
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 15

In our room, I immediately sat down on the floor.

- So what is it that you're searching? -

- Vampires. -

- Why? -

- I don't understand something. -

Ryan, who was just about to sit down next to me, stood back up.

- Well then, I shall leave you to be. -

I searched for the pages about; Vampires, Wizards and Witches, Saints, Priests, Gods and Goddesses. I managed to find them.


Priests are humans who have the ability to heal and bless others with divine power. They are followers of a goddess who grants them this power as a sign of her favor. Priests are common in this world where they live, and they serve as healers, teachers and leaders of their communities.

Origin and history

The origin and history of priests are shrouded in mystery. According to legend, the goddess created the first priestess from her own breath and gave her the power to heal and bless others. The priestess then taught other women how to use this power and spread the worship of the goddess. Over time, some men also gained divine power by praying to the goddess or being blessed by a priestess. These men became priests and joined the priestesses in their service.

The priests and priestesses formed a hierarchy within the church, with the most powerful and influential ones becoming bishops and archbishops. The highest rank was the pope, who was chosen by the goddess herself from among the most devout and virtuous priests or priestesses. The pope was the supreme leader of the church and the representative of the goddess on earth.

The priests and priestesses played an important role in the history of their world. They healed the sick, comforted the suffering, educated the ignorant and guided the faithful. They also defended their world from evil forces, such as demons, witches and heretics. They fought wars, negotiated peace and established laws. They were respected and revered by most people, but also feared and hated by some.


Priests are distinguished by their white robes with golden crosses, which symbolize their purity and devotion. They also wear rings or pendants with the emblem of the goddess, which is a stylized sun with a crescent moon. They carry staffs or wands that channel their divine power.

Priests have different levels of divine power, depending on their birth, training and faith. Only 20% of humans are born with divine power, and they are always women. These women are called saintesses and they have the strongest power among priests. 10% of humans can acquire divine power by praying to the goddess or being blessed by a saintess. These humans can be either men or women, but men are more rare. These humans are called priests and they have moderate power among priests. The remaining 70% of humans have no divine power at all, and they are called laypeople.

Priests can use their divine power to heal wounds, cure diseases, purify toxins, remove curses, enhance abilities, create shields, summon light and perform miracles. However, using divine power has a cost: it drains their energy and weakens their body. If they use too much power at once or too often, they can suffer from exhaustion, pain or even death.

Priests can also share their divine power with others by blessing them. Blessing someone can heal them, protect them or empower them temporarily. However, blessing someone also reduces the priest's own power proportionally. If they bless too many people at once or too often, they can lose their power permanently.

Culture and society

Priests live in churches, which are buildings dedicated to the worship of the goddess. There are usually 20 priests in each church, with one of them being the head priest or priestess. The head priest or priestess is responsible for managing the church affairs, leading the services and overseeing the other priests.

Priests follow a strict code of conduct that reflects their faith and duty. They must be honest, humble, compassionate, generous, loyal and obedient. They must avoid lying, stealing, killing, harming, coveting or disobeying. They must also practice celibacy and abstain from sexual relations.

Priests have a close relationship with their goddess. They pray to her every day, thank her for her blessings and ask for her guidance. They believe that she watches over them and rewards them for their good deeds or punishes them for their sins.

Priests have a mixed relationship with laypeople. On one hand, they serve them as healers, teachers and leaders. On the other hand, they demand respect, obedience and tribute from them. Some laypeople admire and love priests for their kindness and wisdom. Some laypeople fear and hate priests for their power and authority.


Saintesses are humans who have the highest level of divine power among priests. They are women who are born with the ability to heal and bless others with their touch. They are rare and revered in this world where they live, and they serve as the direct commanders of the goddess they worship.

Origin and history

The origin and history of saintesses are unknown. According to legend, the goddess created the first saintess from her own heart and gave her the power to heal and bless others. The saintess then taught other women how to use this power and spread the worship of the goddess. Over time, some women were born with this power naturally, while others lost it or never had it.

The saintesses formed an elite group within the church, with only one of them in each church. They were the most powerful and influential priests, and they had direct communication with the goddess. They were also the only ones who could choose and bless the pope, who was the supreme leader of the church and the representative of the goddess on earth.

The saintesses played a vital role in the history of their world. They healed the wounded, comforted the dying, educated the ignorant and guided the faithful. They also defended their world from evil forces, such as demons, witches and heretics. They fought wars, negotiated peace and established laws. They were respected and adored by most people, but also feared and envied by some.


