
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 31

"There are still enemies?"Totsuka immediately became vigilant, looking at the person coming.The moment he saw the person coming, Totsuka let out a long sigh of relief!"So it's you! Teacher Sarutobi!"Totsuka smiled, hugged Tsunade and walked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.Standing in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen five steps away, Totsuka suddenly hugged Tsunade with one hand with his left hand, and punched Sarutobi Hiruzen in the face with his right hand.boom!"ah--!"With a loud bang, Sarutobi Hiruzen was knocked back four or five steps by Totsuka, and even his left eye became a panda's eye.Covering his glasses, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Totsuka who made a sudden attack with a dazed expression."Xiao Tuo, why did you hit me?"Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't change because of his punch, Totsuka laughed awkwardly."Sorry, Sarutobi-sensei. I just wanted to see if you are really Sarutobi-sensei."Although embarrassing, what Totsuka said was indeed the truth.After all Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't show up when he and Tsunade were most in danger!Now that the battle is over, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly appears!How could Totsuka not suspect the identity of Sarutobi Hiruzen?Sarutobi Hiruzen also understood what Totsuka meant, and explained with a grim expression:"I was stopped by someone before! That's why I didn't follow you at the first time."Although he was beaten by his disciples, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think of revenge, but felt very relieved.Because Totsuka is vigilant enough!"Stopped by someone? Could it be... the clerk?"With a little thought, Totsuka guessed who was stopping Sarutobi Hiruzen."That's right! It's the clerk!"Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded approvingly and said:"I didn't expect that clerk to have Jōnin's special strength, and his sword skills are very good, otherwise he wouldn't have been delayed for so long to come here.""That's it!"Sarutobi Hiruzen's words explained Totsuka's doubts.He said that Sarutobi Hiruzen shouldn't be dying!It's just a pity that the junior lottery draw that he has accumulated in the past 21 days.Obviously, if he accumulates another 80 days, he will synthesize an intermediate lottery draw.It could be that the rewards drawn today are not bad, otherwise Totsuka would be so distressed?"correct!"Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the battlefield after the fierce battle between Totsuka and Kimura, and asked with a puzzled look:"Xiao Tuo, where's the spy? Did he run away?""No! Dead!"Totsuka shook his head, and pointed to the big tunnel made by the fire dragon's flame bomb:"Right in that pit, that guy was burned to ashes by the flames.""Not rough, not bad!"Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled in satisfaction."Although we didn't catch him, it's pretty good to be able to kill him! What's the strength of that spy? Does he have the strength of Chūnin?""Chūnin?"Totsuka shook his head, and hugged Tsunade in the princess hug again."From what I can tell, that spy is at least Jōnin-level.If I hadn't brought his knife over during the day, Tsunade and I might have been captured by him. ""Jōnin?"Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at his panda eyes, looking up and down at Totsuka with disbelief."Are you sure it's Jōnin?""It should be right!"Totsuka is very sure:"I was hit by his Lightning Style just now, and my body was paralyzed by Lightning Style.It is also because of this that he let down his vigilance and walked in front of me.But in fact, when he came over, although I couldn't act yet, I could barely motivate Chakra to use ninjutsu.And he didn't know that I could release ninjutsu with just one seal, so I was able to hit him with ninjutsu and turn defeat into victory. "Hearing Totsuka's simple narration, Sarutobi Hiruzen could fully imagine how dangerous Totsuka's experience was at that time!Nodding with lingering fear, Sarutobi Hiruzen patted Totsuka's shoulder lightly."Xiao Tuo, you did a good job. Although it's a pity to burn his body, it's fine!"If Totsuka knew what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking at the moment, he would definitely be cursing!Dangerous?If I hadn't cheated, me and Tsunade would have been taken away by now, okay?Asking Totsuka to wait in place, Sarutobi Hiruzen checked the battlefield, and after making sure there was no problem, he took Totsuka and Tsunade to the village."By the way, teacher! Where's the clerk?" Totsuka asked curiously."After being defeated by me, I was taken away by Anbu who came here." Sarutobi Hiruzen explained."That's it!"Totsuka nodded.Although the owner of the store, Kimura, was burned to ashes by himself, he should be able to interrogate a lot of information from the clerk?After thinking about it, Totsuka continued to ask:"Then, is the mission between me and Tsunade considered complete?""Of course forget it!"Sarutobi Hiruzen affirms:"After all, you killed a Jōnin together, and it didn't affect the civilians, so it's a perfect mission.Not only is the task completed, but the level of the task will also be upgraded.At least the task level will also be raised to A level.If it is confirmed that the spy you killed was Jōnin, then the task level may even be raised to S level. ""Is that so?"Totsuka calculated in his mind:The reward for A-level missions is fifteen to one million taels. According to the lowest calculation, I and Tsunade can share at least 75,000 taels.But if it is S-level, then at least one million taels will be paid, and then I and Tsunade will be able to share at least five hundred thousand taels!Thinking of the small money of 500,000 taels, Totsuka suddenly regretted burning Kimura to ashes!Of course, this is a joke!Before he grows into a strong man who is not afraid of any opponent, it is impossible for Totsuka to reveal his ability to release ninjutsu without making seals.After all, he doesn't want to become a guinea pig for research!Back in the village, after Totsuka hugged Tsunade and said goodbye to Sarutobi Hiruzen, he went straight to the house.Outside the house, Totsuka's heart was suddenly hit hard!why?Because the light in the living room was still on!Apparently Uzumaki Mito hasn't slept yet, waiting for them to come back in the living room!"It's a great feeling to have family!"No matter where you go, there are people at home waiting for you to go back! This feeling is something that Totsuka enjoys and is attached to.With extremely quick steps, Totsuka held Tsunade in his arms and opened the door, and walked straight into the living room after crossing the yard.The moment he entered the living room, Totsuka stopped suddenly, looking at the people in the living room in disbelief.There's more than Uzumaki Mito in the living room! There was another man with a serious face sitting there.Not Senju Tobirama who?