
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Part 9


Ryan, was walking around his room impatiently. On the Floor were sitting Feng Xia, Luan and Iñigo.

- At least I'm finally out of this place! -

Ryan stopped, and glared at him creepily.

- To be honest, you have deserved it to stay in Jail for 2 Weeks. -

- No, I didn't, how many times do I need to tell you? I didn't know it was poison, we were supposed to put Alcohol in there, not poison! -

- Still, you participated. -

- Tch… -

Feng and Luan were talking with each other.

- So from what we understood, Krasomila despises Chiyo, for being a Vampire. So she wanted to make her drunk, to reveal her real identity in front of everyone. Yet instead of putting Alcohol, she put in Rat Poison. Iñigo, who wasn't aware of it, got dragged into everything. Did we get this right? -

Feng said, while looking at Ryan and Iñigo.

- Yes! -

Ryan glared, once again, at Iñigo after hearing his answer.

'' Creepy… ''

- The only thing, that makes me wonder, is why would Krasomila do this? Doesn't she know it might affect Chiyo's future life? -

Luan looked at Ryan, who was now standing in front of the window looking outside, like if Ryan knew the answer, to his question. Ryan looked back at them, walked up to them, and sat down on the floor.

- She knew it… -

- WHAT?! Then Why would she do it??! She even framed me! -

- Listen, Chiyo is a Vampire. -

- But isn't being a Vampire similar to being a Werewolf? -

Feng looked questionable at Ryan.

- Why are you dragging me into this? -

- Shut Up, Luan! -

Ryan kept staring at them silently.

- Ryan… You know something we don't… What is it? -

Feng put her hand, on her chest with a worried look on her face.

- You're right, but this is going to stay between us 4 understood? -

Ryan glared at them with a death stare. And all of them quickly agreed.

- So me and Chiyo know each other already for a long time. She didn't tell anyone of her secret identity, but me. The Reason was no other than Vampires are despised by Human's. You see, Vampire's would devour Human's in the past, and they would even use them as unlimited food. The Victims were often pretty Ladies and children. Her Parent's used to be the Emperor and Empress of Vampire's, once they did a dangerous Experiment, known as YoVa-369, or how we know it Chiyo Chisaka. -

All of them looked shocked.

- YoVa-369 was their own Daughter that was born with a curse. She possessed the same Blood Group as her Parent's. The Blood Group was the best one for a Vampire, it made the Vampire incredibly strong. So because she was born as a Human, they experimented and tortured her. They managed to turn her into a Vampire, but soon after a War broke out. All Vampires got killed, yet many people died. Chiyo was allowed to live, because she was a child, thus didn't go without a price. She wasn't allowed to kill anyone, that would mean she would starve to death. Chiyo managed to find a way to change her body into the one of a Human, in order to live normally. She can still turn into a Vampire, but I doubt it that she still uses her real body. Back then, Krasomila's Parent's were killed by Chiyo's Parent's. I think it might be a way of getting revenge for killing her Parent's. Despite the Fact that it wasn't Chiyo who did it. -

All of them looked shocked, and Iñigo looked down, holding his trousers tighter.

- Poor Chiyo! How could her own Parent's do this to her? -

Ryan was able to tell they all felt bad. Feng looked like she was about to cry, Luan was the only one who was able to keep his cool. At the moment, when Iñigo wanted to say something, someone knocked on the door. Ryan went to open it, while the rest were sitting terrified on the Floor. Ryan and the Person were talking together, until Ryan closed the door, and was shocked. It was quite easy to tell he was shocked. Feng turned abruptly around.

- Ryan? Is everything alright? Who was that? -

Luan and Iñigo also turned around, on Ryan's face formed a light smile.

- Ryan? -

Ryan positively smiled, and put on his jacket. He turned around and said.

- Come on! We are going! -

The rest were confused, about where they were going all of a sudden. On their way, Ryan kept smiling and Feng kept whispering about how Ryan probably lost his Mind. When they arrived at the Hospital, it seemed like suddenly every one knew what was going on. Feng immediately ran inside, with Luan who was trying to keep up with her. Ryan and Iñigo stayed behind.