Saintesses are distinguished by their white robes with golden stars, which symbolize their purity and power. They also wear crowns or tiaras with the emblem of the goddess, which is a stylized sun with a crescent moon. They carry staffs or wands that channel their divine power.

Saintesses have unmatched levels of divine power, which they are born with. Only 20% of women are born with divine power, and they are always saintesses. There is no other way to become a saintess than being born with divine power. Saintesses have more power than any other priests or laypeople.

Saintesses can use their divine power to heal any wounds, cure any diseases, purify any toxins, remove any curses, enhance any abilities, create any shields, summon any light and perform any miracles. However, using divine power has a cost: it drains their life force and shortens their lifespan. If they use too much power at once or too often, they can suffer from exhaustion, pain or even death.

Saintesses can also share their divine power with others by blessing them. Blessing someone can heal them, protect them or empower them permanently. However, blessing someone also reduces the saintess's own power and life force proportionally. If they bless too many people at once or too often, they can lose their power and life force permanently.

Culture and society

Saintesses live in churches, which are buildings dedicated to the worship of the goddess. There is only one saintess in each church, and she is the head priestess. The head priestess is responsible for managing the church affairs, leading the services and overseeing the other priests.

Saintesses follow a strict code of conduct that reflects their faith and duty. They must be honest, humble, compassionate, generous, loyal and obedient. They must avoid lying, stealing, killing, harming, coveting or disobeying. They must also practice celibacy and abstain from sexual relations.

Saintesses have a close relationship with their goddess. They pray to her every day, thank her for her blessings and ask for her guidance. They believe that she watches over them and rewards them for their good deeds or punishes them for their sins.

Saintesses have a mixed relationship with laypeople. On one hand, they serve them as healers, teachers and leaders. On the other hand, they demand respect, obedience and tribute from them. Some laypeople admire and love saintesses for their kindness and wisdom. Some laypeople fear and hate saintesses for their power and authority.

'Gods and Goddesses'

Gods and goddesses are immostals who are heavenly beings with supernatural powers. They are the original creators and rulers of this world where they live, and they have various domains and aspects. They are also the ancestors and protectors of humans, who are their descendants and worshippers.

Origin and history

The origin and history of gods and goddesses are unknown. According to legend, they emerged from the primordial chaos and shaped the world according to their will. They also created humans in their image and gave them gifts and guidance. They lived among humans in disguise, sometimes taking human lovers and having demigod children.

The gods and goddesses formed a pantheon, with different ranks and roles. The highest rank was the king or queen of the gods, who was the leader and arbitrator of the pantheon. The king or queen of the gods was chosen by a vote among the gods or by a divine decree. The other ranks were the major gods, who had important domains and aspects; the minor gods, who had lesser domains and aspects; and the demigods, who were half-human and half-god.

The gods and goddesses played an important role in the history of their world. They created and maintained the natural order, such as the seasons, the weather, the tides, the stars, etc. They also intervened in human affairs, such as wars, plagues, famines, disasters, etc. They granted blessings, curses, miracles, prophecies, etc. to humans who pleased or displeased them. They also had conflicts and alliances among themselves, sometimes resulting in wars or marriages.

However, over time, humans became more independent and rebellious towards the gods and goddesses. They stopped worshipping them, disobeyed their laws, challenged their authority and even killed some of them. The gods and goddesses became angry and disappointed with humans, and withdrew from their world. They retreated to their heavenly realms or hidden places, where they remained isolated and aloof.

Only a few gods and goddesses remained active in the world, either out of curiosity, compassion or vengeance. They are:

Sophia, Greek goddess of wisdom, war and crafts. She is the queen of the gods and the patroness of civilization. She is wise, brave and skilled in various arts. She is also proud, stern and vengeful towards those who disrespect her or her children.

Shiva, Hindu god of destruction, transformation and meditation. He is the destroyer of evil and ignorance. He is powerful, fierce and unpredictable. He is also calm, peaceful and detached from worldly affairs. He often meditates in remote places or dances in cosmic cycles.

Thordis, Norse goddess of thunder, lightning and strength. She is the daughter of Thor and Sif. She is strong, brave and adventurous. She loves to fight, explore and have fun. She is also loyal, generous and protective of her friends.

Heba, Egyptian goddess of magic, healing and motherhood. She is the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is kind, gentle and nurturing. She heals wounds, cures diseases and soothes pain. She is also clever, resourceful and resilient in facing adversity.

Yohualli, Aztec god of wind, sky and learning. He is the son of Quetzalcoatl and Xochiquetzal. He is smart, curious and inventive. He controls the wind, flies in the sky and learns new things. He is also playful, mischievous and rebellious towards authority.

