
Prologue: Wishes Of Safe Travels

Losing his parents at a young age had left the now sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe emotionally detached and with the death of his grandfather the detachment grew.

The funeral service was already over and everyone had payed their condolences and left except for one person.

"I'm sorry for your loss Kuzakabe," a female voice tried to console Shoto.

"Thank you Nishina," he responded without turning around.

"You don't have to use my last name after all we are pupils from the same dojo and your my senior,"

No response came from Shoto as he turned around to face Nishina. Shoto's long hair hung over his beautiful face but the dead look was still visible in his hazel brown eyes that were turning darker by the minute.

Shoto reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notebook he scanned through it before handing it over to Nishina.

"The notebook contains the missing parts of your kenjutsu grandfather made while he was hospitalized," Shoto said.

Nishina's blue eyes turned watery and tears dropped onto the notebook. She whipped away her tears and accepted the notebook.

"I'm sorry and thank you," she said changing her tone.

"If you need sometime off from school I can speak to the principal to have—"

"There no need to speak to the principal I'll be fine over the weekend."

"Still I'm worried for your well being," she had a concerned look.

"I'll be fine now get out I need some sleep,"Shoto yawned.

"Hmph you really are rude Kuzakabe not even offering to escort her out the door," another voice entered the room.

"Maito," the only person Shoto address by first name,"what wind blew you here?"

"I came to pay my respects to master Eiji," Maito bowed too the portrait of Shoto's grandfather.

"And I came here to check if my rival was in the right headspace," Maito's eyes scanned Shoto, "you don't look so good."

"Rival? Whatever I be fine."

"Your still in your school uniform," Maito pointed out.

"I'll changed now get out I'm tired," Shoto kicked them out.

"Alright then be safe, council president shall we getting going?" Maito offered to link arms with Nishina which she accepted.

After they left Shoto locked the door, turned of the lights and flopped onto his tatami mat. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a letter from his grandfather.

"Dear Shoto

It with great sadness that I could not stay with you any longer. I thought I had a few years in me but my body wasn't as strong as I thought.

I have already imparted my knowledge to you the only thing I have to say in this letter is safe travels in life and we will always be with you."

PS: "Harvest the tomatoes we planted they should be ripe by now."

"Yeah I'll harvest your tomatoes and feed them too your grave," Shoto put the letter back in his breast pocket.

As Shoto was about to make himself comfortable for sleep a voice entered his head.

[Confirmation complete. Acquiring unique skill <Harvest >. Success unique skill <Harvest > has been acquired]

The voice sounded computer generated with no emotion what so ever.

Shoto was lifted off his tatami mat and into the air for a moment he felt like he was in a horror movie were people get lifted up by supernatural forces before getting brutality dropped down.

He turned around as to not fall on his back and cross his arms to cushion his fall. Although his tatami mat laid on the floor his intuition told him that that the landing was going to be anything but soft.

[Beginning Transmigration in 3…2…1]


Shoto closed his eyes and braised himself for impact with the floor but there was none.

"Hmmm?" It felt weird.

Shoto could still feel he was falling but there was few things missing for it to be a normal fall.

'I'm still fall but I'm not accelerating and the gravity is dragging instead of pulling something's up.'

After his contemplation Shoto opened his eyes only to see darkness wherever he looked.

"What's happening?" Shoto asked but received no answer.


Shoto broke through something then as slight acceleration in falling followed.

'I sped up,' Shoto braised himself again.

Shoto decent began gaining more speed as he fell through this dark tunnel that took him to who knows where.


A light shimmered at the end of the dark tunnel and as he got closer to it the light revealed itself to be a circle with with strange patterns but there was no time for Shoto to study it as he crashed right through shattering it and knocking him out in the process.


It day time the sky was clear and the desert sands was scorching hot under the blazing sun.

"Hmmm this one is taking longer than the previous ones."

A mysterious man who wasn't brother by the heat voiced his thoughts.

His red eyes looked up to the sky waiting for something to drop out of it but nothing came.

"Did I fail?" He thought.

A being that had never experienced failure in it entire existence questioned it for the first time.

"If I failed than—."

Before he could panic about his supposed failure the sky began cracking open.

"Yes I knew I would never fail!!" The mysterious man danced and cheered for himself.

When the crack fully formed a person fell out of the crack before it closed back up.

"Oh shit I need to grab him," the mysterious man stopped dancing and snapped his fingers.

The boy who was falling disappeared at the mysterious man's feet. Using his magic the man softened up a spot on the rocky mountain he had been standing on to make the unconscious boy comfortable.

"Oh my I didn't know I summoned such an extreme beauty," the man licked his lips.

His cheeks flushed red and his lower region turned hard for the unconscious boy before him.

"To aroused me after all this years you really are a worthy summon," he was extremely tempted to play with the unconscious boy.

"Sigh unfortunately time is too short for me play with you," he touched the boy's pretty face.

The mysterious man snap his fingers and phased the unconscious boy out of his uniform leaving him naked.

The mysterious man's mouth drooled seeing the boy's love making tools yet his calmed his temptation and proceeded with his work.

The mysterious man removed the upper half of his robe revealing his pale body. Red veins sprung forth from his body and planted themselves in the unconscious boy.


The boys winched from the pain but he didn't wake up.

The mysterious man snap his fingers and a blue ball appeared in his hand."Alright let's begin."

Golden pattern drew themselves across the man's body before being bathed in dark aura the shrouded his very being.

The veins began pumping blood and other properties from the mysterious man's body into to the unconscious boy's body. The blue ball shrunk as he took something from it.

"This is for later," he said.

He then placed the blue ball atop the unconscious boy's forehead. "I'll let that sink in."

"This might work well for a beauty like you." Eyes open on his black arm.

"I got the perfect combination." He plucked out one golden eye, two red eyes and one purple eye.

Using his veins the man controlled the unconscious boy to open his mouth making him swallow the four eyes.

A blue light bathed the boy indicating the blue ball had successfully merged with the unconscious boy. The veins detached themselves from the unconscious boy and the mysterious man used his magic to phase the boy's close back on.

The dark aura and gold patterns faded from his body and he now looked like a shriveled up old man contrary to his young appearance from before.

"Huh I'm not regenerating," he sighed.

He touched the unconscious boy one last time but notice the letter in the boy's breast pocket. He took out the letter and noticed something odd.

"There's quite a strong amount of ki on this letter hmm." He began to think before smiling.

The mysterious man took off the jewel from the necklace he had then infused ki into it before putting the letter and placing it back in the unconscious boy's breast pocket.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Oh my time is up." He shrugged.

"Well I do express my deepest apologies for bringing you here against your will but—"Crack! A crack appeared across his face.

"Whatever I wish you safe travels my beautiful otherworlder." He bowed his head as he began to disintegrate.

"Bowing feels weird," he voiced his last thoughts as vanished from the world.

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