moment, puts the safety of the Su family first, which is obviously a good person.

In the end, the prince Li Sheng and Su Yueyun promised that they would pick her up when they stabilized, and then leave with Eunuch Liu overnight.

2nd day.

A large number of martial artists sent by the Cangzhou county guard arrived. The lowest level of this group of martial artists is Grade 6 strength, and even the two generals headed by them are in the upper three realms.

The Cangzhou County Guard was obviously frightened, and he directly sent out the guards around him.

You must know that the warrant that Eunuch Liu showed was given by Emperor Tang and represents the will of Emperor Tang.

How dare the Cangzhou county guard neglect the slightest?

Su Qin, who waited until this time, finally sighed.

"Everything is going on."

Su Qin walked slowly on the streets of Yan City: "It's time to leave."

Now there is a Cangzhou county guard in the Su family. The protection of the guards can be said to be extremely safe, and Su Qin does not need to stay here forever.

"However, before returning to Shaolin Temple, you can go to Southern Witch Mountain Demon Sect to take a look at the rudder."

Su Qin's thoughts fluctuated.

Yesterday, he signed in at the Demon Sect general rudder and won the'Heavenly Demon Scheme', which is the supreme magic skill. Su Qin wondered if he could sign in again today.

After all, Demon Sect's rudder is Su Qin, except for Shaolin Temple, the only place where he can sign in.

A few hours later.

Snow is falling all over the sky, slowly falling.

Su Qin stood in front of the Demon Sect rudder at random, slightly disappointed.

"It seems that you can only sign in here once."

Su Qin expression feels more and more deeply the preciousness of this'treasure place' of Shaolin Temple.

Even in a place like is Demon Sect, Su Qin can only sign in once.

But what about Shaolin Temple?

It took Su Qin to sign in for fifteen years…

How much'Dao Accumulation' is involved in this, so that Su Qin can repeat it like this 'Making wool'…

"Time is almost up."

Su Qin turned and left.

Because it is still early, Su Qin not at all immediately returns to Shaolin Temple, but intends to stroll around in the vicinity to see if there are other places that can sign in.


Su Qin came to a small town.

This small town is located at the foot of Southern Witch Mountain and depends on hunting for a living.

Su Qin did not hide his figure, and walked openly into the town.

Shortly after entering the town, Su Qin turned his gaze to look somewhere.