
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 30

twenty-one consecutive draw directly raised Totsuka's score from the special Jōnin to the Jōnin level!That's definitely a huge boost.And because of the strengthening of the system and the existence of the ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration, Totsuka feels that the paralyzed state of his body is recovering at an extremely fast speed.The place that was scratched by Kimura's shuriken before is also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.Looking at Kimura who had already walked in front of him, Totsuka frowned slightly.It will take some time for him to get rid of the paralyzed state of his body and regain control over his body.He doesn't know why Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't appear, but judging from the current situation, he must rely on his own strength to defeat Kimura, so as to protect himself and Tsunade from being taken away by Kimura."I.....I have a question, can you help me...to solve it?"Totsuka pretended not to be able to speak clearly, hoping to confuse Kimura.Hearing this, the corner of Kimura's mouth twitched, and he shook his head without hesitation."Sorry, our battle has probably attracted Konoha's attention, so I must take you and her out of here immediately.But don't worry, I'll help you out on the way back to my village. ""That's it! Then there is no way!"Totsuka sighed in his heart, and suddenly opened his mouth to take a deep breath.Fire Style·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!As soon as he opened his mouth, Totsuka spewed out a fire dragon from his mouth, and directly blasted towards Mucun who was close at hand.Kimura never thought that Totsuka could use ninjutsu at all, and he was hit by Huolongyan bullets without noticing it for a while.You must know that Totsuka's ninjutsu attributes have just increased by two points.Don't underestimate the improvement of these two points!With these two improvements in the power of the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, not only has the ninjutsu attack range increased by ten meters to twenty-five meters, but the ninjutsu power has nearly doubled!Kimura was directly sent flying by the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, and under Totsuka's control, the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet took Kimura and smashed it to the ground.boom!There was a loud noise, and even the ground was smashed into a scorched black hole by the fire dragon's bullets. Mucun lay motionless in the hole, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.Being able to control ninjutsu to change direction after it is released is entirely possible because Totsuka has mastered the shape change of Chakra.Moreover, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products!Totsuka's Chakra form change has been controlled to Ultimate, even compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even Senju Hashirama.Even stronger!"Phew—it's a good thing he let his guard down!"Totsuka breathed a sigh of relief!He expressed his understanding of Kimura's carelessness just now.After all, if it wasn't for cheating, it would be impossible for Totsuka to recover his paralyzed body in such a short period of time.The power of ninjutsu can't be as powerful as it is now!This is the horror of hanging B!Fortunately, the hanging B is myself!Totsuka thought happily.After waiting for a while, the paralysis of the body completely faded away, and Totsuka finally regained control of the body.Without looking at Kimura, Totsuka came to Tsunade's side immediately.Lifting Tsunade up, Totsuka checked carefully, and found that Tsunade only breathed a sigh of relief after fainting.Regarding Tsunade's performance today, Totsuka said that he was a little bit dumbfounded.He was very touched that Tsunade didn't leave him behind, but the current Tsunade is still too young and too careless!But it's normal!After all, Tsunade is just a six-year-old little girl, she does not have such a mature soul as Totsuka.Holding the little princess Tsunade in the posture of a princess hug, Totsuka, whose strength attribute has reached five points, seems to be a piece of cake.The power of the five-point attribute is no less than that of an Elite Chunin-level taijutsu ninja.Such power can be called powerful!Further up, Totsuka's strength rivals that of a Jōnin-level taijutsu ninja.Note: Strength stages are divided into: 1 to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 8, 9 to 10, corresponding to Genin, Chūnin, Jōnin and Kage-level respectively.According to Totsuka's understanding, even the God Guy in the later period of Shippuden's strength is only at the level of Elite Jōnin, which is only eight points of strength.Only with the Forbidden Technique of Eight Inner Gates, can Madara be suppressed when confronting the fairy Madara.It can be seen that Totsuka's five-point strength is already very strong!Totsuka hugged Tsunade and walked to the side of the big crater blasted by the fire dragon's bullets, and his eyes fell directly on Kimura.Compared with Kimura, who had the chance to win just now, he is very embarrassed now!Mu Cun lay motionless in the pit, not only was his body scorched black, but his breath was very weak.Even Elite Jōnin can't bear a B-level Fire Style on the front!Of course, Totsuka didn't know that Kimura was an Elite Jōnin, and thought he was a Jōnin-level ninja.Totsuka didn't get carried away with the fact that he could beat a Jōnin.Because he knew clearly that if he hadn't cheated, he would never be Kimura's opponent.Moreover, it was suddenly opened and hung up, making Kimura take it lightly, so that the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet could hit him and turn defeat into victory.Otherwise, in terms of Kimura's ability to completely suppress Totsuka before, he is completely capable of dodging the fire dragon's bullet.Even if it is unavoidable to be injured, it is impossible to be so seriously injured.Dying!This also reminded Totsuka himself that before killing the enemy completely, he must not take it lightly.Maybe others don't want him to be able to use it, but it is inevitable that there will be some hidden cards."There are too many strong people in this world! Even if I have Jōnin's strength, I'm just a bigger ant.After all, I don't even have the most common blood succession limit now! "A thought flashed through Totsuka's mind, Totsuka looked down at Kimura and took a deep breath."farewell!"Fire Style·Extinguish the fire!He opened his mouth and spat out, a sea of ​​flames spat out from Totsuka's mouth.The range of the sea of ​​fire was far greater than before, with a diameter of twenty-five meters.The wooden village in the pit was immediately engulfed by the sea of ​​flames, and was quickly burned to ashes by the flames.Until he died, he didn't even have a chance to let out a scream!As for Kimura's identity, Totsuka said he doesn't care.From the moment Kimura saw him Muji using ninjutsu, he was doomed to this ending!After burning Kimura's body, Totsuka controlled the flames to be extinguished so as not to set the forest on fire.This is also the ability to have after perfectly controlling the change of Chakra's form!It's the same as Sarutobi Hiruzen reintegrating the created earth flow wall into the earth.Just about to take Tsunade back to the village, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Totsuka.