
Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Author: DXHaseoXD
Ongoing · 3M Views
  • 896 Chs
  • 3.3
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What is Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Read ‘Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure’ Online for Free, written by the author DXHaseoXD, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: You read the title, right? If not...He had been playing an H-Game when all of sudden...his life ended.When he woke up, h...


You read the title, right? If not... He had been playing an H-Game when all of sudden...his life ended. When he woke up, he found that he had been sent into the world of the H-Game. What will he do now that he's in this new world? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Come follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/DXHaseoXD Come check out my stream: https://twitch.tv/dxhaseoxd Every 250 Power Stones is an extra chapter for that week! Up to a maximum of 5 extra chapters a week!

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"Let's start then." He took her hand in his, interlinking her fingers and dragged her with him, all the while looking at her face. She noticed that and was looking straight ahead. "Look ahead. Or you'll trip." Not a second later, Ella's leg gave away when came across something and was about to fall flat on her face, when Roy clutched her stomach from the back lifting up in the process. Now he had her lifted closer to him, her back touching his chest, her mouth slightly open expecting the fall to be hard, her legs were in the air; he said in her ears, "Like this?" "Let go of me." She gritted her teeth when she understood he did it purposely. He was always like that. To teach her he would go to extent of putting her in danger only to save her later. --- Legacies go way back. They are lost to the world now, but not gone completely. It wasn't chosen for Ella to be a part of it, but it was her inheritance. Drowning and dragging her along leading to an inescapable choice. The lives of the top are equally miserable with the lives of the low, which he understood very well. Then won't it be better to play on the top than stay low... Two different lives belonging to different phases come together in this nasty game of power and pleasure that it's too true to be ignored. --- Life is lived for common goals of having a job, car and home. That is what Ella wanted too, a stable life without much complications, but will her identity and position let her live such common goals? Specially when the person who was supposed to be her knight was actually hunting her.

deep_ty1999 · Urban
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89 Chs

Jangan membuka pintu

Prolog Pada 700 tahun yang lalu, ada keluarga kecil, namun mereka hidup bahagia, sang ibu sudah tiada karena melahirkan si bungsu. Kemudian ada satu hal yang tidak pernah disangka-sangka. Karena kecerobohan itu, mengakibatkan semuanya tiada. Sebelum pergi ke hutan, sang ayah yang bekerja sebagai pemburu, berpesan kepada sang kakak dan adik yang bernama, Jaka dan Eko, agar tidak bermain hal yang berbahaya. Begitu ayah pergi, sang kakak, Jaka pergi ke kamar dan tidur. sang adik bosan di dalam rumah, berulang kali dia melihat ke luar jendela. Eko tidak bisa menahan rasa bosannya lagi. Jadi dia membangunkan kakaknya, Jaka. Jaka yang sedang tidur, menggeliat malas. Dan menyuruh Eko main sendiri. Dengan hati yang kesal, Eko pergi ke dapur. Eko menyadari ada batu api di dekat tungku untuk memasak. Dengan rasa penasaran, Eko meraih batu api itu kemudian mulai memainkannya. Api menyala secara mendadak di tangan Eko, karena kaget, Eko melemparkan batu api ke dalam tumpukan kayu kemudian dengan cepat api menyebar. Pintu belakang di dapur tidak bisa di buka lagi, karena tertutupi api. Eko lari ke kamar Jaka yang masih tidur. Dengan panik Eko menceritakan semua. Jaka dan Eko kemudian menghambur keluar. Ruangan itu sangat panas. Api menyebar tidak terkendali. Dan mulai memasuki ruang tamu. Joko juga Eko berusaha membuka pintu. Sayangnya tidak terbuka karena terkunci dari luar. Baru saat itulah Joko menyadari ayahlah yang mengunci dari luar agar Eko tidak main ke pinggir hutan tempat mereka tinggal. *** Dan kisah ini dimulai saat sepupuku, Melisa dan kelima temannya, bermain di rumahku. Aku tak tahu kalau Melisa dan kelima temannya akan merubahku seperti sekarang. Apa kau tahu? Terkadang rasa ingin tahu itu berbahaya. Begitu yang terjadi dengan Melisa dan kelima temannya. Mereka hanya sekedar ingin tahu tentang legenda tahu itu, tapi rasa penasaran itu malah membawa petaka.

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Raising Beasts to Become a Consort

This is a story about a person who grows up after crossing over into a little mink. He is the Emperor of Feng Ze Kingdom. Decisive and ruthless, cold-hearted, and intimidating. Unexpectedly, such a cruel man raised a pet... Moreover, he cared for and indulged the pet to no end. Segment 1: The eunuch hurried in, panting, and reported, "Majesty, the Fengyun mink jumped into Qingyuan Pond, caught a Phoenix Goldscale Fish, and ran towards the imperial kitchen." An Honghan, who was dealing with government affairs, didn't even look up, "Since it loves to eat, send a message to Yuyun Kingdom, asking them to send another batch of fish over." The eunuch stared blankly at his spot, dumbfounded. The Phoenix Goldscale Fish was worth a fortune, and there were only about twenty in the entire Qingyuan Pond. The Emperor not only indulged the little mink's random predatory behavior but also treated such a precious fish as its food. [One day, the little mink will cultivate into a human, let's see how the Emperor reacts at that time...] [Emperor's Chapter] Three Prerequisites for Raising Beasts: First, fill its belly, euphemistically called, "capture its stomach." Second, be patient; as the saying goes, one can't eat hot tofu if they are impatient. Third, train it personally without anyone else's help; in other words, make it recognize... who it belongs to. [Little Mink's Chapter] Three Advantages of a Cute Pet: First, no worries about food or clothing, and the owner's big hand to smooth its fur. Second, make trouble without a care, with someone to clean up after. Third, and most importantly, monopolize the owner's embrace. But... Why is it that after she cultivated into human form, her master was still wrapped around her... His big hand stroked her back, saying it was to smooth her fur...? Damn it, where do I have fur all over my body now! If you want to take advantage, just say so! ——————————【Cutest Pet Strikes, Who Will Compete】——————————

