
Chapter 36

SYLVESTER carefully laid Sera down on her bed and fixed her blanket.

"What do you think they're doing alone inside the greenhouse? Do you think they're all lovey-dovey now?" Sera asked with a wide grin on her face, Sylvester just looked at her with his serious face.

"I don't think pushing Cloud off with your sister is a praise worthy work, Cloud has his own mind and heart Mistress Sera and i do hope you can respect us the same way we respect you." He said and just simply walked out of the room, while Sera was taken a back by what he had said. Maybe he was right, maybe she was pushing Cloud off too much to her sister.

Somehow, Sera felt guilty of what she did, but some part of her mind were screaming at her that what she did was just fine. With those thoughts running inside her mind, Sera went to sleep bothered and guilty.

THE next morning, Sylvester was the one who brought her food and meds in which, Cloud should be usually doing.

"Where's Cloud?" She asked as Sylvester was preparing her foods on her bed tray.

"Probably doing some research." He said without even having eye contact with her. Sera can definitely feel something was off, and it had something to do with what he had done towards Cloud and Ada.

After preparing her foods, Sylvester just quietly bowed at her slightly and left without giving her a glance.

Caious was also not there, and somehow. Sera felt lonely and guilty. They were definitely avoiding her alright, and she definitely knew why but a part of her doesn't want to apologies and some part of her wanted to say sorry.

She was totally in chaos, as her mind and heart have their minnie fight inside of her.

Sera released a heavy sigh before starting to eat the foods that were served in front of her, after finishing her breakfast she stood up from her bed and slowly walked her way to the garden. Sera was only planning on breathing the fresh air as she calmed her feelings down and to sight see the beautiful blooming of fresh flowers, but that wasn't what she saw.

The conflicting feelings inside her chest and mind begun to create havoc inside as every word she heard pierced right through her soul.

Her mind went blank, her hands begun to shake, tears were glistening at the corner of her eyes as her tears started to threat her to fall.

With her shaking hand, Sera held her mouth to shut up as a sob attempted to escape her mouth, and quietly as she could. She left the garden with a broken piece inside of her.

Going back to her room, Sera slumped herself on her bed with a heavy feeling.

"How could you.."

THE NEXT day, Sera didn't leave nor touched her foods, Sylvester would come and bring her, her favorite foods but Sera didn't touch even a single one of them.

Worried of what was happening, Sylvester informed Cloud and Caious about the situation and hurriedly went to her room.

Sera was just on her bed laying in a fetus shape, wrapped with her thick comforter.

"Sera," Cloud quickly went on his knees, feeling guilty for avoiding her. Caious also went near her bed, kneeled and held one of her hand and apologies, but Sera didn't even flinched. Her eyes still wide open looking directly at them.

"What happened to Sera?!" Silas came running inside the room followed by Aiden and Adamina who had worried faces.

"We're still not sure, yesterday she was still okay." Sylvester said as he combed Sera's hair with his fingers, which made Sera flinched.

Her already opened eyes slowly blinked, as she slowly moved to sit on her bed. Everyone was assisting and were looking at Sera with worry.

"Sera i am sorry for avoiding you-"

"Don't touch me," Sera said in a low voice which they didn't quit clearly heard.

"Don't touch me," she said as she raised her head, her eyes quickly saw the person who had caused her break down. She looked him straight to the eye and spoke.

"You damn bastard! Don't you dare touch me with that filthy hands of yours!" Sera quickly created a white flame on her hands and quickly throw them at the man who was quite good at pretending.

"Sera! What are you doing? What's wrong with you?" Aiden worriedly went to their direction and stopped her sister when she was about to create another white flame.

The burning anger in Sera's eyes were so palpable that even her brother Aiden was taken aback, he felt the indifference and he can't help himself but feel as his hair rose.


"Am i? You full of shit! Damn traitor! Don't you dare touch me with those hands! Those same hands you used on killing my mother! You manipulative bastard!" She screamed as she sprinted off her bed and turned herself into her Phoenix form, the rage on her eyes reflecting the dancing flames surrounding her, and before she fled off her room she threw a sharp glance at the man she had trusted. She widely opened her wings as she shrieked loudly for them to cupped their ears.

Cloud and Caious even tried on chasing her out, but she was fast. Not even Caious ability to stop time helped them keep up on her.

"Does any one know what the hell is happening?!" Silas was loosing his cool, he had only meet her sister days ago, and here they are again.

But no one answered his question, everyone was in silence. Still absorbing the things that just happened and the words that Sera had thrown at them.

"I feel so useless!" Aiden screamed out of frustration, he had the ability to see the unknown yet he can't even see what will happen to her own sister. Maybe because he was not that strong enough as he thought he was.

