
An Avatar

The song of Mjölnir swinging through the air was truly majestic. Thor took a couple steps towards the downed child.

Not to get any closer but to block Natasha from any future attacks on her person. Something about that child was familiar, something in that boy was divine.

Not like him, no. He was a god, mayhaps the child may be an Avatar? A Child of a weaker god? His mind raced through theories.

They never were his strong point he thought to himself, that was more Lokis area.

"Maybe keep your dog on a leash Professor" Stark said scathingly, he then dropped his faceplate and powered his suit for is the child came back.

"Stark, your words are harsh friend." To most of the company's surpirse Thor spoke up in defense of the child. "The boy is clearly going through some sort of mania"

Jean Grey quickly spoke up in agreement, "He's not usually like this, he's…he's a nice kid it's just well, something is going wrong" she worded poorly as she tried to explain.


Pietro was watching with wide eyes. That was not the same person he was fighting not even 5 minutes ago.

'That power' Pietro thought to himself, he felt a shiver go down his spine.


"Oh he doesn't usually act like this? Oh okay that's great guys" Stark said sarcastically, Hawkeye nodded agreeing with stark.

Something was wrong with the kid.

The way he killed Agent Law was barbaric, the way he chased after Natasha was insane.

"No seriously, he's just moody…somethings wro-" Jean tried to explain but was cut off by Cyclops.

"Clearly somethings wrong, Jean what he just tried is insane. He jus-" Cyclops was also interrupted by Professor Xavier.

"The boys an Avatar for an evil entity, this is not all his doing. The entity is driving the boy insane" Charles explained sadly.

Magneto and Wandas interest piqued.

"What Entity is this?" Thor asked the man while keeping his lightning blue eyes on the white haired child who was struggling to his feet.

Charles sighed "I'm not too sure but all I know it appears as a severed rotting hand and all it wants is destruction…do you recognise it?"

Thor shook his head in the negative "Nay, I shall contact home with this, my father may know."

Wanda decided she would look into it too.

Captain America walked over to Charles Xavier while keeping an eye on the teenager aswell. "So, what do we do now Charles?" The Captain asked.

"There is nothing we can do…I-" he sighed "I…believe we just wait" Professor Xavier's voice sounded unbelievably defeated.


Natasha's eyes were wide, her mind however was slightly blown. She had been beating up this kid for fun a month ago.

She was nearly just killed by him.

If it wasn't for Thor, she would be dead.

Tony, Steve, Thor or Bruce none of them knew she could have just died. They don't know his abilities, they don't know that he has killed before.

Her eyes slid across to Clint, his face was pale and she noticed the tiny shaking in his left hands ring finger, something only she could notice given how minimal the shaking is.

She heard a sudden gunshot and instinctively turned to the source, only to see it coming from the teenager.

Another 4 shots came their way, most completely missing by dozens of meters with one coming close enough Thor used Mjölnir to block it.


"FUCK YOU!" He screamed as he shot, he hated all of them. Everyone single one.

He couldn't wait to get his hands on that damn woman, he will tear her to pieces…he'll destroy her.

His wide red eyes only got more manic as he threw the gun, hoping it would hit the damn redhead.

He started to march away, he needed to escape. He wanted to turn around and kill everyone of them.

His broken ribs reminded him that, that's not a good idea.


Logan winced, he recognised that gun. He took it off the kid when he knocked him out. Last week he gave the kid the gun back as a token of his trust.

By the way Jean and Charles were looking at him, they didn't approve. The kids powers were more dangerous than that thing anyway.


The teenager used his increase in strength to throw the gun towards the large group of people. Only because of luck it landed anywhere Natasha.

She glanced at the gun on the ground and she recognised it, it's the same gun he stole from her when they fought in the restaurant.

"Great! Xavier you give your students guns now?" Stark asked with snark laced in his tone.

Xavier wishes he could stand, if only to strangle the man.

"No, Stark we're not in favour of giving weapons to children, however I know your quite famous for selling yours" Xavier let out a dig to the man's past.

Stark rolled his eyes and snorted.

Captain America frowned but turned to the mutants "We will be leaving now, unless you have any need of us?" He asked just to make sure they have this under control.

Xavier nodded "Thank you again Captain, we have this under control" 'Magneto is also under control Captain' Xavier relayed the second part via telepathy.

Steve nodded and entered the jet, Iron man dropped his faceplate and flew off, with Thor following in his wake and the jet taking off with Black Widow and Hawkeye shortly after.

Jean looked into the distance, she swore she only looked away for a second. "Where is he?"


Wanda felt a shiver go down her spine, he was gone.

She was strong, she knew she was strong but that ability could take anyone by surprise.

"Come, we are leaving" her fathers regal voice broke her thoughts and left her scrambling as she followed behind the man.

She looked behind again making sure the boy wasn't there.

To think someone her age was such a monster.

"Where's Blob?" Pietro asked.

"Dead" her fathers blunt answer caught her and Pietro flat footed as they followed behind the man.

She checked her back again, making sure that he was not there.