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云栖暮,一个精神力太过强大导致身体崩坏,却非常欢乐的进入退休生活的大佬。 种田、钓鱼、做做小饼干,小日子过的倍儿爽的等待死亡降临。 然而她又活了,还回到了八大王权者并立,帝国还未统一的异能大爆炸时代,成为了大贵族云家傻小姐,才刚清醒过来就被投放到流亡星叫她自生自灭。 云栖暮表示:我是大佬我无所畏惧! 黑吃黑,踹暴兽,垃圾堆里找宝贝,还有小弟端茶递水,这样舒舒服服的咸鱼躺小日子它不香吗! 然而主脑扼住了她命运的后颈皮,非要逼她搞建设。 于是脏乱差的流亡星上悄悄的多了一方净土,名为“地球”。 地球村标语:你想过上有酒喝有肉吃的好日子吗,只要跟魔鬼做交易你就能拥有了! (温馨提示:这不是骗局,这绝对不是骗局,错过血亏!) 云栖暮拍拍手写完招人广告后就开始了“矜矜业业”的基建经营,开局一间小木屋,渐渐的扩大成一个村,又从村变镇,从镇进化成城,最后扩展到整个星球。 自此咸鱼的好日子一去不复返,身边还多了个霉运罩顶的未来霸主,死乞白赖的偏蹭着她。 男人的腰匀称劲瘦,肤白貌美,一双漆黑魅惑的眼睛迷的她神魂颠倒。 算了,看在他长的好看的份上,收了! PS:一对一,星际经营基建文!

阑珊留醉 · General
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Table of Contents
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Volume 1 :Crappy H-Game
Volume 2 :First foothold

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so which game was he playing l, I'm just asking for a friend


yuri and ntr . .. worst combination in harem


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Shameless author here! I've never written hardcore, so I figured I might as well give it a try and this was one that I enjoyed writing. So I hope that you enjoy reading this as well! Put on some loose pants and enjoy!


If you like these Tags: Beta MC, submissive, weak, coward and naive then you will love this novel. ..............................................................


so before I start reading i need to know is the mc NTRing or is he getting NTR'd


The definition of a boring novel. MC can only be awkward, shocked, or bitter.. that's his reaction to everything. every chapter he is shocked by random things, awkward in general, and bitter about random things.. never changes pattern. Aside from the unsavoury tags that i haven't really encountered throughout my short reading attempt. There really is no depth, nor anything captivating about the novel. I can clearly tell that this is the MC's personality, and he will never show any growth. He is only capable of showing 3 reactions, shock, awkwardness and bitterness... and he will remind you of that every single chapter. In reality, this type of guy would get bullied daily, and would never ever get the interest of a girl, no matter how ugly. You're better off not reading anything than ever wasting a second on this novel, since everything is bad about it.. no redeeming qualities.


the story has promises, but it honestly at times feels like death by PowerPoint, in some chapters there might be 1 or 2 sentences the rest of the chapter will just be long pointless explanations or the characters overly long thought process


I like it, but the protagonsit is a slow thinker and kinda clueless and should focus more on moving up on the social ladder and rise above the others, there is also the yuri, he should make those girls bow to him and stop with that, the only one he should allow to have pleasure is him and those who have his permission




Minable [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


Its finally time for me to write a review. Currently, I am at chapter 281. So, I think I am qualified to give a comprehensive review.First of all, I will admit that I didn't have much expectations for this novel except for smuts due to the nature of the title of the story.I am very impressed with the writing style and the coherency of the plot progression. Though the story idea isnt out of box that one expect for new novels, the presentaitionof this story and the moments has kept me to the edge regularly.The smuts are average and in my opinion, needs some improvement to make this story more exciting.The most imoportant thing that this story needs to improve is the world background. Everything thing else are good.


At this point in history, how many women are in the MC harem? Is there a yandere in the harem and those who don't like it?[img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


please please please give a review. is there NTR in this? If yes, please give a review so that other readers stay away from this. if not then it will be worth a read


Yuri bro 😔😔 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Read the first 40 or so chapter, well I would like to say that I find the protagonist weird. Also, story feels a little gloomy..


I can’t wait for the next chapter to come out


Im really digging this.. idk why it has 3.3 rating.. only problem i find in this whole novel is constant use of some words/sentences like "I couldn't help myself but reveal a bitter smile" its toned down a lot now.. but mentioning expressions can be improved.. story +10, mc +10, pacing is fine.. ero content isn't too much and pretty balanced.. altho i do expect more scenes.. atleast some small interactions.. scenes are well written as well..


The story started promisingly if you ignored the general awkward behavior at the start, which is not really rare at the beginning of transmigration novels, however... Our guy acts like he is frozen in time on his first day! He still acts like a virgin after taking his 3rd concubine, and "bitterly smiles" after his wife set him up with a buxom beauty, that he low key courted for the last 40 chapters. Also the MC is a huge incompetent SUB!!!! Beware!!! The MC is always the most incompetent person in the room, except for the cartoonish husbands whom he "NTRs", except these husbands always leave their wives virgin for decades, for nonsensical reasons. I started this novel 4 times, and now I once again gave it up around ch ~130


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