Helia, Greek goddess of sun, music, prophecy and healing. She is the daughter of Apollo and Daphne. She is bright, cheerful and talented. She shines light on darkness, plays music on her lyre and foretells future events She also heals wounds cures diseases and soothes pain She is also friendly kind and compassionate towards others

Leif, Norse god of love beauty fertility and war He is the son of Frey and Freya He is handsome charming and seductive He inspires love beauty and fertility in all living things He also fights bravely skillfully and honorably in battle He is also loyal generous and protective of his lovers

Maat, Egyptian goddess of truth justice balance order mummification and the afterlife She is the daughter of Ra and Hathor She is fair honest and impartial She maintains the cosmic order judges the dead and weighs their hearts against her feather She also preserves the bodies of the dead guides their souls and grants them eternal life She is also wise calm and dignified in all situations

Seishi, Japanese god of death He is the son of Izanagi and Izanami He is dark cold and ruthless He rules over the underworld collects the souls of the dead and punishes the wicked He also controls the forces of decay disease and disaster He is also cunning cruel and vengeful towards his enemies

Ming, Chinese goddess of humanity, stars and universe. She is the daughter of Pangu and Nuwa. She is benevolent, compassionate and generous. She created humans from clay, gave them life and taught them culture. She also created the stars, planets and galaxies, and arranged them in harmony. She is also majestic, powerful and mysterious in her cosmic essence.

'Wizards and Witches'

Wizards and witches cursed human beings with supernatural powers. They are the descendants of an ancient race that was banished from this world where they live, and they are doomed to die. They have various powers that can be used for good or evil.

Origin and history

The origin and history of wizards and witches are tragic. According to legend, they were once a noble and powerful race that lived in harmony with nature and magic. They were the guardians and protectors of the world, and they had a special bond with the gods and goddesses.

However, over time, some of them became corrupted and greedy. They abused their powers, oppressed other races, and defied the gods and goddesses. They also experimented with dark magic, creating abominations and monstrosities. They started a war against the gods and goddesses, hoping to overthrow them and rule the world.

The war was devastating and lasted for centuries. The gods and goddesses fought back with their divine power, but they were outnumbered and outmatched by the wizards and witches. The world was plunged into chaos and destruction, and many lives were lost.

Finally, the gods and goddesses decided to use their ultimate weapon: the curse. They gathered their remaining power and unleashed it upon the wizards and witches. The curse stripped them of their immortality, weakened their powers, marked them with a scar on their forehead, and doomed them to die within a hundred years. The curse also severed their connection to nature and magic, making them outcasts and pariahs in the world.

The curse was effective and irreversible. The wizards and witches were defeated and humiliated. They fled from the world, hiding in remote places or blending in with other races. They lived in fear and shame, knowing that their days were numbered.

Only a few of them remained loyal to their original ideals and values. They tried to redeem themselves by using their powers for good, helping others, and seeking forgiveness from the gods and goddesses. They also hoped to find a way to break or lift the curse, but they never succeeded.


Wizards and witches are distinguished by their scar on their forehead, which is a sign of their curse. The scar is usually shaped like a star or a crescent moon, depending on their power. The scar glows when they use their power or when they are near death.

Wizards and witches have different levels of power, depending on their birth, training and faith. Only a few of them are born with power, unless they come from a wizard or witch family. These families are rare and secretive, often intermarrying to preserve their bloodline and power. Most of them are born with only one power, but some of them are born with more than three powers. These are called prodigies or anomalies, and they are either revered or feared by others.

Wizards and witches can use their power to perform various feats, such as:

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with one's mind

Pyrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate fire

Invisibility: The ability to become unseen by others

Telepathy: The ability to read and communicate with other minds

Shapeshifting: The ability to change one's appearance and form

Super Strength: The ability to exert great physical force and lift heavy objects

Flight: The ability to fly through the air

Time Manipulation: The ability to alter the flow of time, such as slowing down, speeding up, or stopping it

Healing: The ability to heal oneself or others from injuries and diseases

Mind Control: The ability to influence the thoughts and actions of others

Teleportation: The ability to transport oneself or others from one place to another instantly

Illusion: The ability to create realistic images and sounds that deceive the senses of others

Elemental Control: The ability to manipulate the natural elements, such as water, earth, air, and electricity

Precognition: The ability to see and know the future events before they happen

Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects

However, using power has a cost: it drains their life force and hastens their death. If they use too much power at once or too often, they can suffer from exhaustion, pain or even death.

