

"We'll make a fortune with these, boss!" An underling exclaimed.

"Haha! It was almost too easy to acquire these!" The boss had laughed as the books had been laid out on the ground in front of him.

"Oh? Should I make it harder to get in then?" Shiro had asked as she appeared behind the leader of the treasure hoarders.

"Huh?!" The boss exclaimed as he quickly turned to face her upon hearing her voice.

"Protect the boss!" one of the underlings shouted to the others.

"Wait!" The leader tried to order as he turned around to see his underlings already on the floor.

"So? Should I?" Shiro once again asked.

Panicking, the boss fell to the ground onto his knees bowing in front of her.

"Please, let my boys go! I alone take the blame for our actions against you." He pleaded and begged on the floor.

"Don't worry, they're not hurt, nor are they dead, just unconscious." Shiro simply assured him.

"R-really…? T-thank y-you…" He said, nearly crying upon hearing his underlings were fine.

Looking up to her, he wiped the incoming tears and regained some composure.

"I humbly return these grimoires to you, oh mighty Adepti." The boss said as he held the books up to her.

"Grimoires? What made you think they were grimoires?" Shiro asked as she retrieved the books from the boss's hands.

"Huh…?" The man stared in confusion.

"If you had taken a look at the contents, you would've seen they're nothing more than simple journals." Shiro informed as she opened one of the books.

The boss wore a shocked expression on his face as Shiro began to leave. The other hoarders had begun to start waking up when Shiro had been out of sight, with the boss having to explain what had happened.

"You seem to quite enjoy appearing unannounced, Cerberus. This goes for you too, Miss Psyche, the Clever Conqueror." Shiro commented upon seeing two familiar faces in her abode.

"Greetings Aunty Shiro." Psyche said as she waved at her with a smile on her face.

"How has one's training been, Psyche?" Shiro simply asked her as she placed her books back onto the correct shelves.

"Yo! I'm here y'know?" Cerberus exclaimed upon seeing Shiro ignore his presence.

"If you're here, I'd prefer you treat my books with more respect if you're going to read them." Shiro sternly said as continued to place her books.