
Her condition

A sharp pain in the chest started to alter her breathing and her red face was becoming more and more pale.

• It hurts! Ahh!! I can't breathe! It hurts so much! - she was thinking.

Hiro meanwhile was looking terrified, Erin who was just smiling two minutes ago now is on the ground in agony.

• Did I make this happen? Is it because of me?!! - he was saying while shaking.

Upon hearing this words Erin tried to speak and said :

• Hero I have a heart problem.. - in a very low voice.

Hiro snapped et understood that in that moment he shouldn't be thinking this but he had to do something to help her.

• What do I do??? She has a heart problem and now her heart is going fast so I need to calm her down. But how?!?! - he thought.

• Erin tell me what to do ! How can I help you?? - he asked agitated.

Erin was almost out of breath. But she was thinking :

• If I go now then this boy will be all alone and I won't be keeping my promise.. NO!! I need to be stronger - she thought.

• Massage.. and she put her hand in her chest and then putted it in her mouth and said - air.

• YES!! - he said strongly as he understood what she meant.

He started to push with his hands in her tiny chest and then gave her air by mouth to mouth. He already had seen how it's done on TV. But it's his first time doing it and in the line is Erin's life.

After ten minutes or so Erin started to gain her facial color and to breathe better. Hiro was in a cold sweat after everything that happened. He was still shaking but he was right next to her. When she felt better, Erin touched his cheek with her hand and said :

• I'm sorry to have scared you. The truth is that my heart is weak so until now I was at the hospital. My house has always been here but to me it was my first time coming that's why I said I moved. I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to experience that - she said while looking gloomy and sad.

• But hey! I won't leave you alone, I even made a Pinky promise to be with you forever as your bride - Erin said with a huge smile.

Hiro upon hearing all this stopped shaking, looked at Erin who was smiling and said :

• You are right! I won't let you break our promise - and he also smiled back at her.