Wizards and witches can also enhance their power by using various tools or methods, such as:

Wands: Sticks or rods that channel their power and help them focus

Spells: Words or phrases that activate their power and produce specific effects

Runes: Symbols or patterns that store or amplify their power and protect them from harm

Crystals: Stones or gems that contain or attract their power and enhance their abilities

Potions: Liquids or solids that alter their power and affect their body or mind

Rituals: Actions or ceremonies that invoke their power and connect them to other sources of magic

Culture and society

Wizards and witches live in isolation or secrecy, avoiding contact with other races or the gods and goddesses. They have no common culture or society, as they are divided by their power, origin, allegiance, and personality. Some of them are solitary and nomadic, wandering the world in search of knowledge, adventure, or peace. Some of them are social and communal, forming clans, covens, or guilds with other wizards and witches who share their power, goals, or beliefs. Some of them are loyal and faithful, following the old traditions and laws of their race, and honoring the gods and goddesses. Some of them are rebellious and defiant, breaking the rules and norms of their race, and opposing the gods and goddesses.

Wizards and witches have a complex relationship with other races. On one hand, they are feared and hated by most of them, who see them as cursed, dangerous, and evil. They are often persecuted, hunted, or killed by humans, who blame them for their misfortunes and disasters. They are also distrusted, envied, or exploited by other races, who covet their power and secrets. On the other hand, they are respected and admired by some of them, who see them as gifted, powerful, and wise. They are sometimes befriended, helped, or loved by humans, who appreciate their kindness and wisdom. They are also allied, traded, or learned from by other races, who benefit from their skills and knowledge.




After reading all this, my head was already a mess. Yet there was still one more.




Vampires are monsters with a thirst for human blood. They are the descendants of an ancient race that was cursed by the gods and goddesses for their sins. They have various traits and abilities that make them superior and dangerous to humans.

Origin and history

The origin and history of vampires are tragic. According to legend, they were once a noble and beautiful race that lived in harmony with nature and magic. They were the friends and lovers of humans, and they shared their blood and life with them.

However, over time, some of them became corrupted and greedy. They abused their power, oppressed other races, and defied the gods and goddesses. They also experimented with dark magic, creating abominations and monstrosities. They started a war against the gods and goddesses, hoping to overthrow them and rule the world.

The war was devastating and lasted for centuries. The gods and goddesses fought back with their divine power, but they were outnumbered and outmatched by the vampires. The world was plunged into chaos and destruction, and many lives were lost.

Finally, the gods and goddesses decided to use their ultimate weapon: the curse. They gathered their remaining power and unleashed it upon the vampires. The curse stripped them of their beauty, immortality, and magic. It also turned them into monsters with red eyes, sharp teeth, pale skin, and a hunger for blood. The curse also severed their connection to nature and magic, making them outcasts and pariahs in the world.

The curse was effective and irreversible. The vampires were defeated and humiliated. They fled from the world, hiding in dark places or blending in with humans. They lived in fear and shame, knowing that they were doomed to die.

Only a few of them remained loyal to their original ideals and values. They tried to redeem themselves by using their power for good, helping others, and seeking forgiveness from the gods and goddesses. They also hoped to find a way to break or lift the curse, but they never succeeded.


Vampires are distinguished by their red eyes, sharp teeth, pale skin, and hunger for blood. These are the signs of their curse. They also have other traits and abilities that make them superior and dangerous to humans.

Vampires have enhanced physical attributes, such as strength, speed, agility, reflexes, senses, healing, etc. They can lift heavy objects, run faster than cars jump higher than buildings dodge bullets see in the dark hear heartbeats heal from wounds etc They also have enhanced mental attributes such as intelligence memory charisma persuasion etc They can solve complex problems remember everything charm anyone influence others etc

Vampires have a long lifespan but they are not immortal They can live for thousands of years but they can die by various means such as divine power, being exposed to the sun for too long, vampire killing swords, aconitum flowers, selenite stones and starving.

Vampires have a thirst for human blood but they can also drink animal blood or synthetic blood They need blood to survive but they can also eat normal food or drink normal liquids They prefer fresh blood from living sources but they can also drink stored blood or blood products

Vampires have a chance of having powers similar to the ones wizards have but they are not as common or as strong as them They can use their powers to perform various feats such as telekinesis, pyrokinesis, invisibility, telepathy, shapeshifting, etc

Vampires own strong dark magic which are also their servants. but they are not as versatile or as reliable as them. They can use their dark magic to create or summon various creatures or objects, such as bats, wolves, shadows, fog, etc. They can also use their dark magic to cast spells or curses on others, such as mind control, illusion, pain, fear, etc.

