
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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Chapter 29

"Little guy, you are about to be defeated by me!But don't worry, I won't kill you, I will capture you and the granddaughter of ninja god Senju Hashirama and bring them back to my village.My village won't kill you until you figure out your secret. "While talking, Kimura formed seals with his hands, planning to continue using ninjutsu to deal with Totsuka.Seeing this, Totsuka became more vigilant, and was also ready to release ninjutsu to fight at any time.However, just after Kimura finished sealing, a thunderbolt bloomed in his hands.The moment Totsuka saw the thunder, Totsuka was shocked!Lightning Style?correct! This guy is a thunder attribute ninja!Glancing at the water on the ground, Totsuka was even more frightened.Lightning Style with water?It's over!As soon as his heart moved, Totsuka was about to call out the name of Body Flicker Technique in his heart.However, even if you want to, it will take some time!And after Kimura completed the seal, he directly slapped his right hand with thunder on the ground full of water."Lightning Style. Walk!"Hum——!The sound of surging current exploded in the woods!In just a moment, a strong electric current was transmitted to Totsuka's body through the water.Totsuka instantly felt something flowing up and down all over his body, and his body couldn't stop shaking.His half-length black hair slowly stood up under the stimulation of the electric current.The current came and went quickly, and when the current disappeared, Totsuka felt his whole body was stiff."Not good! My body was paralyzed by lightning!""Why hasn't Teacher Sarutobi appeared yet?"Totsuka screamed wildly in his heart, but he couldn't move at all, he could only watch Kimura walking towards him helplessly."Ruined!"Thinking that he will be taken back to his village by Kimura and be studied like a guinea pig, Totsuka feels that his whole life has become gloomy.Sure enough, I am more suitable to be an otaku! Fighting or something is not for me!Totsuka thought of self-pity."stop!"Totsuka was awakened by a sudden yell.Looking up, Totsuka found a light yellow petite figure standing in front of him.It's Tsunade!The moment Totsuka saw Tsunade, he almost died of panic!You run! fool!What are you doing standing up at this time? Want to be captured by him?But as Tsunade, even if he is captured by Kimura, he will definitely not be reduced to a guinea pig like himself, right?At most, let Konoha pay a little price, so she can come back safely, right?Thinking of this, Totsuka suddenly became even more depressed.This is the gap!But even so, Totsuka still didn't want Tsunade to be taken away by Kimura.Tsunade is so cute!She will turn into a steam girl under her own teasing.She would always unconsciously show her feminine appearance, as if that was her true character.She would be beside Totsuka, turning into a chattering little duckling, causing Totsuka a headache.Totsuka can annoy Tsunade sometimes, but he definitely doesn't want Tsunade to be in danger.Although at the beginning he just regarded Tsunade as his future thigh.But after getting along with Tsunade every day for more than a month, Totsuka has unconsciously regarded Tsunade as a very important person in his heart.Just like a loved one!"Quick...go..."Barely controlling his paralyzed body to say these two words, Totsuka has tried his best!Hearing Totsuka's voice, Tsunade looked back at him subconsciously, determination was written all over his cute little face."I won't leave! Tuo Jun, I want to protect you!"Tsunade's words warmed Totsuka's heart, but...can you not turn around at this moment?Are people stupid? Will stand there without moving?Totsuka's judgment is absolutely correct!The moment Tsunade turned his head, Kimura directly used the Body Flicker Technique to appear in front of Tsunade.With his right hand vertically pointing into a palm, Kimura hit Tsunade on the neck with one blow.Therefore, before Tsunade could turn his head back, he fell limply to the ground with a muffled bang.It hurts, right? Poor Tsunade.Totsuka thought silently, his eyes fixed on Mu Cun.He knew that he and Tsunade might both be captured by Kimura!Resign to fate?No! I don't accept my fate!Totsuka roared in his heart:"System, give me a lottery draw! Use all the 21 lottery draws I have accumulated!""You better get me something nice, or we're screwed!"[Ding—the random lottery draw begins! Twenty-one consecutive draws. ][Ding—the lottery draw is complete, congratulations to the host who has won a total of: Ninja Phantom Power and Speed ​​attributes, two points each, Chakra shape change, primary High-Speed ​​Regeneration....]The system is still working!In addition to the attribute points of the five attributes of ninja phantom power speed, Totsuka was even allowed to master the ability of Chakra's shape change and primary High-Speed ​​Regeneration.Needless to say, the shape change of Chakra is able to control the shape of Chakra, and the ninjutsu released can change under the control of Totsuka.For example, the ninjutsu that originally missed the target can change its direction and hit the target under the control of Totsuka.The primary High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability is an ability applied to the body:Primary High-Speed ​​RegenerationEffect: The body has a strong vitality, which can quickly recover the damage on the body.In fact, it is almost the same as Shinigami's High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability! No need to consume Chakra yet.As for the other rewards, they are just rubbish, so let's not mention them!After the blessing of this twenty-one consecutive draws, Totsuka's attributes have become:Name: TotsukaAge: six years oldIdentity: Konoha GeninNinja: Five (the higher the attribute, the stronger the power of ninjutsu)Body: Five (the higher the attribute, the stronger the melee combat ability)Illusion: Five (the higher the attribute, the stronger the illusion resistance and power)Strength: Five (the higher the attribute, the greater the strength)Speed: five (the higher the attribute, the faster the speed)Chakra: Six (the higher the attribute, the more Chakra)(The full score for each item is ten, which can be broken through)Composite Rating: Thirty One (Jōnin)Note: Zero to Ten is Genin, Ten to Twenty is Chūnin, Twenty to Thirty is Special Jōnin, Thirty to Forty is Jōnin, Forty to Fifty is Elite Jōnin, Fifty to Sixty is Shadow, Six More than ten is super Kage-level(The score only represents the protagonist, and the overall score does not represent the real combat power)Abilities: Primary High-Speed ​​Regeneration, Chakra Form ChangeninjutsuBasic Three Body Technique: Body Replacement Technique, Transformation Technique, Clone TechniqueAdvanced Three Body Technique: Body Flicker Technique, Hold, InvisibilityFire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb (Class B) Fire Extinguisher (Class B)Wind Style: Great BreakthroughBody Jutsu: Strange Power (Ninjutsu)Illusion: none