

"Hm?" Shiro said, glaring down towards the ground as she began to descend.

"The entrance has been disturbed… Footsteps, both in and out…" She observed as she placed her hand upon the wall of stone, which soon began to fade away.

"Human greed is something that will always remain it seems." Shiro sighed as she walked into the now revealed cavern, towards a mystical looking gate.

As the Adeptus walked through the gate, it revealed a floor made with water that mirrored everything that was above it, accompanied by a clear blue sky, with nothing but a massive library within the middle of the empty space.

"Let's see what they took." She commented as she walked inside of her library, "Hm?" she said, noticing an unfamiliar book on the floor.

"The Overseer Adeptus…" Shiro read as she picked up the book and took a seat.

"An Adeptus whom's abode can be found deep beneath Qingyun Peak, they who oversees the balance and natural order of these lands, only to appear alone when Liyue is in need, forgotten amongst the ages, is the most capable of all the Adepti..." She read as she couldn't help but wear a subtle smile upon her face.

"This is quite the exaggeration to say the least."

"That being said." She said as she placed the book on the table.

"Shall I see to what has been taken from my abode?" Shiro simply said as she glared upon the empty spots upon her book-shelves.

"Let's see…" She mumbled as she waved her hands, making the memories of her abode appear in front of her.

"Look at all of these Grimoires for the taking!" A female treasure had said as they both stared upon the walls of books.

"We'll make a fortune with all of these!" A male hoarder exclaimed.

"Grimoires…?" Shiro commented as she watched.

"Good thing this Adeptus left their abode so easily accessible."

"Yea, let's take some of these and get outta here."

"You're right, if we take too many it'll be easily noticeable." As the memory ended.

"That book must have been left here by these two then." Shiro said as she glared towards the book on the table on her way out of the library.

"Well then, let's see where this leads me, shall we?" She said to herself as she began to follow the footsteps that led away from her abode, with the cavern closing as she left.