Dark magic is a type of magic that is used by vampires and their descendants. It is a powerful and dangerous form of magic that draws from the dark and negative aspects of the world, such as death, decay, pain, fear, etc. It is also a corrupt and unstable form of magic that can harm or consume the user or the target.

Dark magic can be used to create or summon various creatures or objects that serve the user or the target. These creatures or objects are usually dark, twisted, or monstrous in appearance and behavior. They can be bats, wolves, shadows, fog, etc. They can also be weapons, traps, cages, etc. They can obey the user's commands or act on their own will. They can also turn against the user or the target if they are not controlled properly.

Dark magic can also be used to cast spells or curses on others that affect their body or mind. These spells or curses are usually harmful, painful, or frightening in effect and consequence. They can be mind control, illusion, pain, fear, etc. They can also be diseases, wounds, poisons, etc. They can manipulate the target's thoughts, emotions, senses, memories, etc. They can also cause physical or mental damage, suffering, or death.

Dark magic has a cost and a risk for the user and the target. It drains the user's life force and hastens their death. It also corrupts the user's soul and mind, making them more evil and insane. It also attracts the attention and wrath of the gods and goddesses, who despise dark magic and its users. It also backfires or fails if the user is not skilled or careful enough. It also harms or consumes the target if they are not strong or lucky enough.

Dark magic is a forbidden and feared form of magic that is shunned by most races and societies. It is considered a sign of curse, evil, and madness. It is often persecuted, hunted, or killed by other races or societies who fear it or hate it. It is also distrusted, envied, or exploited by other races or societies who covet it or its secrets.

Dark magic is a rare and secretive form of magic that is only known and practiced by a few individuals or groups. It is usually learned from ancient texts or artifacts that contain its secrets and instructions. It is also usually taught by masters or mentors who have mastered its use and secrets. It is also usually hidden from others who might discover it or steal it.

Culture and society

Vampires live in isolation or secrecy, avoiding contact with other races or the gods and goddesses. They have no common culture or society, as they are divided by their origin, allegiance, personality, and power. Some of them are solitary and nomadic, wandering the world in search of blood, adventure, or peace. Some of them are social and communal, forming clans, covens, or guilds with other vampires who share their bloodline, goals, or beliefs. Some of them are loyal and faithful, following the old traditions and laws of their race, and honoring the gods and goddesses. Some of them are rebellious and defiant, breaking the rules and norms of their race, and opposing the gods and goddesses.

Vampires have a complex relationship with humans. On one hand, they are feared and hated by most of them, who see them as cursed, dangerous, and evil. They are often persecuted, hunted, or killed by humans, who blame them for their misfortunes and disasters. They are also distrusted, envied, or exploited by humans, who covet their power and secrets. On the other hand, they are respected and admired by some of them, who see them as gifted, powerful, and wise. They are sometimes befriended, helped, or loved by humans, who appreciate their kindness and wisdom. They are also allied, traded, or learned from by humans, who benefit from their skills and knowledge.

Vampires have a way of turning humans into vampires by giving them their blood. but they do not do it often or lightly. They only turn humans who they deem worthy or desirable, such as lovers, friends, family, followers, etc. They also only turn humans who consent to it or request it, as turning someone against their will is considered a violation and a crime. Turning someone into a vampire is a risky and painful process, as it involves drinking the vampire's blood and dying a mortal death before rising as a vampire. The process can also fail or backfire, resulting in death or deformity.

Vampires have a chance of being born as vampires if they come from a vampire family. but they are not very common or very welcome. They are called dhampirs or half-vampires and they have mixed traits and abilities of vampires and humans. They can have red eyes or normal eyes sharp teeth or normal teeth pale skin or normal skin and hunger for blood or normal appetite They can also have enhanced physical or mental attributes or normal ones They can also have powers similar to the ones wizards have or none at all They can also own dark magic which are also their servants or not

Dhampirs are often rejected or discriminated by both vampires and humans who see them as impure weak or unnatural They are often persecuted hunted or killed by vampires or humans who fear them or hate them They are also distrusted envied or exploited by vampires or humans who covet their power or secrets

Dhampirs have a hard time finding their place in the world as they belong to neither race nor society Some of them are solitary and nomadic wandering the world in search of acceptance adventure or peace Some of them are social and communal forming clans covens or guilds with other dhampirs who share their bloodline goals or beliefs Some of them are loyal and faithful following the old traditions and laws of their race and honoring the gods and goddesses Some of them are rebellious and defiant breaking the rules and norms of their race and opposing the gods and goddesses.