

"Ad Astra Abyssosque, welcome to the Adventurer's Guild of Liyue, how may I be of assistance today?" The Adventurer's Guild Clerk, Katheryne had asked.

"I'm here to register to become an Adventurer.." Shiro humbly said.

"May I ask for a name?" Katheryne requested.

"It's Shiro." She simply said.

"I'm afraid it's not an immediate process however, Miss Shiro."

"I see… very well, i'd like to also retrieve an order that should have been placed for me."

"Let me take a look… Yes, we have an order here for you placed by Lady Ganyu, correct?"

"Correct." Shiro simply said

"Here you go, please take care." She said as she placed a leather bag on the counter.

Shiro said nothing back, simply waving at Katheryne as she walked away.

"I wonder what relationship she has with Lady Ganyu if this order was a request, instead of being for work." The clerk thought as she looked over at the girl walking away.

"Anything else…" Shiro mumbled as she kept walking while looking into the bag.

"Hm?" She stopped as she heard a familiar voice.

"The case before us… Is quite strange indeed." A pinkish orange haired girl with white and yellow antlers mumbled as she stared down, lost in thought.

"You should take a break, your voice tells me you're tired." Shiro suggested as she poked the girl's cheek, immediately drawing the girl's attention.

"Hm- Oh god! You scared me there!" The girl annoyingly exclaimed.

"We shouldn't talk standing in the middle of the road, shall we take a seat, Yanfei?" Shiro simply asked as she gestured towards the nearby chair and table.

"Was there something you needed from me that brought you all the way to Liyue Harbor from your abode?" Yanfei humbly asked.

"I simply wished to have a chat, it has been a decade since we last talked, no? I brought something for you." Shiro simply said as she pulled out a plate.

"What could it be?" Yanfei asked with a questioned look on her face.

"You should get some proper rest sometime you know, both you and Ganyu still haven't learned that, that being said, here." Shiro said as she showed Yanfei the plate.

"T-tofu..? Thank you." Yanfei said after regaining her composure.

"You should eat it whenever you have time, I'll be heading back to my abode." Shiro said as Yanfei waved back at her.