Silas and Adamina felt the same as they couldn't see through the memories and future of their own siblings, as if something was blocking them to do so.

Feeling agitated Ada was planning on walking out of the room when she accidentally bumped into someone, the man was quick to held her hand before she could even meet face to face with the concrete floor.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he helped her steady herself.

"Yeah-" still holding the mans hand, Adamina accidentally read through the mans memory. Her eyes bulge in shock.

"Are you sure?" Ada quickly changed the emotions on her face and quickly smiled at the man.

"Yeah, thank you. If you'll excuse me, I would like to be alone for a moment." She said and quickly leaved the room in a haste. The memories on her mind were playing like a broken CD, as fresh warm tears streamed down her eyes.


She had finally understand the fury Sera felt, she had finally understand her words. Silently walking her way to her own room, Ada finally released a breath as she entered. She was about to lock the door when a figure of a tall man suddenly stood in front of her.

"Sshhh," he said as his index finger was pressed against his lips that was plastered with an irritating smirk.

"Is there anything i could help you with?" She calmly asked, no. Panicking won't do her any good, so she had to compose herself. Even after knowing the fact that the man who's standing in front of her is the one killed their mother.

'This lying, conniving and manipulative bastard!'

Still with the smirk on his face, he leaned closer to her and whispered on her ear.

"Did you see the look on your mothers face when i killed her?" Ada felt hee blood rising up to her head, both of her hands were now fisted as it shake with her anger.

"What are you saying?" Ada wanted to erase the smirk on his face. The man chuckled at her as if he was being entertained by a stupid clown. Ada was having the strong urge of killing the man in front of her, but her magique is quite useless for killing, if it's gonna be a fight between physics she's still in a disadvantage.

"I know you saw it Ada, there is no need for you to pretend." The man was to close from her that she didn't saw the dagger he was holding on his hand.

"Letting your guard down after seeing how i enjoyed myself while i murdered your mom, hahahaha Ada you're such a fool. Just. Like. Your. Sister." He said, Ada tried to stop his hand and tried her hardest to avoid the blade, but he was faster and swift.

"Uugghhh!" Stabbed right on her stomach, Adamina begun to puke blood.



She heard voices and running foot steps, as her sight begun to get blurry, the man in front of her smirked at her again and swiftly escaped from the scene.

Moments later, Aiden, Silas and the others were running towards her direction.

"Lady Ada!" Cloud quickly bend down on his knees and swiftly carried her in his arms.

While carrying her, Cloud used his magique to stop her wound for bleeding, and then he saw the dagger. That one familiar dagger that he knows, only one person can use.

"That bastard!" But before his anger could control him, Ada's scream inside filled the whole room.

"The dagger was laced with a poison!" Fuck! Cloud was having a debate if he would take the knife or not. Either way Ada's situation is critical. Not removing the dagger laced with poison on her, she will surely die because of the poison. While if he removed the dagger, she will probably die from loss of blood, and he can't let any of those happen.

"Damn it!" If only Silas was able to see the face of the man on his vision, he would've slith his throat by now.

"Whoever that bastard is, I'll make sure that his death won't be easy."

"We have to find Mistress Sera, her overwhelming power might attract a lot of naraka's and might create another feud. Those who wants to come with me will have to follow behind." Caious said as he fixed his katana on his waist.

"Cloud, Collan, Luminaria, Pryll, Naja and the others will stay inside the mansion. Those who will join me on the search, let us go." Silas and Aiden followed, but before diparturing they gave Pryll and Harold a nod as a sign for them to look after Ada for a while.

Caoius, Sylvester, Aiden, Silas, Griffin and Naja followed.

"Are you sure you want to follow? Sera might go berserk again and hurt you." Griffin said worriedly at her sister.

"I know she won't hurt me, i trust her and she's been my best friend since i was still on moms womb." Since Naja still didn't have her magique awakened, she was riding on her brothers back as they search for Sera's where abouts.

"Besides, you're here and i know that you won't let anything bad happened to me hehehe." Griffin didn't know but he somehow felt scared of what might happen.

Not knowing where they were exactly going, they continued to run and look for Sera.

After a while of running, they had finally found a trace of where she was, as the Naraka's swarmed beneath her blinding light, reaching for her.

But not on their point of view, it looked like a magnificent painting of a goddess being worshiped by the Naraka's, crawling on her feet. Desperately crying for her attention and power. It looked magnificent yet creepy at the same time.

Finally Sera had noticed their presence, but her eyes were only settled unto one man.

"You dare have the audacity to show yourself in front of me you scum!"