- I still don't trust you fully, so you will need to keep distance from her. -

- *sigh* Fine! -




Feng was already at the reception, when Ryan and Iñigo arrived.

- Come on, you both, I already have the allowance! -


- Oops! He-he… -

They went quickly upstairs, when they arrived Chiyo's Sister; Aya was waiting. When she saw Ryan, she immediately stood up and shook his hand, with both of her hands.

- Ahh~ Ryan, it's so good to see you again! You've grown quite a lot, Huh? -

Ryan noticed her red eyes, probably from crying.

- Yes, it's also good to see you Miss Aya! -

He smiled.

- You guys know each other? -

- Ah… Well Lady Aya, meet my Friends: This girl is Feng Xia, This is Luan Palomo and this… This… -

Iñigo could see Ryan didn't want to introduce him, to her.

- I am Iñigo Arrington. -

Ryan gave him a Death Stare.

- Friends meet Lady Aya, Chiyo's Elder Sister! -

- Nice to meet you, Aya! -

- Nice to meet you too, Feng! Are you all here to visit Chiyo? -

Ryan shook his head.

- Well then, Chiyo is still recovering, she woke up not long ago. She has a small memory loss, but doctors said she should remember the things she forgot once she sees them. They also mentioned there aren't many. -

Ryan looked surprised at first, but managed to keep his cool. Aya was still holding Ryan's hands.

- I'm sorry but for now, as Chiyo's elder Sister I don't feel comfortable with Stranger's visiting her… -

Ryan gave them a death stare, which probably meant to leave in this instant.

- He-he… It's alright… I guess we'll just leave right now… -

'' Damn if stares could kill… ''

Iñigo and Feng left, but Luan smiled quickly at Ryan before leaving. He smiled back. After the left, Ryan and Aya sat down on the bench. She told him, her worried about Chiyo. He also told her some interesting things, for example that he's in love with Chiyo. After half an hour, the Doctor came out and told them they can come in, but they shouldn't make too much noise. When they came in, Chiyo was practicing walking. Aya ran to her with tears in her eyes, and Chiyo seemed to recognize her because she smiled and whispered.

- Sister, it's alright, I'm fine now. -

She closed her eyes, while smiling, and began crying. They talked about many things, and laughed together. Ryan stayed somewhere in the corner, and only watched them. He definitely had pain written on his face. After an hour, Aya left, and he and Chiyo were left alone.

- You can come out now, Ryan… -

He was shocked, by the fact she remembered him. He was slow to respond, and she came running to him in tears. She threw herself into a hug, and soon after, Ryan began crying and hugged her back. He put his face into her shoulder. He cried for five minutes. Chiyo was tired of standing, so she pulled his sleeve and sat down on the bed, he sat down next to her. Ryan wiped away his tears and smiled.

- Chiyo… I'm so glad you woke up! I thought you might die… Never scare me like that again. Do you remember what happened? -

- *Chuckle* I swear I'm never going to scare you like that again… And yes, I remember everything before I got here. To be precise, I began remembering it around two hours ago… -

She hugged him again, and began crying again. He hugged her back and held her tightly. When she let go of him, she blushed strongly and did something Ryan would never expect. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Ryan was shocked and touched his lips with his hand, while being red as a tomato.

- This a reward for helping me back there… -

She looked away, embarrassed.

- Chiyo… Do you love me, perhaps? -

- E-EH?! How did- -

He kissed her, while holding her. The kiss wasn't long, because a Doctor walked in.

- Miss Chisaka it's tiiim… I'm just going to go! -

They let go of each other and embarrassed looked away, still they smiled at each other, after turning their head's again.

- So I think it's time for me to go… -

He stood up and was about to leave, she grabbed his sleeve strongly and asked.

- Will you come tomorrow again? Sister Aya went back to Japan already… -

- Sure! -

He smiled and left, after the door closed she let out a big sigh, blushed, smiled, and put her hand on her chest.

'' I Love You… ''