
Side Character Had Enough!

'What a foolish moron I was..' I reflected as the spear pierced through my chest. Surveying the desolate city where our last battle unfolded, surrounded by the lifeless forms of my so-called 'comrades,' my gaze finally settled on the one who impaled me – the last living God, or rather, the sole survivor in this devastated world – Aurelia, The King Of Gods 'I should never have adhered to the plot.' Those were my final thoughts before consciousness slipped away, or so it was supposed to. Now, rewinding to the inception of it all – when I first transmigrated into 'my' body, or rather, Damon Blake's body. An overpowering side character in this novel's world. *** Transmigrating into a novel that concluded with a happy ending, where the protagonist saved the world, Damon dutifully followed the storyline, limiting his potential and aiding the main cast as dictated. Everything proceeded flawlessly until the clash with the ultimate antagonist – the king of gods himself. Unexpectedly, he unleashed a final card never mentioned in the novel, securing victory in the ultimate battle, claiming the lives of both Damon and the main cast. 'To hell with those fools. I've enough of them.' Given a second chance at life, Damon resolved to live on his terms. Disregarding the novel entirely, he committed to growing stronger rapidly, preparing to face the impending threats of the future without concern for the predetermined plot.

Im_Lucifer_Mors · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I'm Back

The starting few chapters may have less word count which would be improved after a few chapters.



Inside a dark cave illuminated by a small campfire, a young man could be seen panting heavily, his body covered with numerous bruises, blood, and dirt.

The young man lay on the ground with his back supported by a giant rock.

Wearing a tattered piece of leather armor, holding a damaged dagger in his hands soaked with blood, the man was panting heavily, as if just finishing some heavy exercises.

Around the man lay four men critically injured, unconscious, almost on the brink of death, lying motionless.

"..these motherfuckers," Damon muttered as he looked at the bastards who just ambushed him while he was camping in this small cave.

He was lucky enough that he wasn't some rookie or any average hunter who could be an easy prey for these bastards to loot from.

His red eyes were full of anger as he wanted to kill these attackers, but before he could, a sudden system message popped up in front of him, causing his eyes to widen.

[Skill 'Regression' activated...]




Before Damon could process the words written in the system window, a sudden pain assaulted his brain, causing him to scream at the top of his lungs.

New memories began to appear in his brain, intermixing with the current memories he possessed.

Memories from his past when he was just an orphan, filling his stomach by stealing and pickpocketing, living a hard life full of grief and suffering before he awakened as a player in this dangerous world where monsters wreak havoc everywhere.

Memories of a childhood he lived in another world where the concepts of players and monsters were a work of fiction—a life where he got the love and affection of his parents who died in a car accident—a life where he lived a sheltered and peaceful life, unlike in the before set of memories.

Another set of memories of his filled with confusion and adventures of his future self where he got admitted to a prestigious academy grew stronger, fighting alongside others facing dangerous enemies, fighting terrorist organizations, large elite families, guilds, and even gods, where he met his demise.


The pain continued to assault Damon's brain, which continued to process these memories.

Slowly, the pain subsided little by little before disappearing, causing Damon to release a sigh of relief.

[The Regression Was Successful]

Damon panted heavily as he drowsily looked at the message that appeared before him.

He just kept gazing at the popup with his red eyes without saying anything, still dumbfounded and processing his current situation.

He slowly got up and rolled down from the rock he was supporting his back from, rolling over, lying on his back. He looked at the dark sky illuminated by the beautiful full moon alongside the shiny stars, creating a mesmerizing night sky.

He didn't say anything, just quietly looked at the night sky, enjoying the peaceful scene that laid before him.

"I'm back..."

He whispered softly as a single tear trickled down his cheeks.

The starting few chapters may have less word count which would be improved after a few chapters.

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