
Chapter 35

Days have passed since the incident has happened and Sera noticed quite a lot of changes.

Ada seemed to have caught interest on Cloud, her eyes sparkled every time Cloud would show up to check on her or bring her, her medicines. She also caught Pryll stealing glances at Conall from time to time same goes to the guy.

Sera's left brow raised.

'Jeez this people can't be honest with themselves can they?'

"Ada!" She called for her sisters attention, Ada was also quick to respond to her.

"Yes? Little Sera?"

"Are you single?" No, Sera don't know what shame was. She had long forgotten about that word.

"Y-yes, w-why do you ask?" Ada said blushing like a teenage girl in front of her. Sera rolled her eyes and also called for Cloud.

"Do you like Cloud?" Ada's eyes bulged afraid that Cloud might have heard of what Sera said.

"Well?" Sera looked at her and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ahm- l-like is quite a s-strong word for it."

"Then what do you feel about him if its not like?" Sera threw a glance at Cloud who was fixing somethings at the corner of the room.

"I admire how dedicated he is at helping and treating people, even after Aunt Akane said those hurtful words he even helped her." Sera intently looked at Ada's face as she speaks and she could see the visible stains of red on her face, and the glittering glimmers of her eyes.

Sera looked at Cloud's direction and called his name.

"Cloud," it was not that loud, but Cloud clearly heard her called his name and he quickly turned over and stopped on what he was doing.

"Yes M'lady," he said as soon as he had reached her bed. Ada quickly panicked, she didn't really know what was happening inside her sisters head, but she certainly had an idea of what she was about to do.

"What are your thoughts about Ada? Isn't she pretty?" She quickly grabbed Ada's wrist who was about to escape.

"Well, Lady Adamina is pretty, nice and loves our lady Sera dearly-"

"Is there any possibility for you to have romantic feelings towards her? Do you like her?" Sera cut off as her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Yes i like her-"

"Then would you date her?" Adamina felt like shrinking on her seat as Cloud threw a glance at her and looked back at Sera.

"No," his voice was stirn and cold, Cloud looked at her straight in the eye and said.

"I like her as a person, not romantically." Then he turned on his heels and exited the room. Ada felt down hearing Clouds honest answer but Sera was determined to pair them, so when everyone went out of the room she started to formulate her plans.

Night came and Sera was so bored inside the room that she wanted to go somewhere else, but she couldn't call anyone at the moment. Everyone inside the room was asleep and are in the same situation as hers, so they are definitely can't help her.

So she tried to get off her bed, carefully not to strain herself, and that was what Pryll saw. She quickly went on her side and assisted her to stand the after effect of the sedatives Cloud had given her was still affecting her body.

"Where do you wanna go? I'll help you go there." Pryll said as they steadied herself to stand.

"Can you take me to the garden? I wanna breath some fresh air and see aunt Kenna's Queen of the night bloom." She said as Pryll started to guide her towards the garden at the back part of their house. Sera had always been labeled as weird by her classmates because of her taste in foods, places, plants, the way she dressed herself and her obsessions with animals.

"The moon is full today, and if my memories serves me right Selenicereus oxypetalum also know by the name Queen of the night only blooms once every six years, it is rare to see them bloom twice and they only bloom between dusk and dawn. Their flowers only last at one night, that is why they are one of the rarest flowers in the world." Pryll was just silently listening at her words, not cutting her off or anything so she just continued to talk.

"Did you know that Queen of the- let us just call it Cereus, did you know that Cereus is a cacti? And was also considered as an orchid?" Sera kept on babbling about the flower while they were walking towards the garden and she had this vibrant wide smile on her face when she finally saw the garden full of different flowers. Sera inhaled a lung full of air and exhaled it through her mouth slowly, the smile on her face even went wider when she saw two silhouettes approaching their way.

"A pleasant evening for this dear lovely ladies," Sylvester slightly bowed his head on her and slightly nodded at Pryll.

"You should be taking a good rest lady Sera," said Cloud who was still wearing his doctors robe, his white hair shone as the moon reflects a beautiful light. His icy blue eyes looking at her as it glistens with worry and care.

"I am fine Cloud, you and the others are here so i am confident that whatever might happen you can just carry me back to my bed." She said smiling, Cloud felt somethings gonna happen that he wouldn't like, and he was right moments later Adamina and Conall was walking towards theme.

Sera felt Pryll stiffened beside here, her grip on her arm was so tight that Sera had to elbow her to take her back to her senses.

"Oohh, why are you guys here?" Conall was looking at the woman beside her, and Ada was avoiding her gaze and even though it was dark she could still see the red stain on her cheeks.

"I'm looking for a ginger cat," Conall finally said. Pryll quickly went into panic.

"I am sorry Sera but i have something else to do, yeah i almost forgot. Sylvester would you please?" Once Sylvester changed in her position Pryll quickly ran out of the garden, and back to Naja's room. She tried to relax inside their room but she couldn't, Pryll sighed heavily and turned herself into a cat, after that she jumped to the open window near her and went outside to breath some fresh air for to relax. She elegantly positioned herself into a bun, on the balcony.

