

"State your purpose here, Inazuman." Shiro sternly said as she stood over a man whom wore short white hair, had a pair of noticeable white fox ears upon the top of his head.

"I'm not an Inazuman, at least not anymore." The man stated.

"You're with the Fatui, a Harbinger nonetheless." Shiro simply asked.

"It's surprising you can tell that from my appearance." He chuckled.

"Not from your appearance alone, but from your presence." She coldly stared at him.

The man did nothing but laugh at the observation.

"It's Cerberus, you?" He simply asked her.

"It's Shiro." She said as she jumped down from the ledge which she stood upon.

"You have quite a different aura from the Archon's I have defeated in the past." Cerberus commented upon her landing.

"Hm? The other Archon's you say…" Shiro mumbled.

"Say that again? I couldn't hear you!" He exclaimed.

"One must see fault in oneself, without allowing arrogance to blindside them." She commented.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're bored, no? Follow me." Shiro said as she began to leave.

"Um, ok?" Cerberus simply complied, thinking nothing of it.

"We're here, come in." She said as she walked through a gateway, with Cerberus following closely behind her.

As the two walked upon the open space within the domain.

"What did you want from me?" He asked as Shiro stopped walking.

"Draw your spear." Shiro said as she turned to face as she grabbed the blade from her hair.

"Oh? You wish to challenge a god such as myself?" Cerberus asked as he drew his polearm.

"I do hope you can bring some entertainment into my oh-so boring existence." He said as he laughed.

"Only after our blades meet, will one be able answer that question." Shiro simply stated.

"I suppose so!" Cerberus exclaimed as he readied himself for the bout.

"I warn you, this is the same spear that has brought down even your god, the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis once before!" He shouted as Shiro readied her blade.

Though she said nothing, her blank eyes stared upon the arrogant man.

"You ought to learn some humility." Shiro sternly said.

"Well then, I hope you can teach it to me, sensei!" Cerberus joked.