
Side Character Had Enough!

'What a foolish moron I was..' I reflected as the spear pierced through my chest. Surveying the desolate city where our last battle unfolded, surrounded by the lifeless forms of my so-called 'comrades,' my gaze finally settled on the one who impaled me – the last living God, or rather, the sole survivor in this devastated world – Aurelia, The King Of Gods 'I should never have adhered to the plot.' Those were my final thoughts before consciousness slipped away, or so it was supposed to. Now, rewinding to the inception of it all – when I first transmigrated into 'my' body, or rather, Damon Blake's body. An overpowering side character in this novel's world. *** Transmigrating into a novel that concluded with a happy ending, where the protagonist saved the world, Damon dutifully followed the storyline, limiting his potential and aiding the main cast as dictated. Everything proceeded flawlessly until the clash with the ultimate antagonist – the king of gods himself. Unexpectedly, he unleashed a final card never mentioned in the novel, securing victory in the ultimate battle, claiming the lives of both Damon and the main cast. 'To hell with those fools. I've enough of them.' Given a second chance at life, Damon resolved to live on his terms. Disregarding the novel entirely, he committed to growing stronger rapidly, preparing to face the impending threats of the future without concern for the predetermined plot.

Im_Lucifer_Mors · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Final Battle


A deafening explosion echoed through the sky, its reverberations shaking the very air.

Powerful gusts of wind, akin to wings, swept through, leaving destruction in their wake.

The once radiant sky now shrouded in darkness, giant meteors plummeting onto already devastated cities.

Once thriving human settlements reduced to ruins, corpses strewn across the desolation.

A civilization spanning millennia stood on the brink of annihilation.

Humans, animals, monsters—all erased from existence.

Cough, Cough...

"Hahaha... Look at this necromancer. This is my true power—the power of Aurelies, the King of Gods."

Raising my eyes, I beheld the architect of this chaos—the man adorned in shattered golden armor, wielding a colossal spear crackling with lightning. His divine aura ablaze, golden blood streaming from his head.

His maniacal laughter echoed in the empty air, the remnants of a world now devoid of life. Only he, I, and that bastard remained.

Amidst my own blood and grime, I gazed at the fool responsible for our plight.

Before me stood a man, similar in age, clad in tattered black armor. His once-white hair danced in the wind, kneeling amidst the blood of his wives and himself, victims of the King of Gods.

His eyes reflected hopelessness, unable to accept the grim reality unfolding.

'Aur... Cough.'

I desired to curse the one responsible for this massacre but remained silent. The last assault had robbed me of my voice, leaving me covered in filth, unable to sense my lower body.

Pain surged through me, tears streaming down, while my depleted mana reserves rendered my regeneration skills useless.

'What went wrong?'

Aurelies, upon hearing my coughs, smirked and gestured towards me.

As my body floated toward him like a marionette, he tightened his grip around my wounded neck, snuffing out the last breath.

"Look, necromancer. This is the last human.. your comrade.. about to meet the same fate as the others."

"And what could you do? Nothing. Hahahaha."

His laughter echoed as he presented me, lifeless, before the broken protagonist.

Gazing into the protagonist's eyes, I found only despair, hopelessness and pain.


I thought, a sentiment not new since I arrived in this world, but now, for the first time, directed toward myself.

On the battlefield, strewn with the corpses of the supposed main cast, I laughed inwardly.

'Are they the ones I entrusted my fate to?'

'How pathetic of me to trust them.'

A piercing sensation from behind revealed the divine spear impaling me, the pain screaming through my body.

'I shouldn't have trusted them.'

Not following the plotline.. not caring about the main cast or the butterfly effect.. would the result be any different? I honestly don't know... But it couldn't be worse than this?

Regrets flooded me. I wish I hadn't followed the main characters or thought everything in the novel would happen just as planned. I regret it all now, but I can't change anything. My consciousness started fading as I regretted my foolish decisions. My eyes got heavier, and drowsiness took over as death embraced me in its cold hug.

[Player Damon is in the state of dying...]

[The Sealed Staff Of Janus has detected player's state...]

[The Sealed Staff Of Janus is reacting...]

[Final requirements of Sealed Staff Of Janus have been met...]

[Requirement 'Witness The Refusion Of Prophecy' has been met]

[The Sealed Staff Of Janus has been unsealed...]

[Skill 'Regression' has been acquired...]

[The skill Regression has been activated...]