
Shoto In Another World

After his grandfather's passing the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe is transported to another world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Great Guide

"Is hot."

Shoto Kuzakabe was woken by the blistering heat touching his skin.

He turned to the side as to not open his eyes directly at the sun.Shoto sat up right and observed his surroundings while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

He seemed to be at top of large rock surrounded by desert in which ever direction he looked with only a few mountains in the far far distance.

The sand dunes casted the illusion of movement like rocking waves read to crashed against a cliff side.

"I've been kidnapped by another world," it was the only possible answer.

He still remembered the voice that talked to him and how he got dragged through a dark space tunnel.

"On the bright side I don't have to pay rent," I tried look at it positivity.

"But where am I?"

[Answer: You are in the desert zone of the Hidden Palace dungeon.]

Shoto was startled by the voice in his head he thought it was the same voice that brought him hear but on closer analysis it sounded different from the voice that brought him hear.

"Who are you?"

[Answer: I am the unique skill <Great Guide>]

"Well judging from your name I can already guess what you do but you're not the skill I received from that other voice,"

[Answer: The skill you received from the Voice Of The World is called <Harvest >]

"Voice Of The World…Harvest what does it do?"

[Answer: It allows the user to gain the properties of it's targets provided that targets are in a state to be harvested]

"Hmmm does it do anything else?" Shoto was curious.

[Answer: After carful analysis the unique <Harvest > can neutralize and store substances that are harmful to the user.]

'So it's not a skill I can use in battle what a bummer.'

[Notice: Although <Harvest > can't be used in battle it can increase the users strength after every battle.]

'So you can read my thoughts ay.'

[Answer: Affirmative.]

"Now how do I get out of this dungeon?"


"Hold that thought I have to check something."

Shoto sat in cross lagged position and began circulating Ki through out his body that had began to feel strange.

"Thousand Spring Breathing" Shoto muttered the breathing technique.

Due to impurities of the modern world upon nature only a handful of people in Shoto's world could cultivate ki Shoto being one of them.

'My ki as increase by at least ten years,"

Shoto circulated his Ki even more with the Thousand Spring Breathing to find the source of this strange feeling in his body.

'Huh what is this?' Shoto detected a strange energy in his body.

This other energy in his body appeared to be in a scattered form trying to getting itself. Shoto used his ki to move the scattered energy but it wouldn't completely.

This other energy repelled ki, every time Shoto would try to push it into form with his internal energy it would reject.

[Warning: Attempt to move magic particles using internal energy my result in sevier internal damage]

Shoto stopped when he heard that word internal damage. He still wants to control the magic particles but he needed a new way.

"Is there a way to manipulate this magic particle?" He asked.

[Answer: Yes. Would you like me to guide you?]

"Umm yeah."

[Step one feel the magic particles with out using ki.]

Shoto closed his eyes and focused within him without using ki. Shoto had thought that feeling magic particles would take longer then it did to sense ki but.

'I can feel it.' he sensed it in half a minute.

It was a brief tingling at first but that was enough for Shoto to begin sensing magical energy.

[Congratulations you have gained the extra skill <Magic Sensor>]This voice of the world spoke.

"Whoa it was that easy?" Shoto could now feel the magic particles within him.

"The air is quite thick with magic particles." Shoto could sense how heavy the air was with magic particles.

[Step two began absorbing magical energy to increase the effectiveness of <Magic Sensor>. The Thousand Spring Breathing will be of sufficient use.]

"Oh yeah." Shoto began to meditate again.

Now that he could sense magical energy he could also move it. Magical energy had much different feel from ki. Absorbing ki was like being a tree that absorbed water beneath the earth while absorbing magical energy was like being in a rainforest that had excess water everywhere.

'Its to much'

The more magical energy he absorbed the more his internal energy core began to be overwhelmed. His magical energy was actively trying to kill internal energy by crushing it.

'I need to fix this or my dantian will be destroyed.'

Shoto didn't know what to do magical energy was flooding his dantian trying to put out his ki.

[Notice: I will guide you on how to regulate magical energy. First sealing acupuncture points.]

<Great Guide>sealed certain acupuncture points to stop out magical energy from flowing inside Shoto. This also keep it from tried kill Shoto's internal energy.

[Now direct all the magical energy to one spot of your body]

Shoto breathed and began directing magical energy towards his solar plexus to store it. Once the magical energy had taken the shape of a sphere in his solar plexus <Great Guide> sealed it and opened channels that would direct all magical energy to his magic core.

His internal energy core was sealed away from his magic core to prevent them from clashing.

"Yeesh that was exhausting at least I can use magical energy and internal energy now," he said.

[Warning: Attempting to use raw magical energy will harm the user. I advise you to refrain from using magical energy until you have refined it.]

"So I'll just be stacking energy until it's ready be refined." Shoto could sense magical energy flowing into his magic core making it bigger.

Shoto wanted to ask how to refine raw magical energy but he decided to get back to his earlier question.

"Hey Guide how do I get out of here?"

[Answer: In order to move to the next level of the Hidden Palace dungeon you must hunt and kill monster living in the desert.]

A list listing a hundred and fifty species of monsters appeared right in front of Shoto.