"Cinnamon!" Pryll was startled by Conall's screaming voice, she saw him on the balcony next their room. His smile was so wide she thought his lips would reap off his face, but that smile gave him a very innocent vibe.

Pryll totally ignored him, she jumped back again through the window to enter the room. She didn't even thought of going under the covers before shape shifting into her human form again.

"P-Pryll?" Her eyes went wide as she abruptly turned around to see Conall on their terrace looking at her in shell shock his face a bit red. That's when she remembered that she wasn't wearing anything.

"Aaahh!" Screaming, she run to the bed and pulled the heavy large blanket to cover her naked body.

"W-what are you doing here!? Are you stupid?!" No, just because she likes this man she would just forget that he saw her naked just now.

"I-i'm sorry i didn't know,"

"Of course you didn't!"


"Who do you think you're calling cinnamon?!" Pryll walked briskly to the window to shut it down when one of Conall's hand stopped her.


"Go back to your own room,"

"No, i wan't to apologize. Please let me express my sincerest apology to you." Still both their hands on the window, Pryll was having second thoughts if she should listen to his apology or just shut him off and pretend like nothing happened.

"Please, cinnamo-"

"Stop calling me cinnamon,"

"I'll stop calling you cinnamon if you will hear me out, deal?" Pryll literally raised both her brows.

"Okay," she finally said. Conall sighed before opening his mouth to speak.

"I know that you're an Ardor, but i never thought that your animal form would be a ginger cat. I am sorry for chasing you the other day like a crazy obsessed guy, it's just that you were so adorable- uuughhh that was so embarrassing, i am deeply sorry Miss Pryll." And even though it was dark she can still clearly see how red his face was.

"Apology accepted, now leave from our balcony and go back to your own room." She even pointed the other side of the balcony.

"Can i just-"

"No, you'll do exactly what you did when you went here." Conall's lips hang open, at how ruthless she can be.

"Okay, okay." He said, both of his hands raised as if surrendering himself at war, and Pryll just watched as how Conall almost fell trying to get back to his own room. And when he was finally inside, Pryll quickly shut the window down along with the curtains and then she screamed as she jumped on the king size bed.

Meanwhile, Sylvester was assisting Sera as they walked through the garden, they were looking for the Cereus and as clear as she could remember it was located at the center of the garden in a small glass greenhouse that was specially made just for it.

Her aunt called it small, but it actually isn't small. Five people could live inside that greenhouse geez, how can that be small?

Both Ada and Cloud were following their back as they continued to walk, there was no problem about walking at night since they installed a solar torch garden lights and it helped the garden to look even more beautiful.

When they finally reached the greenhouse, Sera was so happy that she even forgot that she can't walk straight alone, as a result she was now slumping on the tiled floor.


"Mistress Sera," Sylvester quickly assisted her and carried her on his arms.

"My butt hurts," she said while biting her lips.

"Let's take her to her bed and let her rest, i'll just get some ice for the cold compress," Cloud was about to leave to get some ice when Sera said something.

"You don't have to run back into the house to get some ice, did you forget that you have the ability to use ice?" Cloud halted on his tracks and gulped the lump on his throat. Looks like he can't escape her scheme.

"Sylvester could handle those things just fine, but i would be sad not to be able to see the beautiful Cereus bloom with the perfectly bright moon tonight. Such a shame." Sera said she was a terrible actress, well it's a lie! Cloud could see that she was acting but she was too good at it that Sylvester and Ada seemed to believe her.

"Can we do something about this?" Ada sounds genuinely concerned and worry about Sera.

"Could the both of you stay and watch the flower for me?" Sera then handed Ada her phone.

"Take some nice shoots for me please," and then just like that, Sera and Sylvester went out of the greenhouse living him and Ada inside.

"I'm going to be straight to the point here since you're lady Sera's sister," Cloud brushed up his messy white hair with his fingers while looking at the Flowers bud slowly opening. Ada was already in front of it holding Sera's phone, waiting for the bud to fully bloom.

"Hhmm, go on." She said as if not affected, when in fact she was really nervous.

"I love Sera, and i don't have to explain to you why. Please stop romantizicing about having any relationship with me, that would never happen and you know it."

Ada's hand were shaking as her grip tightens on Sera's phone, her eyes started to well up and her lips trembled. It was her first time falling in love and her she was, being plainly rejected by the guy and the worst is, her sister was her rival. Well not that she wants to fight her over a meaningless war, where she knew from the start that she was already the looser.

"I know," was the only thing she could say, Cloud walked towards her and lifted her chin slightly to see her face.

"Don't cry, your tears should be as expensive as Tanzanite, don't let them out so easily just because of an unsure feelings." He said as he wiped off the tears on her face.

"How can i not like you if you're like this?" She said as she sobbed. Cloud just smiled at her and slowly leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Just like how the beautiful Cereus flower had bloomed for a moment at that night, her heart was broken yet again fixed as the sun rose with its glorious rays of light.